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Miscommunications by OddOly

Sometimes it gets to me. Everything is so awful and sort of falling apart around you and you can't even say it's unfair because every action causes a reaction and you understand why things happen the way they do.

I try to talk to someone close about it and she says something that hurts me even more. She doesn't mean to hurt me, she just says what she thinks and it's not even rude or anything but makes me want to run and hide and get that thought out of my head. It's like I speak some dead language nobody else knows so no matter how clear and coherent I try to be people get something wrong. I tried so hard to explain it to you, I spent all my time on it...

Sorry for whinging again but this is the only place I can do it without anyone who knows me irl seeing it and getting inconvenienced about it. I guess this is what people feel when they delete their galleries and change accounts - but no worries, I know it's pointless. Even if you burn all the bridges you'll end up trying to re-build most of them in no time.

I want to disappear, not die, just sort of fade and end up on some other layer away from it all. But I don't think I'm more important than anyone else and I know I'm opinionated and resilient enough to get through it without inconveniencing people around me unnecessarily.

But I think at this point I feel better when people uncomfortable with me, my thoughts and my art walk away instead of sticking around and getting unpleasant feelings. It's only a half-truth because other times I feel underestimated, not given any chance to show my true colours. Someone said it's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not but honestly... everyone just wants to be loved.



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  • Link

    Someone said it's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not but honestly... everyone just wants to be loved.

    I know I've said this before to you at some point, but it's just a matter of running into the right people. That stupid thing called "chance." At our core, yes, all we want to do is just be loved. That's where most of my self-hatred comes from, the perception that I'm not worth anyone's love. Even when I'm slapped in the face with it, I still don't process it correctly. We are extremely cruel to ourselves, it's appalling.

    And yeah, it's best to just not run from your past. I was on the verge of entirely taking out my gallery of 4 years+ on FA, but was talked out of it for fairly good reasons and decided to just prune it again. I got a fresh start on Weasyl thanks to a new name, but I went with an old face because I just can't escape the past. Might as well stand tall and hold a knife in my hand, ready to stab it back if it tries anything.

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      Yeah, you're right... Point is, it's complicated. People can really care about you and misunderstand you and people can get what you say in a second but never actually care. I definitely prefer the ones that care but sometimes it hurts too.

      And nah, no worries. I just sort of regret my family knows about my DA account but I don't have anything to hide and they don't try to tell me what to draw or not to draw. It's just that I know they'd prefer I drew something else and it's sort of awkward talking about Cop Story at home (I generally don't but things happen). But yeah, running from the past (especially ridiculous past, it's not like any of us is a war criminal) is mostly pointless.

  • Link

    What you say makes a lot of sense. I've felt some of what you have, too. Especially when you can't particularly deny whatever's said. Your thoughts start to spiral out of control and next thing you know you just wanna go away. Problem is how the thoughts follow you, but being away from said reminders can be a little helpful. Not unlike a vacation as long as you can control your head a little bit.

    I agree with Rory as well, but just find your pace for doing it. It's a fine idea sometimes to be ready to battle your thoughts at times. But, fight smart if you have to. A stab in the back takes a bit of patience, finesse and confidence still, something that I'm sure you can muster.

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      Thanks. Yeah, sometimes it's something that you have to face, sometimes it's just a realisation that you can't change other people - at least not too much. Coexisting doesn't mean that everyone does as you like, it means that sometimes each side has to tolerate something they are not thrilled about. I know it, it just gets to me sometimes...

      • Link

        Mmm, yea. It's a fine balance of acceptance, tolerance and sometimes trying to get people to change just enough. In short, it's compromise.

        • Link

          Yeah, pretty much!