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Long time since an update - Depression by Vinchenzo the Jackal

It's been a long time since I did an update. I've been suffering from a pretty intense depression. It might be because of CVR... the lack of their ability to properly help me... my Anxiety acting up... but I've been an emotional wreck and am psychologically not doing too well. I've been trying my best to hide it and appear happy, but everyone notices I'm not happy, even when I make a smile... since it doesn't last, and its kind of... forced.
I haven't been given long complex comments, that are kind and supportive, or anything. I have devolved back into using emotes mostly. Usually sad faces, happy faces, hearts, etc. Wish I could add a few words more often, but its hard for me to use words right now.
I wish going to college could solve things. I wish this meant a new phase in my life, a new start, leaving the bad behind. But the bad follows me, and I can't avoid it. The best I can do is survive it.
If people worry about this, don't be, I'm alive, that matters. Be happy for that. Not killing myself anytime soon.

Long time since an update - Depression

Vinchenzo the Jackal

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