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Please Comment by Lloxie

I all too often find myself looking at the view (or "hit" or whatever) count for the writings I upload on the sites that I do so, and wonder just how many of them represent people actually reading them. I know at least a few are bound to be bots, just indexing the page for some search engine or something. And then there are those that click on them by accident or expect a pic and then look away when they see that it's just a literary submission. I know it's probably not a healthy thing to obsess over, and make no mistake, I plan to see MHO to the end at the very least, come hell or high water. But I still occasionally fear reaching a point where literally nobody is reading my works. I know at least one person is so far, because he comments regularly on the latest chapters, and bless him for it. But still, I always worry he'll get fatigued and stop reading, leaving me with a bunch of ghost views. And I can only improve as a writer with feedback. 

If you read this and you read MHO, or any other stories I write, PLEASE comment when you do, just so I know you're out there. I don't care if it's just a thumbs up emoji or something, I just want to know you're real, lol. 

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