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MHO Talk by Lloxie

Yep, time for some more MHO talk!

First of all, yes, I'm working on the next chapter. In fact, I plan to spend enough time on it today that hopefully it'll be up within the next day or so. There's just one tricky bit that's challenging me a bit. Without spoiling too much, I'm trying to come up with some alternate lyrics to song that I can insert into the story for... reasons. That song being Mummers' Dance by Loreena McKennitt. I love that song. It's got a nice magical, enchanting vibe to it, which kind of fits certain parts of fantasy stories like MHO pretty well, IMO. (Incidentally, on a site note, anyone else know any other good songs along the same vibes? I've been looking forever, and just can't seem to find anything that scratches that same itch!)

On another note, I kind of feel the urge to do a little lore drop. Nothing new or particularly spoilery, really. I just felt like clarifying some things about magic in the setting. Partly for the sake of organizing things for myself, and partly in case anyone wanted a clearer recap on what's been revealed so far. So far, there are four core types of magic:

  • Spirit/Elemental magic: derived from the energies that flow from the spirit world. Lot of potential raw power, though it can be trickier to use it with finesse. Spirits of course wield it innately. Mortals can learn to harness it, though few learn to do so with more than two, or maybe three types- outside of special circumstances, that is. 

  • Sylthean Magic: much more complex and nuanced, and mostly only usable by Syltheans (or at least individuals with some kind of tie to Sylthea). Uses unspecified energies from that world in a similar way to the above example uses energies from the spirit world, but with some odd quirks and rules. For obvious reasons, Sylthean magic is the least common in the mortal world.

  • The Weave: the Weave, as it has been called so far in the story, is a strange, ancient "thing" that runs through and connects everything in the world. It is almost impossible to interact with directly, but various arcane rituals and powerful spells can do so. Even with those rituals and spells, it has a tendency to resist, which means strong focus and concentration is necessary. Entities with close ties to more than one world have an easier time of it, however- hence, demons.... aaaaand certain individuals with parents from two different worlds~ (hint hint)

  • ???: The as-yet-unnamed special ability that Lykou has. It's actually the second most common kind of magic in the mortal world, even though Lykou and Kuna haven't encountered many others using it yet. Obviously, can't give too much else away here yet. ;3

As stated, spirit/elemental magic is the most common in the mortal world. But not all those that harness it do so the same way. Learning to sense and manipulate it is tricky for most, and can take years of meditation and/or training to get the knack for if you don't have some kind of special advantage or knack for it. But there are other ways to channel those energies other than direct manipulation:

  • Spirit Signs/Runes/Glyphs/etc.: magical symbols that can harness different kinds of energy to do various specific things. There are many, many kinds found all over the place. Some are more commonly known than others. Technically they usually require someone to imbue them (though not all!), but after that, they do their thing as long as they have energy. 

  • Alchemy: using elements of the natural world that are steeped in different kinds of essences to achieve different magical effects, often in the form of consumable substances. Low level alchemy, particularly ones that deal with life energy to heal minor wounds, grow, modify bodies, etc. is much more common than the more potent or esoteric varieties. 

  • Rituals & Spells: technically more connect to the Weave than spirit/elemental energies, rituals nonetheless often combine with other kinds of magic in order to produce more complex effects. In fact, combining two or more kinds of magic is often the point of complex magic rituals and spells. 

  • ???: something else that'll come up in a future episode! (probably Deep Dark Wonders) ;3

And finally, I figured I'd just list off the different known energy types and the colors/aesthetics associated with them (as presented so far in the story): 

  • Life: green, though the hue can vary depending on a number of factors. (User, how it's being used, etc.)

  • Soul/"Star": pale blueish-white

  • Fire: bright red

  • Water: vivid blue

  • Earth: shades of pastel yellow/beige, depending on various factors

  • Air: less a color and more a faint distortion in the air around the user

  • Shadow: black

  • Light: gold with a silvery edge

  • Sylthean ("glimmer" etc.): silvery-white with lots of sparkles

  • Chaos: vivid orange

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