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Health Update by Lloxie

Slowly getting better, but definitely not over this damn thing. Woke up with a nasty headache this morning. And sweaty, too, so I likely had another fever in the night. My appetite and it's hard to eat much despite my body clearly needing fuel. At least I think the brain-fog is starting to lift a bit... hopefully.

Sorry I've been so distant/quiet/etc. this week. I promise I'm not ignoring anyone. Covid's a bitch. x_x;

Health Update


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    take as long as you need to get better, health comes first after all <:3 and don't worry you're not ignoring if you're planning on responding later so you're okie :3 even I have to reply later sometimes, but if I forget to reply to you, feel free to let me know because I probs forgot ^w^;
    have some nice warm soup, noodles, or warm drinks to help soothe a sore throat, or maybe some very saucy foods, the sauce can help too :3 oh and raw onions, plenty raw onions, they help fight germs X3
    take the time to get a bit of a day off from things and try to enjoy relaxing if you can. having a blanket or a kigu on with your favourite movie, shows, toys, and some food to help with sickness sounds like a nice way to relax UwU
    Huh.. I've been giving alot of advice lately. sorry if I come off "bossy" or anything.. ^w^; not tryna be bossy dw, I just care lots

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      No worries hehe. I'm gonna try and reply in our discord convo today. Just didn't want ya thinking I was ignoring ya, heh. ^^;; Just been hard to get in the right headspace for such things lately.

      Believe me, I been drinking looooots of tea. Especially licorice tea, which I've found is very helpful for my throat, actually. ^^ Been trying to eat plenty of soup and such too, though my appetite all but vanished for a couple days there. @@ I may not have a kigu (unfortunately), but I do at least have a very comfy robe I wear a lot. Been wearing it almost nonstop this past week, hehe. Just mostly been reading cute gay furry comics the last several days... >/w/< That or daydreaming while music plays in the background, heh.

      And no worries! I appreciate the kind thoughts and suggestions. ^w^

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        that's okay, better late than never :3 the way I see it, I don't think it's ignoring if you still plan on responding even if it's later, though I knew some people who claim to be "nOt IgNoRiNg" but then openly choose not to respond when really, that is ignoring. when they hear someone, and they know what you're saying, but they choose not to listen and not to respond, then yes, that is considered ignorant. because if that's "nOt IgNoRaNcE" then I don't know what is. /nay dw this is aimed at people who do this, but not aimed at you cos I know you wouldn't do that so you're fine honestly! <:3 it's okay to reply later since not everyone (not even me) has the ability to respond as quick as a flash sometimes, so it's totally valid to try and make a time to reply some other time ofcourse! though if it's urgent then I try to respond right away, cos my friends needs are important and i wanna be there for them <:3 including you ofcourse!

        ooh I been meaning to try more teas :3 I liked the brown sugar bubble milk tea, that was nice ^-^ I should get into more green tea type things, that can help keep you looking young i heard :o I like green tea pocky, maybe I'll have some more of that X3 yeah robes are cool :> I got 2 kigus, I call one of them my Zack kigu because I bought it because it looks just like Zack's cat form hehe X3 Zack is an oc of mine, he's a winged and feathered tuxedo cat :3 I also have a fennec kigu because it matches my fursona's species, well my fursona is actually half kit fox which everyone forgets X.X but I am still half fennec and half kit fox, though kit foxes are still their own species and not to be confused with baby foxes, so I don't want people going apeshit on me by thinking a so called "bAbY" fox is taking part on mature art situations, when kit foxes like my sona can be adults too. :/ not all kit foxes are pups you see, when I designed my sona, I didn't think people were gonna be so stupid and dumb by lying that my fursona's a "baby" fennec when she's actually an adult kit fox fennec mix. /nay you're fine ofcourse!

        ooh I love daydreaming to music, do you imagine your favourite characters doing their own music videos too? :D I actually wanna turn my imagination into actual animations too X3 also comics are fun to read, I been working on mine too :3 I hope I have just as much fun reading mine as much as I do reading others! I know for sure I like reading my literature sometimes ^w^
        Sorry if this response is a little bit more ranty than usual oop QwQ but dw it's not aimed at you so you're fine honestly! <=D

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          Yeah I need to drink more green tea myself and wean myself off caffeine. If there's one silver lining to this sickness, it's that I've been drinking less coffee I guess hehe. xD And daww, lucky! I'd totally get a kigu if I could find one that fits me and doesn't cost a fortune, hehe. Maybe eventually. And yeah I know of kit foxes! Neat that ya combined the two. ^^

          Oh I do that aaaaalllll the time! XD Either my fursona, or various OCs for songs that seem to fit them or a moment in their story, hehe. I've had quite a few in mind for Lykou and Kuna in MHO. In fact the whole reason MHO exists is because the short story I originally wrote before reworking it into MHO was inspired by I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany. >w< And I imagined Daisy being rambunctious to Lets Go Crazy by Prince. xp Alas, if only we had infinite time, energy, and resources to make these things real... >w< And I'd love to make my stories into comics so much. I do reread my stuff, though of course it's mostly for proofreading before posting it hehe. But now and then I do go back and reread the older stuff. Just did that yesterday with some bits of the second MHO episode hehe. ^^ Granted, it was because I had to double-check something to make sure I wasn't about to contradict myself, but I ended up reading over more than I needed to anyway. xp Fun revisiting Inkari's big reveal... >w>

          And no worries, hehe ^w^

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            oohh I don't drink coffee, but I do love monster energy and irn bru :3 irn bru isn't an energy drink tho. still has a little caffeine but it's not as big as like monster would have it <X3 that's why I only treat myself to monster if I'm having trouble with sleep, as energy drinks can make or break my sleep patterns, so I use em to help me be an earlybirb again since I'm a nocturnal person you see ^w^; i love monster and i wish there was non energy versions of it so i could have it more <:3
            I had to get my fennec kigu off american amazon because uk amazon didn't have enough selection :< i did get my Zack kigu from uk amazon tho! I wish all amazon country sites sold everything everywhere so that we can get worldwide shipping from all country sites, it would be so much easier hhhh why is japan and america so lucky i mean america has everything.. ;^; but they don't have irn bru tho, that's for sure.. ¬w¬ and irn bru is the best eheheh TwT

            ooh cool! I came across a HUGE coincidence in one of the songs I love, it literally sounded JUST like Cody and Max's backstory :O I'm gonna remake their backstory at some point by adding better explanations and details, but good gosh the song is way too accurate, it's almost like the song could be the theme song for Cody and Max's childhood :o the lyrics are crazy accurate it sounds just like how Cody feels about Max, except their voices are different i mean Cody's voice is more like the annoying orange or Spongebob lol

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              I enjoy coffee, but the caffeine is an issue for me anymore. :s I especially love ice coffee. I found out if you mix it with cola (zero sugar version in my case) it can make a nice combo, hehe. I avoid most energy drinks cus they're so bad for you and really mess with me. Used to drink 'em years ago, but found myself feeling sick half the time from them, so I stopped. x-x; The one exception are those little Celsius drinks. They're good, zero sugar, and actually help you focus somehow instead of just getting jittery.

              I've looked on Amazon, but I never see decent kigus on there, except maybe some really expensive ones. Then again, it's been a while... maybe I should try again sometime. Gotta be careful though, Amazon's quality control is getting worse all the time :s

              Oh wow, interesting song o-o Rare to find one that tells such a distinct story like that. Nice that it fits your characters so well! I have a hard time thinking of voices for my characters, heh. With a few exceptions, anyway.