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My problem would rock your world.
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OddOly’s avatar

Commenting Questionairre

Getting kind of disappointed with Weasyl lately - I try to comment more to generate some activity but people rarely even reply to comments I leave, let alone comment on my art. I know I have some watchers who actually see my art but most of them seem to be doing it on DA as well so... sometimes I r…

OddOly’s avatar

Tell me about your characters!

Grabbing this from Briarwood - tell me a random fact about one (or more) of your OCs, and I will respond with a related fact about my own! I'll get more active art-wise soon but there was a heatwave (and it still is too hot), I had a birthday and I have work to do again. I seem to be just chronical…

OddOly’s avatar

ASSumption meme!

Assume things about me and I'll say if they're true or false. You can explain them or not! And I can give you an assumption back if you want. But beware, I'm the best detective on the force- not really, but sometimes I sort of notice things I guess?

OddOly’s avatar

Comics and where to find them!

Now you can read both main Cop Story plot and short Cop Story comics on tumblr. They can be found here - copstorycomic is where the main plot is copstorycomics is where the shorts are The blogs are separate to avoid confusion with the timeline. I will be re-running older pages on the main story blo…

OddOly’s avatar

How nice of you-

Well, this is getting cross-posted from tumblr cos I'm tired. Almost done with my online writing course (yeah, that was fast, only one week is left and it’s mostly reviews) and comparing my experiences in a different community (most people there were middle-aged or retired - nearly opposite to any…

OddOly’s avatar

OC asks?

I already did this on tumblr, currently have a journal up on DA and I thought there might be some Weasyl users who'd like to join the fun too. :) Send a number and I’ll draw my OC: 1. In what they normally wear 2. In what I’m currently wearing 3. In a school uniform 4. In swimwear 5. In underwear 6…

OddOly’s avatar

A post about moral support

Huh, just noticed someone unfollowed me because I'm pretty sure I hit 100 followers a week or so ago (I normally don't notice unless it's some big number). I'm not really bothered by this, more curious because I get why someone would unfollow my tumblr where I post my thoughts and reblog fandom stu…

OddOly’s avatar

Sort of like planned?

Just wanted to update journal since the previous one isn't very relevant right now. Everything is... well, not completely okay but not very bad either? I got a book printed, it looks okay, I don't have any urgent deadlines right now, I didn't completely botcher anything recently. My biggest bummer…

OddOly’s avatar


Sometimes it gets to me. Everything is so awful and sort of falling apart around you and you can't even say it's unfair because every action causes a reaction and you understand why things happen the way they do. I try to talk to someone close about it and she says something that hurts me even more…

OddOly’s avatar

Gosh, weasyl, no...

I am upset about the new update and the way it puts favourites icons right under submissions icons - one of the main things I liked about weasyl was how unlike DA it was and how users' pages looked almost like portfolios. Now it's all together and it's hard to see where is my own art and where is o…

OddOly’s avatar

Just drawing

Lately I don't feel like writing about things much - I keep having a lot of thoughts but I prefer expressing them through comics and doodles. I guess it's good? At any rate it means not a lot of journals from me until this changes. Other than that, I'm a bit frustrated with how slowly I draw comics…

OddOly’s avatar

Presumed insulted until proven otherwise

Recently a friend and I were discussing Australian, American and British fiction and humour (mostly because of Adam Hills, we were trying to figure out why we find his humour so amazing and also how it is so far from what is supposed to be “politically correct”) and she said a few insightful things…

OddOly’s avatar

5 questions

From cowboypunk! Feel free to ask more in comments, I can talk a lot about this kind of subjects. And I'll leave you 5 questions to answer yourself if you say "kidneys" in your comment. 1. Tell me about your Devon :O!! Devon is the guy on the right here, the one going "woo!" He is really fun to wri…

OddOly’s avatar

Sometimes I randomly like people

So I’ve been in a book shop today and happened to talk to a guy who looked a lot like Ace. He was using one of those terminals to look up books and he was staring at it for a while and I told him he could get it to print out a paper with directions to the right shelf and he said that he could just…

OddOly’s avatar

It sucks when you miss people who don't care about you.

It sucks when they choose other people over you - and it's not you being a jealous arse because you'd happily be just one of their friends, not the best friend forever, but they clearly want to spend their time with anyone but you at all times. It sucks when you still occasionally encounter them. T…

OddOly’s avatar

Gallery up to date and questions!

My gallery is finally up to date so I won't be dumping 3 pictures per day here any more! Good news, eh? Which gives us an opportunity to talk! Anything you want to ask me after looking at my art? Anything you want to tell me? Just want to talk about anything? Other than that I'm working on my next…

OddOly’s avatar

Question time!

I like this site so far but I think its biggest problem is that nobody is willing to talk unless it's happening on their own page. I get a bunch of replies to the comments I leave on a daily basis but nobody has much to say about my art. Oh well. So I'm about halfway through dumping best things I d…

OddOly’s avatar

Project Comment

Taken from Crownless Project Comment Everybody loves getting comments. Communication is what makes a community flourish! Comments can begin friendships and business opportunities! Everyone is arriving and excited to start watching new artists and to put their work out there for eyes who might not h…

OddOly’s avatar


Hello, hello, I'm new here. Still unpacking stuff. I see some people upload full comic pages here, which is something I don't often see on most art sites these days. Idk if I should do the same. Normally I mostly upload comics regularly to the site and DA since it's my oldest gallery. And the rest…