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Sometimes I randomly like people by OddOly

So I’ve been in a book shop today and happened to talk to a guy who looked a lot like Ace. He was using one of those terminals to look up books and he was staring at it for a while and I told him he could get it to print out a paper with directions to the right shelf and he said that he could just remember that and I thought it was pretty cool because it’s about 5 two digit numbers and I can’t remember stuff like that at all unless I’m trying really hard.

He was nice and I was trying not to be awkward (I’m just generally awkward with all people I don’t know well) but he is probably sick of people being awkward around him and it’s hard both to look at a person and also not seem like you’re staring because I didn’t know if he was more annoyed by people staring or people not looking at him at all.

And there’s also that heartless writing part of my brain that was thinking “I wish it wasn’t totally inappropriate to ask what’s up with him because then I could look it up in wikipedia and draw it accurately.”

You know how sometimes there are people you have to interact with pretty often and you can’t help thinking “man, I wish I didn’t have to be near you and I wish I didn’t know you that well”? And then there are people you meet randomly and you think “I wish I knew you better, I wish we could maybe be friends” but it just never happens. He seemed nice (not because he looked like Ace, just the way he talked and remembered that big number). And he was looking up some English textbook on that terminal. We could totally drink coffee and talk about idioms or something but it just doesn’t happen because awkward people don’t randomly make friends in a book shop (unless it’s a hollywood movie).

I really doubt you'll read this but I think you're cool. :)

Sometimes I randomly like people


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  • Link

    Every friend that I have, I have been "awkward" to when approaching them. Hell, the person I care more for than anyone in this world was approached by telling him I was a fan of his artwork, and would possibly like to chat sometime. You know what? He said "no" the first time.

    Perhaps I was lucky (I know I certainly feel that way). But, I assure you that I was being awkward.

    Just be yourself. Be honest about things and approach people naturally, which is to say, approach them without fear. It is difficult and does not work most of the time, but when it does... it is MORE than worth the attempt.

    • Link

      I used to go for approaching people without fear but I just absolutely don't have it in me right now (see previous journal). I hope that changes in the future, but right now I can only write comments and occasionally talk to a couple old friends when it comes to talking frankly.

      Plus a lot of time people expect other people to be hostile. Last month someone asked me about buttons on my backpack and I really expected them to make fun of me so I answered politely but shortly. Turned out they wanted to know where to get those buttons because they liked them. :P

      It would be nice to get to know that guy more but I really didn't know what to say without the possibility of him taking it wrong. Now I had time to think on it and I still don't know - I bet he heard all kinds of insults and sarcastic jabs by now.

  • Link

    Aw, so cute! I get a lot of my inspiration for my characters on real people. And I love to talk to people. I've spend most of my (rare) free time when I was still working talking to homeless guys. Some were very nice, one was very smart, he was reading a lot of books (Stuff like Nietzsche) and he was complaining that most homeless guys weren't smart enough to talk about Nietzsche with him! They were good friends, I kinda miss them. I tried to help them the best I can, the most kind thing they would receive wasn't necesserally money, but a smile. Or a "hello".

    • Link

      Yeah, people are amazing in a way that they rarely are what they seem at the first glance. Nietzsche is bloody depressing from what I remember of my philosophy class but I suppose there isn't much room for "positive thinking" when you're homeless.

      I feel like creating more characters right now. I think about it a lot, just need to find the time to doodle them, I sort of understand them better once I start drawing them.

      • Link

        Yeah, Nietzsche is depressing, and not my kind of books at all! That homeless guy would be so happy If I recommended him books, he loved to read. From what I noticed, homeless guys are totally not the same in France than in other countries such as the United States... Here, they look "less dirty and creepy" because we have a lot of help from them, so a lot are pretty decent looking (shaved and all)
        Anyway, I can't wait to see more characters from you! <3

        • Link

          Yeah, it varies a lot depending on where you live. I follow a blog that posts photos of random people in NYC and they happen to take photos of a lot of homeless people and often you can't tell they are homeless until you read the text under the photo. Where I live homeless people are reduced to stray animals - they stink, they are literally covered in dirt and are concerned only with basics of survival. It's awful and while I realise not all homeless people are like that I'm scared to approach the ones I encounter.