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Avatar for Vinchenzo the Jackal

Vinchenzo the Jackal

Vinchenzo the Jackal / 36 / Male / USA , NJ

Commissions: Closed
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Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

September 11. The day so many suffer... year after year...

I mentioned this on Discord servers, it makes sense to put it in my furry journals too. 9/11 is a painful day every year. It is the day friends of my family went to work in the World Trade Centers and died, and we watched on live television this atrocity. It is the day I was in school as our teache…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

College problems

I'm having some issues at my college that requires me be on the phone for a bit with my family for getting help with my college. My professor wants me to keep a journal about him and our class, we need to write in it about our class lessons every day, mentioning what we like about the professor, li…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Happy holidays

From me to you and everyone, hope your December has been a blast so far. Whether you've been celebrating Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Yuletide, or Christmas, Happy Holidays to you all!

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Health and income problems are pretty serious.

I have lost social security income, I am dealing with serious health problems my medical insurance no longer covers almost every medical problems. 90% of the USA relies on either Medicare or Medicaid, this includes me. I have Horizon Blue Health. That is the state of NJ Health insurance offered by…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Update and more: By next week, I'll have my driver's permit.

Well, I got lots of good news. And little bad news. Good news! My health is improving! I'm no longer bleeding thanks to medication and a low fiber diet. Bad news! My health insurance is no longer providing me aid, the government has made many new cuts to Medicaid and medicare. Good news! I'm gettin…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

I am going to the ER tomorrow

I am going to the ER tomorrow, my family can't take me now. I am just having some internal bleeding issues, and its not going to kill me if I wait 12 hours. Wish me well and hope I get better soon.

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

My family says that furry artists are scammers

My sister says that furry artists are scammers. They claim that no professional artists accepts payment outside of cash and credit card. My sister's boyfriend gave an example, a close friend of his from college who is a professional artist, who sells art at a minimum of $130 a piece for a drawing a…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Long time since an update - Depression

It's been a long time since I did an update. I've been suffering from a pretty intense depression. It might be because of CVR... the lack of their ability to properly help me... my Anxiety acting up... but I've been an emotional wreck and am psychologically not doing too well. I've been trying my b…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Discord is Scary - Crazed Tyrants

So... I'm on a pregnancy fetish discord group... yup... weird right?, and most everyone is not a furry and we don't really get to know the people there that well. Especially me since they are not my fellow furries Well, some can be a little crazy. Very crazy in fact. Evil even. Turns out two of the…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

A death in the family, Timmy

A death in the family, my cat, Timmy, was found dead this morning. I'm shocked, and horrified, and saddened, that my cat, who was young, died today. I feel horrible. Timmy didn't live to be old, he wasn't even 12, barely even 10. He was found in the bushes, when cats are sick and dying, they are kn…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

I'm back from the hospital...

I was hospitalized for 6 days, during that time I asked my sister to log in to my discord and twitter and send a message to everyone... she couldn't figure out how to do so she claimed.... so I've been stuck unable to reply... and she couldn't reply. I followed through a suicide attempt that day, t…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

The flaw in CVR and why it can't help anyone.

CVR is something I just go to now at this point. I don't feel like this program is capable of helping me. Most staff don't seem interested at all in helping me, they either seem to fake interest, concern, and even listening, which I've tested them for... sadly... they've failed. Also, why is it tha…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Discord is Depressing - Furry Drama and Depression

I feel sick to my stomach, broken and beaten... as if hope was given to me, only to be stolen today... you must be wondering why? Woke up to a ban on a Discord group. Furry drama yet again ruins my time in the fandom. Some other furry misbehaves, tosses insults and argues to staff, but thanks to th…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Trump urges small scale weak gun control laws - and what?!

Trump urges small scale weak gun control laws - and what happens? Conservative Republicans and Gun Owners explode! They don't want military assault weaponry banned from being sold to civilians. They don't want Bump Stocks removed, which enables them to shoot several hundreds of thousands of bullets…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Gonna try drawing again...

People I've chatted with on Discord have boosted my Confidence enough for me to want to draw, so, I drew some sketches of animals from the game Staxel. I put them up on my gallery on my accounts at the websites I'm on. I'm going to try getting back into drawing. These people have restored my confid…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Starting my aftercare program at CVR

Center for Vocational Rehabilitation called this afternoon, I'm starting next week, finally. I'm glad to be going to my aftercare program starting Tuesday. Will be going to there Monday-Thursday. I've been waiting a long time to start my aftercare program since leaving the hospital, been over a wee…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Good Intentions, Bad Results, Always Forsaken

It seems that because I never know everything that has happened in someone's past, I will never be able to say just the right thing to help and console them. I will always say something wrong, I will always make a mistake, and will always will be wrong. It's like I'm cursed. I want to do something…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Most Common Untrue Animal Myths

I've learned that most people here in the USA, my home, believe a lot of things they call facts, and truths. I've even had wonderful friendships with popular furry artists shattered, and all their followers hate me, solely because I told them these things are not facts, and are not true. These thin…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Was at the hospital for 6 days... updating here... alls well.

Had an episode, almost a waking nightmare, where I barely had any control over my actions, and any knowledge and memory over them. Was supposedly very briefly aggressive followed by intensely depressed and suicidal. Was sent to a medical hospital. After 16 hours,, was transferred to Riverview Hospi…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Hot Depressing December and Hot unHappy January

December was an unreasonably hot month with temperatures managing to reach 70 Fahrenheit in New Jersey. We had no snow... and it was horrible. Oddly, this January, we got snow on the December 31 AND January 1, only for it to be gone and melted away already. Two days with enough snow to be considere…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Someway possible to get away from depression -Help Request

Well, considering my followed through suicide attempt was from a mix of circumstances, I'm now seeking to escape a few of them. In regards of the circumstances I'm dealing with IRL, they are tied to an unkind, uncaring stepfather, and he and my mother are controlling, and quite, abusive. While this…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Successful follow through with suicide attempt, failed to die

For the past 6 days I have been in a hospital. I returned to being heavily attacked by Staff on multiple furry websites... They deleted all my journals, punished me with suspension, and threatened to ban me if I would ever become depressed again. I feel like committing suicide again. Not sure if I…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Why does Blocking occur like this? Net Neutrality Haters...

A Trump supporter claiming Net Neutrality is harmful and bad for America, and that Obama made Net Neutrality to ensure Liberal Democrats and Mega-Corporations would have complete and absolute control of the internet. That it harms both consumers and businesses, and denies people freedom. When I arg…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Assassination attempt on Obama hits new today...

Assassination attempt on Obama has hit the news today... Problem is, this woman, who mailed IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) to Obama, is one of many crazy people wanting to this shit, and is likely only one nutcase we know of. This woman did it because she deemed she was saving President Trump'…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Extreme Depression, Family Attacks me from all sides

Well, my brother Sean was supposed to take me to Taco Bell for fast food, because my mom refused to make me dinner because she needs to feed my stepdad's sons, who eat mainly meat, and things with sauce and onions, which I do not, because my diet doesn't include meat in even a daily amount, let alo…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Trump acquires 24-Hour Ready Nuke Bombers... we're getting closer to WW3!

Trump has acquired access to 24-Hour Ready Nuke Bombers... this means we're getting closer to WW3! With North Korea's closest allies being China and Russia, who also possess Nukes which can reach us, its also as if Trump wants to make WW3 a nuclear war too. Mind you, it does not help Trump has unwa…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Donaldovich Trumponuv flips the finger to Puerto Rico and Las Vegas Victims

Donald Trump continues to show himself as an asshole who cares about no-one but himself. In his trip to Puerto Rico he attempts to shame and condemn the people there for harming the USA by making the nation's debt worse by helping the disaster torn province of the USA. He speaks of how Puerto Rico…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Solar Eclipse endangers American Businesses - Donald Trump

Donald Trump doesn't like the Solar Eclipse because it is disrupting important and valuable businesses in the USA. These businesses rely on management, manipulation, and control of communication, travel, and currency use. These are all also major corporations. Some of them are Banks. Others have ha…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Unbanned from SoFurry... without explanation...

I was originally perma-banned, without explanation, from SoFurry, the day I made a journal complaining about FurAffinity and its undeniably likely deceitful manipulative explanation that FA staff suspended me because SF staff requested it. In that journal I spoke well and positively of SF staff and…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Here I can at least talk about the events in Virginia, USA.

On FA (FurAffinity) whenever there was something going on with the NeoNazis or KuKluxKlan, and I made a journal condemning it, the journal would be removed because it was racist against white folk and prejudiced against Christians. ON SF (SoFurry), similar things happened in the far past, and if an…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

My political, religious, and so forth stances USA and more.

So, I've been called a Nazi by some democrats, a Socialist Communist by all modern Conservative Republicans, and a tea partyer by select few democrats, and an idealist by the remainder. I've been heavily dedicated to beliefs set by Old World Conservative Republicans, a wonderful party. Favorite Pre…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

FA suspension has ended, SF ban continues.

While my FurAffinity(FA) suspension has ended, the SoFurry(SF) ban continues. What is odd is that FA staff continue to claim that my suspension happened as requested by SF staff. SF staff deny they ever made the request still. SF staff have repeatedly sent me emails requesting me to log into SF and…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

FA Suspension ends tomorrow! Finally!

Well, my FurAffinity(FA) suspension ends tomorrow. Finally! As people who know me very know, the furry fandom was heavily influential and important in my life. During my early adolescent and to the first years of adulthood self-harm and suicidal thoughts and desires consumed my life. I lived a life…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

FA staff suspended me for talking bad about SoFurry?!?!

Furaffinity staff discussed whether or not me talking poorly and making people on SoFurry look bad is against CoC(CodeOfConduct). They decided that even if someone never visits and uses FurAffinity, so long as they are a real person, cannot be condemned, mocked, made fun of, hated, criticized, or s…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

First mass-deportation of arab christians important to news!

The first mass-deportation of arab Christians has become important to news! In a situation where all Christians who originate from Iraq are being deported to Iraq, the news cares! They are mentioning how Trump and ICE are deporting Christians who are Arabs over the fact they don't want non-whites i…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Net Neutrality Art Campaign

There is an art campaign going on for Net Neutrality. It's originating from DA(DeviantArt). I'm not a great artist, but my new friend JacobFox wants to spread the word. What is more important than removing political and corporate control over the internet and protecting our freedom here? https://da…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

Is this depression? Probably...

I think I might be depressed. I've been sleeping a lot, eating less, and crying a lot more. I'm not sure what to even consider the source of all this. I'm not sure if it's what goes on at the internet to blame, or the aimless direction of my life that leads no-where. I'm not sure if it's the horrib…

Vinchenzo the Jackal’s avatar

New User from Abusive Home

Well, I'm new here. I've come after being on FA, SF, and InkBunny. I've had bad experiences at all three of those furry websites. Especially SoFurry and InkBunny. I'll give the short version for each site. SF had a super racist staff whose hatred of blacks and muslims was limitless. The Head-admin…