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Avatar for TheOtherEliArts2001


TheOtherEliArts2001 / 22 / Male / Currently: Australia [Formerly: United States]

Move forward at your own pace. Trying to measure up will only bring you down
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TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

New Years Journal Entry [2022 AD] [My Only Journal Entry For This Year]

Hello everyone. Yes, I have not posted anything in literally a whole year. Basically, I'm going to be talking about all the stuff that happened up until now, and this journal entry will be my last one for the year of 2022 AD. The first half of the year was not particularly interesting, and there is…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Another New Year Is Here

2021 was not that different from 2020, albeit it somehow felt less chaotic. I didn't have as much anxiety as I did in the previous year. More than anything, I recall feeling very annoyed and exceptionally bored. After all, I didn't really get out of the house much, no thanks to COVID-19. But apart…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Merry Christmas (2021)

So, Christmas has passed, both in the Eastern and Western hemisphere's of the planet. This is literally the first journal I have posted as a twenty year old. And it's close to the end of the current year (being 2021 AD). My birthday was simple. It was an ordinary day, not one unlike any other. Alth…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Once Again, My Birthday Is Really Soon (2021)

So... yeah. Title says it all. This will be the last journal I post as a Nineteen year old. Honestly, I've gotten used to it. Getting older. And frankly, I'm not exactly upset about it anymore. You know, there was a saying that I happened upon while I was scrolling through Pinterest. "Don't complai…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I got vaccinated again.

So two days ago, on Saturday, I got my second vaccination. Just letting you guys know. Which means that two weeks from now, once the vaccine settles in, I will be considered fully vaccinated. Now that doesn't inherently mean that I am immune to COVID-19, as even despite being vaccinated, there is s…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I just got vaccinated.

So both of my parents have already gotten vaccinated for COVID-19. But it's only recently that they started issuing vaccinations for young people like me. On Thursday, my parents had my appointment set up. And two days later on Saturday (which was yesterday), my parents drove me all the way to the…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

It's late May of 2021, and I just got sick.

By the title alone, one may conclude that nothing more need be said. But I'm going to say it anyway, because now I have something to write about. I'm sick. Again. For the umpteenth time. Happens once a year, at least. There is not a single year that goes by without me getting a cold at least once.…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

It's raining so much right now...

It's been raining constantly for over a week now. In fact, this is how it's been for pretty much the majority of Australia's east coast. There's actually been reports of severe flooding nearby where I live. I've seen videos of it posted online. It's pretty crazy. It's gotten bad enough that even en…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Another New Year Awaits Us? Welp, here we go again.

My last journal update for this year. So yeah. 2020. I think we can all agree this was a truly unpleasant year... for literally everyone across the world. In fact, I would say this was by far the worst year I've ever experienced. And 90% of the time, I was hardly doing anything, except remaining in…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Happy Holidays (December 2020)

So Christmas has just passed. We didn't get a tree this year, but we did make cookies. Also I got a new desktop this year as a present of sorts. So that's a bonus. I'm going to start using it more often. The one I'm currently using is breaking down, and becoming a lot more harder to manage. The new…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

My Birthday [October 15th, 2020]

I am officially Nineteen years old. It's weird. Like, okay. I'm getting older, and my birthday happened today. It wasn't really that special, not a whole lot happened today. But my gosh, I'm Nineteen. Granted, I still feel young, and I still feel like a teenager. It just feels strange, saying that…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I'm better already

Not much to say. Thankfully my sickness didn't last long. It was a small cold, and the symptoms have mostly faded away. I'm doing pretty well as of now. In fact, I don't think I am even contagious anymore. Since this morning, I have stopped isolating myself in my room. The sickness itself was more…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

It's 2020 AD... and I'm sick... again.

Happens once a year, people. There isn't a single year that I live without getting sick at least once. Now, don't worry. I don't have COVID-19. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but me and my parents have been social distancing for quite some time now. I've been staying in this house withou…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

About my previous post...

I like to write, okay? I'm not usually good at poetry, but I thought I might give it a try. My school curriculum keeps trying to encourage me to write all sorts of ways. Play-Script writing, Poetry writing, Prompt writing... I was experimenting. Originally wrote that poem on my phone a couple night…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

My Attempt At Poetry

Red Sun The sun is there, the sky is red In the heavens, blood has been shed We stand together, in the light Towards the sun, we aim our spite Within the rays, the air is hot For this to happen, I thought not As now there is a heated gust Upon our flesh, it has been thrust What happens next is frig…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

The World. (May 27th, 2020)

So yeah... the whole world has gone absolutely crazy. Not just COVID-19, but every natural disaster imaginable. So many things. I am literally shaking as I'm typing this. I nearly had an emotional breakdown just moments ago. This is all too much for me. All the days are playing out the same way for…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Guys, the toilet paper crisis is real!

Okay, so I'm sure everyone and their cousin's cousin knows about the situation with the coronavirus, and how it is spreading. Well, apparently I had heard on the internet that across all of Australia, people are buying large quantities of food, supplies, and toilet paper from stores and storing the…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar


So, 2020 is here. It's been here for a good four and a half weeks already. And the world has turned into a complete mess. China is being contaminated with a plague, Australia's climate has gone haywire, Africa's plants are being eaten by locusts, America has committed war-crimes with the Middle-Eas…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Once Again, A New Year Awaits Us [Final 2019 Journal]

So, a final journal update for this year. 2019 was a year that I personally have conflicting feelings about. I wouldn't really say it was a good year for me. But it didn't exactly start off as a bad year either... up until the very end. If you've read my previous journals, you can understand why. A…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

It's over.

Shadow has passed away today. He was worse than we had ever seen him. By this point, his condition was irreversible. There was nothing more that we could do. One point, we tried getting him to stand up, but he just collapsed on his own feet, lied flat on the floor and wouldn't get back up. He was s…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Biopsy is done. But the news isn't pretty.

My dog has cancer. It is untreatable, it is irremovable, and it is aggressive. It's only going to get worse. We don't know for sure how much time Shadow has left. The cancer is unpredictable, but what is known for sure is the fact that he will only get sicker. The doctor estimates that he has aroun…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

My dog came back home today

Shadow came back home from the vet today. Basically, we agreed to let him stay there in order for the biopsy to be done. But to do that, surgery had to be preformed on him. They took a sample from inside his body, likely from the unusual growth between his spleen and liver, and are planning to have…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

[My Dog] Something really concerning is happening

So I believe I mentioned before in a previous journal that I have a dog. He is a male golden retriever, and his name is Shadow. We got him when we was a puppy in 2010, and now he is Nine years old. So we've had him for quite some time now, and he's gotten pretty old in dog years. And that's where t…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I've moved

So I don't know if I've clarified this before in previous journals, but I'll tell you anyway. The house that we lived in, we didn't actually own. In fact, it was a rental home, and we were supposed to find a house that we could purchase before our rent ran out. We couldn't find a house, so we overs…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Has anyone else on Weasyl noticed some thing strange?

Has anyone noticed this weird trend on this site that usually involves the plagiarism of someone else's work? What usually happens is, users on this site will upload someone else's art-work from a different artsite, but underneath the image will have link to some movie-watching website, usually to…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I've Hit The Big One Eight

I'm officially Eighteen years old. My birthday was decent. I got to try a new kind of cake that I've never tried before. It's called "red velvet" cake. It's actually quite good. The cake itself is soft spongecake, and it's quite creamy too. It sort of reminds me of cheesecake. I didn't get any pres…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Turning Eighteen Really Soon

In less than three days (Fifteenth of October) I will be turning Eighteen years old. I don't expect that day to be extremely exciting, as it will probably be just like any other ordinary day. Growing up is a part of life. Being afraid of that is useless. I should be grateful to have the privilege o…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

It's October once again.

So, if one were to look at my previous journals, they would find that my birthday is on the Fifteenth of October. Except this year, I'm turning Eighteen. That's right, the big One Eight, as some would probably say. Yeah, my childhood is quite close to being over. Which is... I honestly don't know h…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I'm feeling down... [Warning: This is kind of ranty]

So it's happening again. My mood has changed, and it's affecting my health, and my ability to think clearly without having an anxiety attack. I'm not getting enough sleep. In fact, as I type this, I should be sleeping. It's almost 5:00 AM. I always wake up very late in the morning, expected to imme…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I keep taking naps during the afternoon and not at night...

Recently my sleeping schedule has become imbalanced, and I don't know why. I'm in my room right now, and I just had one of those naps. I went to sleep at around 6:00 PM, and then woke sometime at around 9:00 PM. It is already 10:00 now, as I am typing this. I don't know why my sleeping schedule kee…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

My immune system really doesn't like me.

I just got sick AGAIN. I just recovered from a cold last month, and now I've come down with another sickness. Frick. So I have bedridden myself for the past two days. In the mornings, I woke up with intense fevers. My eyelids felt as though they were burning, and I was so hesitant to get out of bed…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I've recovered. (Sickness Update)

So, in my last journal, I've confirmed that I was sick. Yesterday, my sickness had fully gone away. Now it is completely gone. I'm no longer coughing, sneezing, or having runny noses or hearing problems. My cold has passed. Unfortunately, my Mother has gotten sick. Like I said, when one person in t…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Getting Sick Again

Yes, the title says it. I'm a little bit sick. The symptoms are not too bad, but it's a little annoying. It started around two days ago, and I started getting the symptoms that one would normally get from a cold. Except they were very mild. So mild in fact that I didn't even think I was actually si…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Long time without actvity

Ranting Journal Entry: I don't really have a reason to post any journals. Aside from maybe letting the internet know that I'm still alive. It's been months. Last journal I posted was back in 2018 Strangely enough, an acquaintance of mine on the Weasyl website sort of disappeared. I won't name any n…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Happy New Year Everyone!

To whoever reads this, I hope that you had a decent year. I also hope you had an enjoyable Christmas. I also give thanks to those who took the time to view and/or favorite my work. I truly appreciate it. I also thank the ones who decided to follow me and befriend me on this site. I do like sending…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I have a Deviantart account!

I have had this Deviantart account for a while now, but I've finally posted something on it. The link to it will be on my Weasyl profile. The first image that I have posted there is the most recent image I have posted on here. This is just to make sure people know that I'm not just some person pret…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Scratch what I said before, I've got good news

Remember when I told you about the computer that I had that broke? Well, my parents managed to find someone who could repair it. Basically all that happened was that the power supply got fried, and simply needed a new one put into it. Or at least that's what I think happened. Anyways, the point is.…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Okay, kind of bad news.

Okay, kind of bad news. But hey it isn't the worst. Recently our stuff from the U.S. finally arrived to us in Australia. That includes the desktop that I've been using for about 3 years... up until now. My computer just broke. An attempt was made to try and plug my desktop into the wall of our hous…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

My birthday is coming up soon.

So it's been quite a long time since I've uploaded a birthday related journal entry. Like seriously, I've been using this site for over year already. It's crazy! Even my art has changed a little bit, you can probably see it too. Anyway, on the 15th of October this year, I'm going to be Seventeen ye…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

So what have I experienced this past month?

I literally have not posted a single journal in over a month in a half. Strange... I guess I was too distracted. Anyways, yeah. I'm still here. I still haven't been able to properly upload anything due to some complications but I'm actually going to give it a shot. I'm going to draw something and I…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Finally made it here [Moving Update]

So if you have read my previous journal entries before, I'm gonna say it now. I've made it. I have officially moved to Sydney, Australia. But for those who have only just started reading, let me explain. I am American, and prior to moving I had lived in the Pacific Northwest of the US. In fact it h…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Moving abroad in a few days

So in my previous journal, I mentioned that I was going to be moving to Australia. Well, that day is happening real soon. As of now as I type this, it is Thursday the 9th of August. My family and I will be moving next Tuesday on the 14th. However, on Saturday my dog is first going to be transported…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Summer is pretty much here... also, I'm moving to Australia

Yeah, nothing much to say about that. I mean, I'll have all the time I need when it comes to art and stuff, if only I wouldn't get so easily distracted. That being said, I think it's safe to say that I am actually very terrible when it comes to keeping track of my social media accounts... Yeah, as…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Sick again? Are you kidding me?

So back in March, I had posted a journal about getting a sore throat. Then not long after that, my nose got extremely stuffy. Well, this morning my throat started getting sore. Now I'm starting to get the leaky stuffy symptoms. And I know that there is nothing I can do to stop it, and all I can do…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I'm so angry at myself... or was, but I know why.

I can't live up to my own expectations. Every time I promise to finish something, I take over 10 days to finish it. Every time I try to put effort into making something, my hands can't conjure up something good. Every time I get my hopes up too much, I let myself down and I feel guilty about it. In…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I'm still here (Not a very important journal though)

Title says it. I'm still here with not a whole lot of important stuff to update. I feel like I'm starting to interact with a few more users here on this site, which is good. I actually have received some really nice comments about my art recently, and I am grateful for that. I thought my art would…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

(Sick update) Getting Better now

In my last journal entry, I mentioned that I was sick. And now a few days have passed and I feel like I'm getting better. I mean, I do still occasionally get the few sniffles and coughs, but overall I'm pretty sure I've gotten better. I just hope I don't get sick again because I'm going out in publ…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I think I'm getting sick... Darn.

If you clicked on this journal, let me ask you something. Why did you do it? Everything you needed to know was already in the title. Oh well, I guess since you clicked on it anyway, I might as well explain whats going on. Yes, I'm getting sick. At the time of writing this journal, it is past 1:00 A…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I feel so embarassed

It's already the first of March, and I've only posted ONE thing last month. What in the hell is wrong with me now... I feel so embarrassed. I wish I could have put more effort into drawing something, and I'm sorry. I feel like an idiot now.

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Valentines Day

So I don't have a whole lot to say other than Happy Valentines day. I didn't really do much to celebrate it really. I mean, my mother and I had to our our dog to the vet, and we had to wait there for over an hour. I think they had to get a sample of his blood or something, but I'm pretty sure he's…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Australia... and why I have been so frustrated lately

I am having such a hard time now. Why? Let me explain it then! Please note, I might get worked up while writing this, which is probably why you shouldn't read it. Because chances are it may end up like a journal that you'll have a hard time taking seriously. I mentioned Australia in the title. Here…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Some decent news! More submissions coming soon!

I've actually been sketching a lot lately, and I have also been quite busy with art related stuff. Once I'm done, I may have more than one thing to put online. They may be sketches or finished pieces, but they'll still be something nonetheless. Though I apologize for not uploading very often. I jus…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Rantyness of a lonely artist. Not art related... but it is stress related

I have been getting anxious again. I don't know why. I have been thinking about really stressful subjects, and I don't know how to get my mind off it. But I'd rather not talk about it. Don't worry, nothing bad happened to me and I didn't get hurt or anything. It's just that me and my mom were talki…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

A more positive update.

My artist block is receding! I can feel it. Ah... so wonderful. Sorry, I'm being a little over dramatic. It's just that I feel like I'm finally calm and relaxed enough to start making some content. It's been a bit rough, but I think I'm getting better. Sorry bout all the angst, but I just felt like…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Welp, I'm having artist block again, and I am lonely as heck.

The title says it. Artist block has kicked me in the ass once again. I dunno why, but its gotten to a point where I cant draw anything decent for 10 days before I put something online and wait another 10 days. It's ridiculous. How is it that I take so slow to make a good drawing and so many users o…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Happy New Year! It's 2018!

Happy New Year everyone. I can't believe a year has already passed. But at the same time I'm kind of relieved. 2017 was a mess. Everything was just stressful for everyone and it felt like the year went by so quickly. That's probably why I feel like its been a depressing year. But even then, a new y…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Creating a new Youtube Channel

I am making a new Youtube channel now. That way I can showcase other types of art that I make and put it online. I also do video editing and may want to turn my art into animation at some point. I may even do speedart type vids or something similar, or maybe create a different art account on a diff…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Happy Holidays Everyone!

So Christmas just happened for us all this year. Now even though not a whole lot happened today on Christmas, my mom did make gingerbread cookies and I got some new drawing supplies. I got myself some new markers that I can use, as well as some copic markers and ink pens. It's similar to the type o…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Still here... just a little down, but I'm okay.

I swear its like most of my journals just have a bit of angst in them. Maybe this is just me being a typical Sixteen year old kid. That's probably the more logical answer to that. Hey, I know I haven't put anything online in a while. I still have artists block, but I think I have an idea as to what…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Boredom and Artist block... again

Sorry for the lack of content lately. I really have been trying to make a good drawing for you guys. I've just been a little too stressed out lately and haven't been able to relax. But other than that, nothing really special has been going on lately.

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Depressed... just a little bit

I haven't put anything online lately, yet I really want to. I just haven't completed anything new yet and its really frustrating. Also, today was kind of a weird day today. I got distracted and I ended up deleting my YouTube channel, and now I feel bad for doing it. At least I can create a new one…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

Artist block sucks...

I have not put anything online in over a week. I have been lacking inspiration lately and I have no idea why. I actually plan on submitting artwork that was actually colored in a digital software instead of being sketched on paper, but so far my sketches have come out terrible and lacking in qualit…

TheOtherEliArts2001’s avatar

I am officially 16... should I be happy about it?

So I am officially 16 now. My birthday is always on the 15 of October. I honestly have mixed feelings about this, and I know that I should be proud about it, but the idea that I'm getting older and that I have a certain number of years before my childhood officially ends is kind of unnerving to me.…