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Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (5-6-2024)

Back from Mississippi! Never exactly fun going over there, but this trip was particularly hexed, it seems. So for those that don't know, the reason I keep going over there is to help family gradually clear out and fix up the house my great aunt and uncle lived in for 50 years. They hoarded a looooo…

Lloxie’s avatar

Another Mississippi Trip

So yeah just a heads up, I'm heading out of town again for a few days. So as usual, my time online will be limited. I'll check in on my server now and then but otherwise gonna be scarce until whenever I get back on Sunday. On the bright side, I'm hoping I'll at least get some writing in during the…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (4-29-2024)

Well, I'm a bit better than last week, but still struggling to keep up with things. Someone tell life to heccin' slow down already! >.<; At least my mental health has been... okay. Better than it was, anyway. Had to get up extra early to go get bloodwork done today. Good news is I managed to not fa…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (4-22-2024)

Sorry the update's so late today. Past week has been... ehhhhh not great. Still struggling to adapt to the new meds, PLUS my mental health is still giving me issues. The meds are at least mostly helping with those afternoon anxiety spikes... generally, anyway. It doesn't help that I have this bad h…

Lloxie’s avatar

Apologies for the Slowdown

Yeah I know, my productivity has slowed to a crawl lately. Kidna struggling to adjust to these new meds I'm on. I promise I'm still working on things, just... very slowly. It's hard to focus with the way I been feeling lately. Like, more than usual. Next MHO chapter is about halfway done. Wish me l…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (4-15-2024)

Weekend went well until it didn't. Bit of an emotional/mental rollercoaster I don't want to get into here. Probably didn't help that I forgot to take my new anxiety meds for two days. Oof. But hopefully this week will be more productive. Got art to work on and writing to do. Keep getting nice comme…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (4-8-2024)

Well I think I'm finally free of the covid garbage... knocks on wood All I have now are the usual seasonal allergies, whiiiich... yay rivers of pollen in the air. =_=;; Can we skip to autumn plz? But yeah, finally doing a bit better. Been trying to catch up on some things, but it feels a little ove…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (4-1-2024)

Oh jeeze, it's April first. Don't worry, no jokes in this update. I'm not in the mood, heh. Always felt a bit iffy about this "holiday" anyway. Weekend went a bit better than the week did. Found out I lost ten pounds over the last few weeks, though I can't recommend getting covid for weight loss, h…

Lloxie’s avatar

Help this sweet spottyfloof get to 1k followers! I've known Exvarn for many many years now. He's a very talented and sweet bean, and streams every Sunday. He's only 9 away from his goal of 1k followers! So please come pop in, say hi, and consider helping him cross that line! Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

Long Covid?

Don't let anyone tell you covid's no big deal. I'm on my third week and even though most symptoms are gone, I still have an irritating cough, and I'm constantly fatigued and weak to the point where I feel like I could conk out any time. And my appetite is very limited, too. So hey, I guess silver l…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (3-25-2024)

Cripes, this strain of covid really likes to hang on! Still coughing like crazy each morning and evening. On top of that, my mental health cratered again over the weekend. So sadly I didn't get as much writing done as I'd hoped. That doesn't mean none though! I've been working on both the next MHO…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (3-18-2024)

Still not quite back to 100%, but I'm definitely a lot less sick than this time a week ago! Covid's definitely living up to the hype. Eugh. At least I'm finally mostly past the head fog now. Now I just have to deal with my usual mental health issues... wheee.... Yeah, my damn mind is attacking me a…

Lloxie’s avatar

Health Update

Slowly getting better, but definitely not over this damn thing. Woke up with a nasty headache this morning. And sweaty, too, so I likely had another fever in the night. My appetite and it's hard to eat much despite my body clearly needing fuel. At least I think the brain-fog is starting to lift a b…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (3-11-2024)

Well, covid finally got me as of today. (Though to be fair I was starting to feel a little cruddy over the weekend, but at the time I chalked it up to subpar sleep) Managed to dodge it for four years, so I guess I can't complain too much. Still, feeling pretty rough at the moment. Really tired and…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (3-4-2024)

Hoooooly frick, it's March already?! Damn, someone tell time to slow down already! @_@; So yeah, as previously stated, I was out of town again for several days and got back last night. Getting real tired of those little trips to Mississippi, but eh, I'll deal. On the bright side, and I hope I'm not…

Lloxie’s avatar

Returned Fox

I'm back from my trip! Pardon me while I catch up on everything, hehe. @.@; Got a lot to catch up on... Good news is I did pretty much finish two chapters of MHO! I maaaay or may not add onto the second one a little more before uploading it. But at the very least, you can expect the first one to be…

Lloxie’s avatar

Fanart, and Another Damn Trip

Hey folks, got a quick update here. First of all, I was recently contacted by a lovely individual that was asking if it was alright to make fanart of Lykou and Kuna. Honestly, it never occurred to me that someone might want to do that, for whatever reason. I'm flattered and honored, to say the leas…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (2-26-2024)

Woops, bit late on this again! Doesn't seem like it's been another week already. Time needs to slow the frick down, I swear... Not a whole lot new to say. Mental health is still a rollercoaster, and my sleep pattern has been the same. Still, at least I'm doing a bit better today. The weather was ni…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (2-19-2024)

Sorry it's a bit late in the day this time. But at least it's still on the right day, heh. Just got back into town from my little Mississippi trip. For the most part things went alright, although I've been having trouble getting a good night's sleep for the past week or so and it's starting to real…

Lloxie’s avatar

Quick Update

Just so folks know, I'll be out of town from tomorrow morning until sometime Monday. I'll have my computer and some chance at internet in the mornings and late evenings, but other than maybe popping on Discord briefly to check up on my server, I'll probably more or less be effectively offline, sinc…

Lloxie’s avatar

Ferzu? and Mushy Thoughts

Anyone ever tried Ferzu or know much about it? I have a vague maybe-fake memory of hearing something negative about it, but nothing specific. Granted, I'm wary of dating apps in general, but all of the sudden I find myself pondering things... For the most part, I've been alright with being single f…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (2-12-2024)

This past week was a bit of a mixed bag. First half went pretty well, latter half... well, I was in a bit of a funk for a couple days, and really went downhill fast over the weekend. I was kinda grouchy, then just fell into deep depression, battling constant intrusive thoughts and struggling to sle…

Lloxie’s avatar

Poll - Furry Fandom Start

Long story short, I went down a little memory rabbithole tonight and it led me to some curiosity. Around what year did you first encounter/join/start having an interest in the furry fandom, particualrly online? Please response here if you are so inclined: Posted us…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (2-5-2024)

Hello everyone! Hope you had a good weekend! Not a huge amount to say on my end right now. Didn't do any of the drawing I'd intended to do sadly. But hey, I managed to crank out a couple more chapters for MHO! Really got stuck on the lyrics for a song at the end of chapter 8 for a bit there, but I…

Lloxie’s avatar

MHO Talk

Yep, time for some more MHO talk! First of all, yes, I'm working on the next chapter. In fact, I plan to spend enough time on it today that hopefully it'll be up within the next day or so. There's just one tricky bit that's challenging me a bit. Without spoiling too much, I'm trying to come up with…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (1-29-2024)

Can't believe another week has gone by already, to be honest. Seems like I was just doing one of these the other day! I did end up getting a lovely bit of gift art from an artist whose stream I randomly popped in on as a result of a raid from another one I'd been in last Friday. Well, I say gift ar…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (1-22-2024)

Hey peeps! Last week was kind of rough. Got stuck in the house for most of it due to the ice storm. And I do mean ice- we didn't really get snow so much as a bunch of sleet that turned into a solid sheet of ice over everything for most of the week. Been a long time since we had a winter this intens…

Lloxie’s avatar

More MHO Talk

Yeah I know, "just shut up and upload the next chapter already, Lloxie!" Trust me, I'm working on it. It's almost done, don't worry. Although, on that note, I could still really use feedback regarding my last post about MHO! Anyway, there are some other things I remembered I wanted to blather about…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (1-15-2024)

Good grief, time just seems to go faster and faster! I can't believe it's already been another week already! And I ended up in Mississippi again over the weekend, too. Ugh. There's a good chance that'll be a recurring thing over the next month or two. Maybe not every week, but at least once or twic…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (1-8-2024)

Oh man, what a rough one. This past week my mental health has been in tatters, to put it mildly. It's not quite as bad as last March's episode (the little meltdown + week of virtually no sleep that at least ended with me starting MHO in an attempt to clear my head) but it's come worryingly close at…

Lloxie’s avatar

Intrusive Thoughts Suck

Yeah, my mental health hasn't been great this week. I made a big, slightly rambly post about some things on my mind over on Cohost. And for once I don't feel like copy+pasting the whole thing here, so here's a link instead if you're curious:…

Lloxie’s avatar

Server Reminder

Just a quick reminder that I do have my own Discord server, for whoever might be interested: Lloxie's Boxie Always looking to connect with more peeps, heh. ^^ And Discord is by far where I'm most active. So pop on in and say hi! Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (1-1-2024)

Once again, happy new year to all! crud, it's January. Don't get me wrong, I prefer winter to the damn forever-summers we have anymore, but it's still a grey and depressing month. Especially because my favorite time of year, October-December, is now over. I swear it goes by faster every year,…

Lloxie’s avatar

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2024 now (how the frick did it get here so damn fast?!). To be honest, I'm a bit apprehensive about it for reasons I won't go into here. But in the spirit of hopefulness, here's to wishing everyone a great new year! Hard to believe it's been like 9 months since I took a hiatus from gamin…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update - Merry Xmas (12-24-2023)

Merry Xmas and all that jazz! I had a nice time with the family. Eating too much, enjoying a little booze, sharing some lovely gifts, and just generally having a nice time. It does feel like it got here faster than ever, though. Feels like Halloween was yesterday! ...and even that came too fast! Al…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (12-18-2023)

Man, writing big, fancy fight scenes can be a lot trickier than you might think. Sorry about the delays. I had intended to get a lot more done over the past week, but various things kept getting in the way. Holiday chaos, mental and physical health issues, various life frustrations, a bit of writer…

Lloxie’s avatar

Weekly Update (12-11-2023)

Yeah I'm thinking maybe a weekly update is probably not a bad idea, so I'm going to try and give it a whirl. Been finishing up my Xmas shopping finally. Been a lot easier with my family using universal wishlists now. If you are in need of such a thing for the future, I recommend www.thingstogetme.c…

Lloxie’s avatar

General Update

You know, I'm wondering if I should do a regular weekly update? Seems like sometimes I posted several thigns back to back to back within a short timespan, then suddenly go quiet for a week or two at a time, heh. Might be good to just set a reminder to post at least once a week on a certain date. Hm…

Lloxie’s avatar

Yet more MHO rambling!

So at this point, I'd estimate there are roughly 3-4 chapters left of In the Shadows of Kryckwood, and that's including the one I'm working on now. I've pretty much decided to do another kinda short episode with some bonding time and smaller adventures kind of like Quality Time next. I already know…

Lloxie’s avatar

Major word milestone, woo!

So I just realized that, as of this latest chapter I uploaded, MHO is officially over 500k words. That's long enough for a 2-3 proper novels at this point! XD Woo! Sure didn't think it'd end up this long, but hey, I'm enjoying writing it. I just hope my readers are still enjoying following the stor…

Lloxie’s avatar

And I'm back!

Just back into town from that week-long trip. Had a pretty nice visit to the Smoky Mountains with my family. Unfortunately... I don't have a finished chapter to upload just yet. Sorry! T_T; It just didn't go how I planned at all. I ended up having very little time to just sit down and write each da…

Lloxie’s avatar

Favorite MHO episode?

Just for fun, I decided to make a random poll. For those that have been reading MHO, which episode is your favorite so far? Vote here! Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

My Discord Server

Just a little reminder, I do in fact have my own Discord server. I don't have a public invitation link though, so if you're interested in joining, just let me know and I'll send you a private link! Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

Just a heads up

Figured I'd give another update on a couple things. First, I AM writing that scene extension I talked about for the end of the last episode, though I have a strong feeling at this point it may be left non-canon, so it'll be posted separately. I'll just have to gauge peoples' reaction and see how it…

Lloxie’s avatar


....ooookay so this last TCotCI chapter has grown well beyond what I planned and I'll most likely end up splitting it in two. But hey, they should be uploaded pretty close to the same time, so I'll still be starting the next episode soon! Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

Bit Characters Have A Tendency to Grow On Me

You know, it's funny how often random "bit"/"side" characters grow in my mind after I finish writing the scenes they're initially involved in. They're only supposed to play a small roll, then be out of the story, but I end up giving them more personality as I write them, which is a good thing sure,…

Lloxie’s avatar

Wrapping Up Crimson Isles, and the State of MHO

Don't worry, no real spoilers here! This is pretty general stuff, and I'd appreciate feedback. I'm hoping to wrap up The Cult of the Crimson Isles sometime within the next week or so. I'd originally planned on it being done over a month ago, if you can believe it! But you know how things go, stuff…

Lloxie’s avatar

Romance Temptation

So for those that follow MHO, you know I love to tease how Lykou and Kuna definitely are developing feelings for each other but just haven't come to grips with it yet, and keep playing off their sexual/romantic tension as just "messing with each other"/their "fluster one another game". Fact is, the…

Lloxie’s avatar

Worldbuilding Time!

Soooo now comes the tricky bit. In the next chapter I'm going to be going into a bit more lore about demons in this setting, which is going to be a little tricky in itself. But luckily I think I've got it worked out, at least as far as this particular kind goes. The really tough thing I have to wor…

Lloxie’s avatar

Please Comment

I all too often find myself looking at the view (or "hit" or whatever) count for the writings I upload on the sites that I do so, and wonder just how many of them represent people actually reading them. I know at least a few are bound to be bots, just indexing the page for some search engine or som…

Lloxie’s avatar

Long Dialogue

Sooo... I'm doing my proofreading for chapter 4 of The Cult of the Crimson Isles, and it occurs to me I'm kinda bad about making certain dialogue-heavy scenes a bit... overlong, perhaps? @_@; As it sits now, I'm about halfway through proofreading it, and it's sitting at 8.5k+ words, and at least ha…

Lloxie’s avatar

Rethinking That Outline Again

So yeah, after more consideration, I'm strongly considering swapping the position for Terrifying Tribulations and Deep Dark Wonders. I think it'd probably fit a bit better, and it'd put the creepy scary one a lot closer to October. The outline puts that at between 7 and 11 chapters between now and…

Lloxie’s avatar

MHO Plans

Hey everyone, I just wanted to give a little extra update blurb about MHO overall, especially since I'm planning to wrap up episode 4 with the next chapter. I have a whole rough outline for the coming chapters, for up to part/episode 12 so far (roughly), with a few general ideas for short adventure…

Lloxie’s avatar

Open Invite to My Discord Server!

I decided to open up my server a little more, so here's a general invite if you're interested: Note that this link is good for one week only! If you do join, make sure to read the rules and follow the directions for gaining access to the rest of the server beyond just th…

Lloxie’s avatar

Oof, ADHD Brain Time

I'm sitting here obsessively thinking about a shorter MHO episode/pair of chapters that's a couple adventures away yet. Also it'd be best saved for around Halloween time, but no way I'm gonna wait THAT long for it. (With any luck I should be nearing the end of the story by then, but who knows?) Gue…

Lloxie’s avatar

Lloxie's Boxie Discord Server!

Well, I finally done did it. :B I went and made a discord server! I just finished (mostly) setting it up. I still need to pick out some bots for role-assigning and such, but in the meantime, if you're interested in joining, let me know! (Note that I'm only taking people I know first, so if I've nev…

Lloxie’s avatar

MHO Conversation Topics

So for the next chapter or two, I thought I'd try a little something fun with anyone out there who's reading it. Without giving too much away, suffice to say there will be plenty of chit-chat/bonding time between the boys in the next couple of chapters. I already have some conversation topics, but…

Lloxie’s avatar

Damn you, Di.FM

So there's this music site/platform I used intermittently for yeeears (seriously, going all the way back to the mid-00s if not earlier, IIRC) that's called Di.FM (or Digitally Imported, as was its original full name). It's full of interesting channels for different genres and sub-genres of any kind…

Lloxie’s avatar

Thinking About Story Presentation

Thinking about doing some tweaking to the way MHO is presented. For one thing, I do still plan to go back and clean up the first couple of chapters some, and add a prologue to give a bit more info about Lakefire, and the folks in Lykou's life. I'm uncertain about whether to do something similar for…

Lloxie’s avatar

No Games I can't remember the exact day I stopped, but I know I haven't played a single PC/video game since the early part of March of this year. That's about three months of no gaming of any kind. This coming from someone who's been gaming to some degree or other, at a bare minimum a few times a wee…

Lloxie’s avatar

Chapter 34 & 35 Are Up!

Lots of action and violence in these two. It was originally going to be one chapter, but it got way too long for that. Heck, even after splitting it, 35 is a pretty long one. But hang in there past the fighting! If Kuna and especially Lykou seem more aggressive than usual, you'll see there's a reas…

Lloxie’s avatar

Just a heads-up about the next chapter!

I just wanted to give folks a heads-up about this next MHO chapter. It's a doozy. Not only is it the longest yet, but it's also fairly violent. Mostly no worse than anything previously encountered, just a lot more of it. Hey, I told you action was coming! There are two short parts I'm slightly worr…

Lloxie’s avatar

Health Update

I hope I get the results from my sleep study back soon. I'm so tired of being exhausted all the time. I did find out from the hematologist the other day (after fainting from another unanticipated blood draw, wheee...) that I have low iron, which I honestly should have expected, given my diet. So no…

Lloxie’s avatar

Synchronization Complete!

And now all four sites I upload MHO to are officially up to date! Hope you enjoy reading it! Feedback is very much appreciated. ^^ Looks like I may have to tweak the way I do uplaods though. I wish Postybirb had a direct-text upload option for literary works, since each site has different preferenc…

Lloxie’s avatar

ARGH! Dammit, Pandoc!

So I finally broke down and decided to try Pandoc to batch-convert all my odt files into md files so that it'd play nice with more sites It was wayyyy more of a pain in the ass than it should have been. And to make matters worse, it didn't even work correctly! For whatever reason, it's only reading…

Lloxie’s avatar

Testing Out Postybirb

This is just a test to see how Postybirb works out. If all goes well, I will begin updating on multiple sites more regularly. Posted using PostyBirb

Lloxie’s avatar

Howdy Weasyl Peeps! Also, A Question

Hello, Weasyl! So I've had this account for ages, but it's been mainly sitting here gathering dust for most of that time. I figured I may as well start using it. For those that don't know me, I've been poking around the online furry world since '01 or so, although I mainly lurked until about '02 or…