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Content Question by Ruggy

Hey there watchers! I am going to be drawing some less conventional fetishy stuff (eventually, when I stop feeling like death every month hopefully), so I have a question for you:

On sites like this, with tag blocking, would you still prefer that content be separated out into another account?

On FA I definitely had plans for a second account, but here, if someone's not interested in transformation or something they can tag block it and I am good about using proper tags. So I am not sure if it's worth the bother of two separate accounts unless you folks would prefer it that way!

Thank you for your feedback!

Content Question


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  • Link

    Honestly as long as you tag stuff properly its not really worth the two accounts.

    • Link

      That's what I figured! But at the same time I didn't wanna chase people off just b/c I'm into some weird shit so haha, hey. Thanks for the response!

  • Link

    Take advantage of the tagging system, definitely. There's no sense in fussing with a second account when watchers have the tools to avoid certain material.

    • Link

      Yeah that's true! I know my life got a lot better when I set up tag blocking. Just didn't want to needlessly chase off my viewers or w/e. Thanks for responding!

      • Link

        Definitely understand, haha. But, nah, people seem to be really good about utilizing the tag blocking system here. It's so refreshing compared to YOU KNOW WHERE