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Avatar for Ruggy


Ruggy / Female / Texas

I pick things up, I am a collector.
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
Ruggy’s avatar

Content Question

Hey there watchers! I am going to be drawing some less conventional fetishy stuff (eventually, when I stop feeling like death every month hopefully), so I have a question for you: On sites like this, with tag blocking, would you still prefer that content be separated out into another account? On FA…

Ruggy’s avatar

Art while Sick?

Hey so. Artist peoples. Do any of you deal with recurring and/or chronic illnesses? If so, how do you stay productive when you're dealing with symptoms? Meds and suck it up, or do you just let yourself rest for a while? I've been sick at least once every month for close to a year now. SUPER SICK OF…

Ruggy’s avatar

Hello Weasyl, my old friend

So I've been here and have been uploading, but haven't done much in the way of maintaining social engagement here. Which will soon change, For Reasons. Gonna make this and FurryNetwork my main couple of sites. Also on Twitter! I post a lot of dumb shit there but I engage a few times a day there. So…

Ruggy’s avatar

A Thing I LIke

So, as an artist, sometimes I get down on my work. Sometimes I think my work is bad and no one wants to see it; that it's not worthwhile and a useless waste of energy; or my choice of preferred subject matter is dumb and I should stop liking it and start liking better things. None of these things a…

Ruggy’s avatar

How long can one person be sick? Also, colors!

Guess who still has mono, nearly four months later? It even seems to have relapsed, which is fun. I sure did miss feeling pain in my spleen. Art output has obviously been close to nil. I am eager for that to change, once I have the energy. Because this fab tutorial got posted in my Twitter feed rec…

Ruggy’s avatar

Selling paintings at conventions?

Quick question: those of you who go to cons, and either buy work there or sell work there, do you ever purchase or successfully sell original paintings? Or if you sell original paintings, what venues do you have the most luck selling them in (cons, off-beat art galleries, little coffee shops, funky…

Ruggy’s avatar

General Health Update

Just throwin' this out there, for the sake of not being completely dead online for no reason. Art output has been kinda... nil, for the past couple of weeks. I've been inexplicably exhausted, all day, for weeks now. Finally had enough and went to the doctor, suspecting I was low on Vitamin D (since…

Ruggy’s avatar

BLFC yay!

Picked up con crud, but BLFC was great fun. Met some cool folks, played some fun games, and even managed to make it to a panel despite not being sober for most of the weekend. I also ordered a neat tail, got a cool print from Thornwolf (whose art I've been following since Yerf times), and picked up…

Ruggy’s avatar


It's strange, really, how someone can pass through your life in a relatively brief span of time, and leave a bigger hole than you could have expected when they go. Rest in peace, Paul. You were very kind to me, a pleasure to work with, and you will be missed. Cancer is a heartless thief.

Ruggy’s avatar

BLFC meme time?!

sparkyopteryx did it so that means it's time for these already, right? ANSWER: IRRELEVANT, I AM EXCITED AND LOVE FILLING THESE THINGS OUT. What hotel are you staying at? The main one! Whatever it's called. Arrival/Departure Arriving at 11AM or so on Friday, leaving probably at 2-ish on Monday. Mean…

Ruggy’s avatar


So hey. I fixed my "stream preview shows blank" problem, so I am considering doing some streams if anyone would be interested in watching. BUT I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS. What sites do y'all, as either people-who-stream or people who occasionally pop in streams, prefer to use? I am told Picarto is pret…

Ruggy’s avatar


FRICKIN' FINALLY. Jaw pain is gone, and I also recovered from the nasty painkiller withdrawal that followed stopping 'em. I've got my hand-eye coordination back and am drawing again. :3 Tackling the donation commissions first, then a couple of other commitments, thennn I kinda really wanna play wit…

Ruggy’s avatar

Surgery update

I've contacted everyone I owe art to individually, but I'm throwing this up here in the meanwhile just because. I made it through oral surgery on wednesday, yay! They've put in the implant post, so I've basically got a metal cylinder screwed deep into my jawbone. "That sounds kinda painful," you mi…

Ruggy’s avatar

In case anyone's jumping ship from that other site

Here's a handy li'l tool someone on reddit whipped up to help you find the folks you watched on FA, assuming they have identical usernames: I thought I had a decent amount of overlap between my watchlists here and there but I was apparently quite wrong!

Ruggy’s avatar

Hey there! Also contact info / to-do list.

'Sup Weasyl? You look nice today. ;) I live! Work has been insane for the past couple of weeks. Had to go out of town suddenly for a funeral and I've been playing catch-up since, but once this week is over I think I'll finally have time to, like, draw and breathe and sleep again. And hey! I'm putti…

Ruggy’s avatar


TFF was a great success! Last year, I went only knowing one person and had to drive home every night. This year, I had a whole posse and a room to stay in, and that made it so much more awesome. Went to an interesting panel hosted by Rukis, completely missed all the other ones I was interested in (…

Ruggy’s avatar

'Sup, Weasyl?

Felt like making a journal that I didn't also crosspost to FA. I've kind of fallen off of the internet a bit, short of maintaining contact with my skype peeps. So how are y'all? Anything cool going on? I've done a lot of traveling this winter (south Texas to visit the beau's family, New York to als…

Ruggy’s avatar

TFF Meme Thingy!

Had a lovely trip to Canada and made it back without freezing to death! I kind of miss it. TAKE ME BACK, CANADA. But since they won't, I figure I might as well post about Texas Furry Fiesta, which I'm gonna be at! Have a meme thing, because I like filling these out! Q: Where are you staying? At the…

Ruggy’s avatar

TFF? BLFC? Other stuff in 2015?

I'm bad at posting journals on Weasyl! Whoops. But anyway, throwin' a journal out there to see who's going to what in 2015! Because I'm either definitely going to or have a strong interest in: FURRY THINGS: Texas Furry Fiesta! My boyfriend and I have a room in the hotel. Biggest Little Furcon! My b…

Ruggy’s avatar

Watcher Sketch Raffle! Now on Wazzyl! (CLOSED)

So I'm running a raffle over on FA and it's turned out to be super fun, so I will offer the same thing here! (I will be drawing two things, one for FA and one for here!) The prize is a refined sketch, something akin to this. So what do you gotta do? Be watchin' me! (On Weasyl!) Leave a comment with…

Ruggy’s avatar

Whoops, hello Weasyl!

Sorry for the late responses to all of your comments! I've been kind of on the distracted side lately and haven't been too interactive. someone is in a relationship and is being super lame about paying attention to the internet, shhhh

Ruggy’s avatar

What do you get out of visual art?

Just a general, open-ended question. Whether you just like to look at it or you make it yourself, what do you get out of visual art? Is making art something fun to do, or some compelling drive that's never quite fulfilled? Do you look at it because it perhaps makes you smile for a moment, or do you…

Ruggy’s avatar

Gorgonops account name change

Just an FYI for anyone who might wonder who the eff this Ruggy person is all of a sudden, I requested an account name change. Why? I've been going by "Ruggy" again as of late anyway, and "gorgonops" is ridiculously difficult to make into any kind of friendly-sounding nickname. That said, I'll still…

Ruggy’s avatar

'Ello 'ello!

Hey guys! Still alive, still on the ol' Weasyl. Haven't had much art time lately because of summer activities. Went to a festival with coworkers, went camping with coworkers, and went to another festival with a bunch of complete strangers, and had a great time. (Waka waka waka!) I leave for Bonnaro…

Ruggy’s avatar

General Life Update

I'm alive! In summary: Started a new medication for brain-things. Took me a few weeks to adjust to it without wanting to sleep all the time, but seems to be okay now. Old work setup was giving me tendonitis. Everyone and their mother (and my mother) told me to give my wrists a rest with anything th…

Ruggy’s avatar


The real joke of April Fool's is thinking you have money, but realizing it's the first of the month and all of your bills are due. "Hahahaha you're in horrendous debt for a bachelor's in fine art and a teaching certification you'll never use. Suckerrr!" I am feeling better in general, though. I see…

Ruggy’s avatar

Somewhat MIA

I'm sure you all have been waiting on bated breath for more work from me. P: But I've been struggling with some health issues as of late, and it's been affecting my ability to work. Lame. Anyone I owe work to has been notified individually, but, just figured I'd throw this out there. I haven't gott…

Ruggy’s avatar


This evening, I take a sewing class! It's Sewing 101: How Not to Stitch Your Hands Together, basically, but I'm still pretty excited. After having to lean on my BFF to help me make the cape for my routine, I figured it'd be nice to learn this stuff myself. I'm like 99% sure the most I'll be capable…

Ruggy’s avatar


Okay, I just want to say, this thing is amazing. I guess it's kind of like color harmony training wheels, but I'll take it, man.

Ruggy’s avatar


Performance on Friday was fantastic. I kicked ass, if I say so myself. :3 (And I had a ton of people come find me after the show to tell me the same, too.) And everyone loved the tail and ears and the way they were hidden until the end of the act. My mentor was all verklempt and telling me how far…

Ruggy’s avatar


I perform in five hours. Time to participate in a whole new kind of art for the first time, for real. I'm all glammed up, my costume's together, I've got some fox-head-shaped pasties that I'm ridiculously pleased with, and I could do this routine in my sleep (provided I also put on a corset before…

Ruggy’s avatar

That was fun. :3

Utterly wiped out, but man. It was so cool getting to meet and talk to so many people at TFF, and artists in particular. Not since college have I been able to discuss techniques, influences, and all that good stuff anywhere but online. And now I'm on the lookout for more of these things to go to, w…

Ruggy’s avatar

Aaa convention yaaay

So I've never been to one of these furry convention things before. I've just been to A-Kon (which would probably have been more fun if I were more into anime) and Dallas comic con, and they were pretty fun. Though I'm usually okay with just being up there for a day. But oh man TFF is just excellent…

Ruggy’s avatar

Still alive! Also TFF.

General update, particularly for folks who are waiting on requests! (So sorry about the wait, Xylo and Rinzy.) I'm still kickin', but I've pretty much been spending any evening that I'm not at a rehearsal on working on my costume pieces for the performance. (Getting close! Just need to finish off t…

Ruggy’s avatar


Who knew theatrical productions took so much dang prep work? Apart from, you know, people who are generally involved in that sort of thing. (That said, there's nothing quite like having very little spare time to dedicate to art for coming up with a hundred ideas of what you'd like to do next.)

Ruggy’s avatar

Costuming, noooo (but yessss)

So as I've mentioned a couple of times in places, I'm taking a burlesque course. I've come up with a character and all that, and my mentor is all about telling a story with a routine. My character's background story ended up being some weird Mighty Boosh-esque surreal thing and involved her being a…

Ruggy’s avatar


I'm currently strapped to an apheresis machine, donating platelets, and typing one-handed. Probably one of the least suspicious reasons to type one-handed, really. It's a generally accepted Good Thing To Do, donating blood things, but it feels like a relatively passive way to do Good Things. Do y'a…

Ruggy’s avatar

Gush gush gush

Can I just say how much I am loving how helpful and supportive everyone has been on this site and the forums so far? You guys, seriously. Seeeriously. I am feeling the love. <3 People have been taking time out of their days to leave thoughtful comments on my journals and constructive criticism on m…

Ruggy’s avatar

Gimme ideas for to make draws!

I'm working on some requests for three lovely folks (Rory, Xylo, and Rinzy), by way of making myself try to push my own boundaries a bit. Nothing quite like pushing boundaries to realize how tiny and small and sucky your boundaries are, though. >:C Just my first drawing is having me draw a lot of s…

Ruggy’s avatar

Texas Furry Fiesta

I'm curious, is anyone else planning on going to TFF this February? I've never been to a specifically furry convention before, though I've been to A-Kon and Comic Con. Not quite sure what to expect, apart from being in a building with a ton of people I don't know. I know I'll have to run off for ab…

Ruggy’s avatar

Finding my feet, so to speak

Haven't written one of these things yet. So, hello! I think I know most of the folks who follow me, but otherwise, greetings to those who I haven't spoken to yet! I'm Kirah, and I go by 'gorgonops' for the sole reason that gorgonops was a pretty rad genus. I'm probably going to use this journal pri…