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More MHO Talk by Lloxie

Yeah I know, "just shut up and upload the next chapter already, Lloxie!" Trust me, I'm working on it. It's almost done, don't worry. Although, on that note, I could still really use feedback regarding my last post about MHO!

Anyway, there are some other things I remembered I wanted to blather about a little. Firstly, the idea of companions keeps coming up. There've been a few times I've been tempted to have a character that I ended up liking join Lykou and Kuna on their journey. Sulyr comes to mind. Possibly their three raptuvan friends as well. But for various reasons, I passed. One particular reason in my mind, is that I kind of want to have just Lykou and Kuna arrive at the end, because that'll be big enough in itself. Kuna's gonna be a big change for the Ashers as it is, and I really wanna give that time to shine when it happens. 

But I still keep thinking about it. In fact, since early on, I've had a couple ideas for characters they haven't even met yet that I'd like to have travel with them at least for a time. I've decided to push one off to one of the immediate followup stories. And I actually decided to go with a little subplot in the current arc that'll introduce a new unique character that I really, really want to tag along with them at least for a bit. What I might do is have these characters do so for a time, but then part ways for one reason or another. I even have a fair idea what to do with this one at the end of the arc. (Unless I drag her presence on into the next arc, which is a possibility). 

And that brings me to the other subject I wanted to talk about... again. Yeah, I'm still pondering episodes. It's getting to the point where I really, really need to get to that Special Moment, so I may just go ahead and start Wound Awakens after this arc. Other than that, here's some thoughts on the other episodes I have notes for:

  • The Trials of Devashan: as previously state, this will be a big one. And while it'll have plenty for both Lykou and Kuna- including some very cozy intimate (not necessarily nsfw, but not avoiding it either) moments- it'll be especially big for Lykou. Thing is, by the end, he and to some extent Kuna might be getting a bit too powerful, so to speak, for certain other things to be as intimidating afterwards. So I may push it back further. 

  • Deep Dark Wonders: I may in turn move this one back up a bit instead. There's less high-stakes action and more world building, exploration, making interesting friends, etc. in this one. Not to mention a chance for both of them to expand their abilities a bit, especially Kuna. 

  • Abjekal: I'd almost be tempted to do this next if it wasn't for the fact that these poor buys just got through dealing with a whole bunch of terrifying, harrowing shit. In any case, it'll involve one of the most scary and dangerous things they'll encounter, so I may or may not push it back more as well. 

  • Others: I have a bunch of other little ideas that don't quite make up an episode of content by themselves yet, but could easily fill one or two more. You may recall one previously mentioned episode, Twisted Sands of Madness. It's really not enough for more than maybe 2-3 chapters by itself, so I may just bundle it with some others.

(Standard plug time!) You can read Mystic Heart Odyssey at any of the following sites (you'll need to be logged in for any except for AO3):
MHO at SoFurry
MHO at Weasyl
MHO at AO3
MHO at InkBunny
MHO at FurryNetwork

At present, I recommend AO3, SoFurry, or Weasyl, as InkBunny and FurryNetwork eat the formatting. (Some bits are in italics, etc.) And FN keeps the chapters in a disorganized mess for some reason I cannot fathom. 

If you do read it, please be sure to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts!

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