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In a few simple words, one could say I'm a rather easy-going kind of guy with a reputation of patience. I tell you what, that comes in handy at times. In a way I could also be considered the quiet type- At least to a point. In reality, I'm a sarcastic, goofy bastard to the highest degree; with a serious side, that is. I'm 29, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, yet I've moved more or less east these days. And aside from a demanding schedule of uncertainty served up by the circumstances of fire season, I don't have a single complaint about it at all. My line of work tends to be of the public service type, with all of their assorted other needs. Yes, they have a lot of those. But there few jobs better in the world if you can believe it. The next time you see a firefighter, a paramedic, EMT, or even a cop (they sometimes are good enough to receive one too,) give 'em a wave and offer to buy them a drink. Even if we can't take it, we'll thank you for it.

As for the lighter side of things, I sketch here and there. All in all, this is nothing serious and I doubt I'll ever amount to something, but it is more of a hobby than anything else. Not surprisingly I find a good deal of satisfaction with artwork on an indecisive scale. Need an example? Well, most would call a fantastic sculpture or a mind-boggling painting a work of art... I agree, but in my field of vision riding my motorcycle on a warm August evening up Highway 1 is a work of art as well. And by that, I mean the highway itself. I highly recommend that, by the way...

Married to the wonderful, insanely talented Yelth Yelth!



Latest Journal

Looking to Commission Artwork for a Tattoo


For the sake of generating either input and/or interest, I'm publicly advertising my intent to commission artwork to be used as a tattoo. Call this an open solicitation to my watchers and friends for suggestions!

Yes, it would be for me. Its about time I get off my laurels and get this done.

Since I'm unfamiliar with tattoos in general, having not gotten one before, I'm looking to start off rather basic. What I'm looking for is an armband, which in practice would be used around both arms, based off of the following real armbands I own.

An help is welcomed! I honestly don't know how many people look at journals here on Weasyl, but my hope is that a few may see this and weigh in. :)



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    Thanks for the Fave, glad you enjoyed :)

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    You seem like a very interesting person with some nice art.

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    Kwe! I just realized we are in fact; tribal neighbors. For some odd reason I thought you were from further up north.

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    Hiya! Thanks so very much for following me here and everything; my stars, I sure do appreciate it!

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    Thank you for the follow! :)

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    Thank you very much for following my artwork. I really appreciate that :)

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    Thank you so much for the watch ahh! <333

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    Thanks so much for the fave, I appreciate your support on this awesome new site