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Let's get to know eachother. by Squeedge

WELP, I'm done uploading art for now, and feeling uncharacteristically chatty. I got a few hours to kill before I head out for class, and I've been trying to be more e-friendly anyway so.... why don't we get to know eachother a bit?

  1. What you like to be called:
  2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
  3. One interesting fact about yourself:
  4. Favorite animal:
  5. Favorite movie or video game:
  6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
  7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:


  1. Either Squeedge or Katie works. I used to hate going by my real name, but as I've gotten older it's just like "OKAY, WHATEVER." It's not the greatest name, but I can't think of anything better. Aside from Roscoe, but I don't think that'll catch on.
  2. I DRAW, if that wasn't abundantly clear by now.
  3. Even though Squeedge is some ridiculous reptilian abomination, she's more accurate to my real life self than you'd know, right down to the excessive amounts of drool. I know, I'm so charming. But really, many of her traits are directly based off things about myself that I feel/have felt self-concious about, turned around to be something I like. I've done this for as long as I can remember, as all past representational characters have been the same way. I guess growing up I felt like I wasn't so great by human standards, but I was fuckin' ACE at being a monster.
  4. If I really really really had to pick only ONE, it'd be the nile crocodile.
  5. Any Godzilla movie (cheating, I know) and Spyro the Dragon.
  6. A BANANA SLUG. I, uh, was one of those kids who'd do pretty much do anything if dared to, and my indiscriminate gut was the star of the show. And no, as a matter of fact it DID NOT taste like a banana.
  7. Die Antwood - Baby's on Fire. I'm not entirely even sure if I really 100% like them, I just find their music interesting enough to listen to. Does... that make sense?

Let's get to know eachother.


Journal Information




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    These are always fun :D

    1. What you like to be called: Acorn
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Art!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I got blue hair
    4. Favorite animal: Squirrels, snakes, cats, I have a lot of favorites
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Silent Hill and Fallout franchises.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Apparently a lot of people think it's strange that I put ketchup on mac and cheese? I'm not culinarily adventurous though :(
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes
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      Blue hair is awesome. I'm still working up the courage to dye mine. I bought cherry red dye, but... it's been so long since I've had unnaturally colored hair.

      And YAY, Silent Hill! Any of the first three easily make it into my "top ten" list. Still never played a Fallout game, though I do love those... coyote-snake things.

      And haha, my dad used to mix tomato soup with mac n' cheese, so that makes perfect sense to me.

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        yeah, I tried pink but it makes me look weirdly washed out. I love the blue! If you are worried about trying it, you could try some of those washable dyes that only last until you take a shower just to test it out. My hair is naturally dark, so I have to bleach it to get my desired look.

        The first three are amazing! I also enjoyed Homecoming, the battle system was really intuitive. Downpour is a little difficult cause of the weapon system for it :/ You should really try Fallout if you ever get the chance! Easily one of my favorite game franchises.

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      hotsauce is baller on mac, so I can dig it

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        Now that's weird! Lol

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    1. What you like to be called: Lychee, Mika, Monster
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I dream of creating comics and cartoons, but right now i'm a Communications Major
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have a swimmer's build! Not that I've swam in a while...
    4. Favorite animal: Hyenas or dogges close call.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Paprika as a movie, and Bayonetta as a game. Second to Shadow of the Colossus.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: hmmm... chilli pepper dried mealworms somewhere in South America.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: 'Waiting For An Angel' Mix by Rameses B. Very very nice. <3
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      Communications might not be DIRECTLY related to comics, but the best comics come from well-rounded people, I think. So, that's awesome :3

      Hyenas are my favorite mammal, so they're second in line after... EVERY REPTILE, haha.

      And chili pepper dried mealworms? That sounds delicious. Was it spicy? 'Cause I LOVE spicy, and... I dunno, I know it's weird to most Westerners, but I like the texture of insects. *SHRUG*

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        i figure... i should get a degree and get a more comprehensive multi-subject type of learning before i ship myself out to art school. but when i do OH MAN i'm taking it by STORM >:D

        yes they were spicy, it was a long time ago though. they were dried and were probably the fast-food type of quality, so not especially well cooked for an insect :c

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    WE ALREADY KNOW EACH OTHER, but...might as well do it anyway, right?

    1. PRINCESS IVNAS OF THE ORANGE KINGDOM. (I jest, obviously just Ivan. XD And Ivnas is a name that only Rasasha calls me.)
    2. ALSO...ART? Sadly it's not much of a ~profession~ (not even as much as it is for you), since I was way too depressed to be responsible enough for that kind of thing. But I guess that's what I'll eventually pursue.
    3. Complicated characters gives me boners. |D Not literally, but that is pretty much my FAVORITE. THING. EVER. (I had a hard time thinking of something because I'm not really that interesting. Even that isn't really about me and just what I like, but OH WELL.)
    4. I have no idea. If you look at my fursona, I basically took elements of canids (particularly foxes and jackals) and dragons and hyenas...? But I also like bats a lot. AND KITTIES. ...Oh. LATTE IS MY FAVORITE ANIMAL, THE END. |3
    5. "Persona 4" OMG. ;w; You gotta play that sometime. Also Pokemon games, LOL. (At this point it's as much for the characters we create as the games themselves, though.)
    6. Mopani worm (it's really a type of caterpillar). Apparently they like eating those in South Africa. IT TASTED LIKE FISH.
    7. CAN'T. STOP. sakdjfs (And I was totally drawing myself as a Sugar Rush racer earlier while listening to it, haha. |D;)
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      Oh, do links work? <a href=" ">TEST #1</a>, TEST #2~

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        Weasyl uses BBCode, so do everything like you would on FA.

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      Oh, and I totally thought of a better thing to 3 (because of the person under me). XD My elbows may be double-jointed. I can completely swivel them while keeping my arm completely straight, which...apparently isn't normal?

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          IT'S HARD TO DESCRIBE, but...yeah. I kind of surprised Rasasha when I showed her, and Katherine can't do it either. XD

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      YOU ARE INTERESTING. I think you're just too used to yourself or something, lmao. I'm not sure if I like complicated characters per se, but if there's one with a really thorough and well thought out backstory I like I'm like AWWW YEAAAA and get all giddy.


      And yeah, still gotta play Persona. SORRY, I'M SLOW.

      And I loved the Wreck-It Ralph soundtrack, aaa. WELL, aside from "Shut Up and Drive" randomly popping up, but everything else was A+. Also haha, they're already hyping this up for Japan, where it's going to come out under the title "Sugar Rush" and probably shift the focus on Vanellope as the main character. WHICH I AM OKAY WITH.

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        That's pretty much what I mean. XD I just get excited about good characters. You know how excited I get about my own? LIKE THAT.

        UGH SHE IS. She is just so cute. ;w; Since I now know how to link to things, have a picture of Latte. And another, and another. AND ANOTHER. I know I'm spamming, but CUTE CAT PICTURES. >:C

        Pfft, it's okay. |D You should play P4 specficially, by the way; P3 is all right (and gets more interesting near the end) but not SUPER AMAZING like P4. And its characters aren't as deep.

        Oh god, of course. XD Because Sugar Rush stuff is ~*~ kawaii ~*~. (Also, I totally went with an orange cream theme for mine. I MUST SHOW YOU LATER.)

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    1. Boo
    2. I'm a full time University student. What a profession lol.
    3. Only my left thumb is double jointed.
    4. I'm not sure I actually have one. The coolest animal I ever interacted with was a ring tailed lemur though.
    5. Way too many favorite movies, favorite game is Megaman X.
    6. I ate alligator in Vietnam once.
    7. Towers by Bon Iver.
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      Full-time school might as well be a profession. It takes skill to balance all that work, yo.

      I really like Megaman X, I just haven't played through the whole thing. I'm... kind of bad at Megaman games. DUNNO WHAT IT IS.

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        Yeah, Megaman games are tough. I don't think I played all the way through X until I was 15 lol, it was impossible as a child, but I still loved it.

        Also, your art is fantastic, just sayin' :]

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    1. What you like to be called:
      I am pretty much down for what people are willing to dish at me. I have been called Lolo, Stripey, Butt Trumpet, Ass hat get it. Lauren is my real name. I really have no issue with people calling me that. But I am so use to the nicknames that it's almost weird to hear my real name.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
      I am also an artist. It's all I have ever done and ever known since I was 2. I don't think I can live without drawing something. IT'S IN MY BLOOOD MAAAAAN. I GOT THE ARTIST URGES!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:
      I can sound like old man Herbert from family guy....eeyup.
    4. Favorite animal:
      I can't just choose one. Aaaahg. I really like King snakes and Jackals. I like sharp teeth sooooo. But Monsters can count right? Yeeah lets go with monsters <3
    5. Favorite movie or video game:
      As much as I love my fair share of borderlands or maybe bioshock, I am a sucker for cooking mama or katamari. And don't get me started on animal crossing. u.u
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
      Frog legs
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
      The Qemists VIP - Renegade
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      I don't think I can live without drawing something, either. If I go too long without drawing I basically shrivel up and die.

      KING SNAKES ARE <3. I really want a California Kingsnake at some point, of of the few colubrids I'm interested in keeping,

      And ahaha, Animal Crossing... one of my guilty pleasures. And it's only a "guilty" pleasure because when I decide I wanna play Animal Crossing, I OBSESSIVELY play it for a few weeks while shutting myself off from the world, before getting burned out and picking it up again in another year or two, hahaha.

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        I am waiting for the new one to come out for the 3DS. Lawd, I think I will be gone for another year or two. Well It's a lot better then me playing Fable 3 all the time. I have such a love/hate relationship with that game. I just sit there and smile, then cry, then I rage for a long time...but I come back to it. Idk *flips table* I'm out.

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    1. What you like to be called:
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:
    4. Favorite animal:
    5. Favorite movie or video game:
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:


    1. Chromey or Nic!
    2. I'm an illustration major, and I work as one of the printing experts at a copy center.
    3. I'm not as manly as my character is :|
    4. GATORS.
    5. Uhhhhhhh I was a big fan of Chrono Cross but now I'm really into GW2.
    6. Snails.
    7. Some weird dubstep mix that my phone decided I needed to listen to at that moment.


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      haha wow didnt mean to copy and post the top half of that XD

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      Ooh, illustration major, huh? That's awesome! If I had the dosh to attend art school, that's very likely what I'd go into. Awesome. :3

      GATORS GATORS GATORS. They are the cutest, chubbiest things. I want to hug a gator.

      I received GW2 as a gift and still haven't played it. I GOT STUCK TRYING TO NAME MY CHARR AND QUIT. OOPS.

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        you should play it, but be prepared to lose half your life to it :V

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    1. What you like to be called: Well, by people from the internet, Erryx. But if I'm close friends with somebody, I would mind being called by my real name, David.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Draw Pokemon, play Pokemon, watch Pokemon, be pokemon. :U
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm wearing a NegaRen shirt I got from your guy's RedBubble! :D (not much of a "interesting fact")
    4. Favorite animal: Hmm...Penguins probably.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Metroid Prime! (And the Pokemon franchise, obviously)
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I've eaten scrambled eggs with ketchup. I think some people find that weird. Other than that, I don't remember anything else.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Sonic Adventure 2 Soundtrack!
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      And ABUBUBUB, that's an interesting fact to me. You don't know how much it brightens my day to hear someone's wearing a PSURG shirt! Thanks for the support. <3

      And Metroid Prime is boss.

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        ABSOLUTELY. (It'd be awesome to actually have a Pokemon related profession, but for now it's just a hobby)

        You're welcome! It's an awesome shirt!

        Literally! Haha!

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    So from the start ^^

    • Hi!
      1- I like to be called by my nickname Adi =D but if you like to call by my original name (which is Ariadne) is fine too, I really like my name =p
      2- The best thing I do Is Drawing, but I like to cook too, and to kinit, and to sew... ^^
      3- hmm a interesting fact about myself? its hard to think out on something because I don't think im interesting. I'm just a girl, that doens't like girl things, that just draw, live with a 23 year old mate and 11 cats, like to climb trees and act like a raptor from time to time. I think is more easy to find out talking a lot with me, since I don't know myself hahahaha XD.
      4- I would say, if I had to choose, wolfs or dragons... I have a passion for dragons since I was little.
      5- My favorite movies so far are the Lord of the rings series. and my favorite videogame is pokemon, but zelda is pretty close too.
      6- seaweeds.
      7- "Arthas my son" from World of Warcraft soundtrack, love their soundtracks =)

    And Woooow you ate a Banana slug! hahaha freaking crazy! =D cool =P

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      If you actually jump from tree-to-tree like a raptor, you are quite possibly the most interesting person ever.

      ALSO HOLY CATS, ELEVEN CATS? Dang, I can barely handle two!

      And ooh, if you like LOTR, are you excited for The Hobbit? I know I am, even if we probably won't see Smaug for at least another movie. ;n;

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        Almost haha, I was training to do that ;D but the damn guys closed the place that my training tree was... D= that tree... was just so perfect '-'

        Yush Eleven hahahahah people tells me I'm crazy, but what I can do... I just love them and they wouldn't find another place to stay. I fear for them because people here prefer to kill them...

        And Oh Totally! I have read the book and Im pretty exited to see the movie! =D haha and smaug would be totally awesome to see at leats at once haha. =3

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        Threadjacking because I AM. :D I dunno if you saw on Twitter, but I already bought tickets for The Hobbit's midnight showing~

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    1. What you like to be called: Jess, or Rawr. Whichever you'd like. =3
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Art is just something I like to do now and then. I'm mostly just some loser who's struggling with college, bills and finding ones self.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I am both the googlemeister, and the queen of "have not seen it". I also use text faces excessively.
    4. Favorite animal: Weasels. Mainly ferrets.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: It flops around a lot honestly. I can't think of which one right now. Almost any Pokemon Game.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Corn smut. (Also known as Corn Mushrooms.) THEY ARE NASTY DO NOT WANT!
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Uhhhhhhh. . . I can't remember. o.o Probably something by F-777 though.
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      College, bills, and self-discovery are a common theme 'round these parts. *fist bump*

      If you're the queen of "have not seen it," I might be the queen of "WHAT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT WE MUST WATCH IT RIGHT NOW." I'm kind of a film nut, even if my tastes aren't very uh, refined, hahaha.

      Pokemon is always a good choice for favorite game. |3

      AND WHOA, CORN SMUT (lol, name) LOOKS REALLY COOL. I don't wanna eat it, but it looks like space matter or something, I dunno.

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        Heh, yeh, we were offered it in my Plant Pathology class cuz my teacher wanted to see our reactions. It's apparently a delicacy in places like Mexico and whatnot. We got 5 points extra on our following exam for eating it, but ugghhh it was nasty. My classmates said it was like artichoke hearts, which I've never had, so idk. x.x

        And about the movies. . . lol, yes. . . I hadn't even seen Back to the Future until about a year and a half ago, lol. >.<

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    1. What you like to be called: Luna or my real name, Sara.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): At the moment, art (commissions).

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: Just like Squeedge, Luna's traits are pretty much 100% accurate to my real life self.

    4. Favorite animal: Lemurs of all kinds, but my top favorite is the Ring-tailed Lemur.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: I don't care for movies but my favorite video game is The Binding of Isaac.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Frog legs or a snail. I don't think those are too strange anymore.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: South Park episodes at

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      Ring-tailed lemurs are really, really rad. And surprisingly tall when they stand up, hahaha.

      I still haven't played The Binding of Isaac, but I've heard a lot of good things. Maybe it's time to dust off Ye Olde Steam account. :S

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    1. What you like to be called: Empa, or YCR, mostly!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I like art, baking and cooking~!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: uhh, I'm not sure~ I collect pokemon toys and old gaming consoles
    4. Favorite animal: Otters probably!
    5. Favorite movie or video game: What a tough one ;o; Probably favourite of all time would be Gitaroo Man~!!
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: uhh octopus probably.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: currently listening to Royksopp
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      OH HEYYY a fellow Pokemon collector! Any Pokes in particular? I collect Feraligat/Croconaw/Totodiler, Venusaur, Rhydon/Rhyhorn, and Nidoking. :3 I wish I could collect old consoles, but seeing as Renard has basically every console under the sun, I guess there isn't much point. I keep thinking about collecting Game Boy colors, though, since there are so many pretty ones.

      And I love Gitaroo Man! I... just wish I didn't suck so God-awful hard at rhythm games. Sob.

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        I mostly collect Clefairy and Oshawott! Are you on PKMNcollectors? :D Its a fun place

        I dont really game too much anymore, and might possibly downsize my collection when my fiance and I move soon.. I've seen pics that renard has put on tumblr! It's impressive x3 he has a lot more than me. Idk if any of my consoles are worth much, but.. I just never thought about getting rid of them. (aside from some extras I had.. had like 3-4 sega gensis consoles at one point x__x idk how)

        and aaaa someone else who likes Gitaroo man! I'm not too good at it, but I love it soooo much <3 It's inspired me a lot!

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          Totally threadjacking because as soon as I saw you were a collector, I wondered if you were on there. :D I am!

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            awesoooome! I dont post much, but im tornaderman on there :3c

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    1. What you like to be called: Real name- Darcey but I prefer to be referred to as D or Seth.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc.): Hobby- Art. Currently a student.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have seen the movie 'Thor' more times than I can remember XD
    4. Favourite animal: Canine/ Husky.
    5. Favourite movie or video game: A Clockwork Orange, Spyro the Dragon 3.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Hmmm. I'm not sure what it was but it was a German food. X3
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Owl City, Alex Turner.
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      Thor was really fun. I wanna see it again, if only for that badass armor monster... thing. That was neat.

      And A Clockwork Orange and Spyro 3 are good choices. Even if the former makes me feel kinda ICK on the inside, I can appreciate it for what it is.

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        Yeah, it had a really unique design. I felt a little sad when it was mullered :/

        I adore Spyro, the third game was my first ever game I played on PlayStation XD

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    Oh fun, do you mind if I post this over to my dA account?

    Love that Squeedge has all the attributes about you that might be considered flaws to others, I have a character that has a great deal of the same. AHH YOU ATE A BANANA SLUG ffff I used to play with them as a kid but wow, can't imagine trying to EAT one, hahah!

    1. What you like to be called: Jay, Jaybird, Jaybro, Juno, any strange nicknames my friends toss at me. I don't tolerate my birth name very well.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Professionally I'm a full time graphic designer. I freelance plush toys and illustrations on the side. I have an Associates in Illustration and a Bachelors in Animation though and would like to work in the animation/gaming/comic industry someday.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm pretty much a technophile. I find sleek machinery far more pleasing to oggle than people, hahah.
    4. Favorite animal: Sharks, particularly blacktip reef sharks. When I was a little kid I dreamed of working with them as a marine biologist.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Tekkon Kinkreet and Jet Force Gemini, hahah.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Er well I used to eat grass, lilacs, and erasers.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Allman Brothers Band, they're on my work computer's iTunes playlist.
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      Go for it, man!

      It makes me happy to know other people have done similar things. Even though it seems backwards, it's made me appreciate things about myself I wouldn't have learned to otherwise.

      And the banana slug? It was terrible. TERRIBLE. NOT RECOMMENDED.

      And... wow, holy smokes! You do a lot of cool stuff already! Where did you study at? Either way, I wish you luck in your industry endeavours. :3

      And ooh, blacktip reef sharks are great! Definitely among my favorite sharks, I love their shape in general.

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        Thanks! I think characters based on insecurities are wonderfully interesting, and it's great that it's helped you to embrace some of these things about yourself!

        Ahahah I can imagine it wasn't that pleasant...hahah! And thank you, I studied at a local community college and then went to the Savannah College of Art & Design. Was an amazing experience!

        They're really pretty animals! I love a lot of fish :D

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    Your fursona is such a huggable darling, you sure as hell do a great job manipulating your insecurities into something great *o*

    and oh god eating a slug i'm

    squeedge i


    1. What you like to be called: AQ, McArson, Mc, Pink, Emitt, honestly it depends on the person. I've got all sorts of nicknames and I like them all. c:
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a cashier/(hopefully soon to be full time) stock person at a small grocery store, obvs an artist and an aspiring mortician.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: uUUUUHH?? I don't know what's particularly interesting about me outside of just, hey, I'm me. UM I collect Transformers and japanese figures, it's an expensive and useless hobby and I love it.
    4. Favorite animal: German Shepherds and crabs.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Princess Mononoke and Morrowind.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I'm really sensitive to texture and smell so I don't think I've ever eaten anything out of the ordinary honestly. One of my favourite foods is miso soup and my mom thinks it's gross as hell when I make it????
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Little 15 by Depeche Mode. Been addicted to them lately.
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    1. What you like to be called: Koneko
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Uni student majoring in bio
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I am abnormally flexible and can bend my leg around my back and touch it to my head wop wop
    4. Favorite animal: CATTES obvs but slugs, cuttlefish, Pangolins, red pandas, and other misc cute shit rank p high up there as well
    5. Favorite movie or video game: oh gosh I have so many favourite vidya, but uh Pokemon Black, Link's Awakening, and Cave Story are p much my consistant top three
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I dont eat a ton of weird shit bc TEXTURE SENSITIVITY but I remember eating an ant while I was little, as well as eating grass on multiple occasions. (I was a special child)
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:Assassin's Creed II soundtrack bc I'm a lameo and havent listened to my ipod today in favour of four hour gaming marathons
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    1. Ryoa, or Ry for short (as if it isn't short enough)
    2. uh, i do art and i'm a high school student
    3. um... i'm related to Abraham Lincoln's wife (i don't know what else to say)
    4. i like a lot of animals, but mostly canines
    5. my favorite game is anything Pokemon
    6. strangest thing i have ever had is alligator fingers
    7. last thing i listened to is Taotao Teknoversio
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    1 as long as it's not 'my next victim' i'm fine with anything

    2 lookin for work, majoring in psych

    3 i have a quarter-sized birthmark on my right knee

    4 doberman pinscher. starfish are pretty cool too

    5 audition; persona 3? idk i like a lot of stuff!

    6 octopus. not really that out there

    7 the newssss

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    I... can try. XD I'm kinda boring, though.

    1. :D My 'sona is Raevis, but I prefer being called Rae most of the time by friends because Raevis sounds formal. THERE ARE A FEW EXCEPTIONS (people who can make a distinction between Rae as a character and Raevis as me, the person. XD)

    2. My profession right now is printing addresses on ads. Yup. >3>

      My hobbies at the moment are writing, gaming, and dancing. I'm sloooooooowly picking up drawing, but terrible at it and no idea how to, like... learn. XD As far as gaming goes, I think I kinda come off as casual because I love virtually everything. x3 I keep wanting to pick up an arcade stick to practice fighting games more, though.

    3. I'm mixed, half-black half-white. :D Everyone gets surprised when they find out I'm not completely white. XD

    4. I love rodents, reptiles, and insects. >3> All at the same level. ...I'm kinda one of those people who everyone else talks about how disgusting something is and I just go "but it's so adorable D:". Might just be that I don't like people just hating things ~just because~.


    6. ...In high school, I used to dip things in marinara sauce when we got it on Fridays. Like, everything.

    7. :D

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    1. What you like to be called: my name is jack so my friends usually call me that, but fyrus is fine too!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): artist! mainly focusing on character design and stuff. my dream job is to design characters, monsters, enemies, bosses, ect. for video games!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: oh i dont know im really boring. im uh, capable of sleeping for very long periods of time? ive slept for over 24 hours before...
    4. Favorite animal: rats! but thats super obvious. uh, i also like cats and bats. rhyming wasnt intended lol
    5. Favorite movie or video game: i loooove zelda. espcially wind waker. as for movie, i have no idea.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: im a really picky eater and hate all fruits and vegetables so for me, the fact ive eaten a banana before was pretty weird. didnt like it.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: just some monstercat.
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    Sure, I'll have a go!

    1. What you like to be called: Silvolf, Silv, AvistA, Avi or Razz.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I work in a shoe store and a DVD/music store and I do art too

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm ambidextrous :D

    4. Favorite animal: Rat. I love rats. They're very misunderstood but I have had some for pets and they are the kindest, sweetest animals.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Movie: Watership Down. Video game: Twinsen's Odyssey (old game no one has heard of)

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Jellied eels

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go. My friend gave me a link to it. It's a good song

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    1. What you like to be called: I generally just go by Mix online (its an alias I picked up about 5 or so years ago and while it makes for quite a lot of amusing misreads/puns, its too late to even consider a new name. Haha) and amusingly enough p much all my IRL friends call me Mix too just because its what they're used to calling me.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I am a (terribly dismal) student at the moment though I should probably get a job soon since I don't see myself at the level where I can support myself wholly on art/writing yet. (unless I like end up writing the next Star Wars or something idfk)
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have the unfortunate habit of taking on way too many projects at once and then never accomplishing anything because everything is in a state of WIP. (Which is why at this present time I have a trilogy of novels in progress, two short stories in progress, a game I and a team of people are....someday...going to actually crank out, a tournament over on dA I'm hosting, and recently I've taken an interest in possibly starting up a comic.) If I ever actually manage to complete something, it'll be a miracle.
    4. Favorite animal: I don't have one actually! Its too hard to pick cos all animals are great augh (most people expect it'd be a coyote since that's what Mix is but lolnope)
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Favorite movie is Tekkonkinkreet. The unique art style along with characters I immediately related to...yeah. Definitely my favorite. (Though there's QUITE A LOT THAT COULD ALSO WORK....) as far as favorite video game...fuck man idk there are too many games I love for a whole lot of different reasons and it'd be easier to just list out games but I don't want this comment to go on for FOREVER
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: possibly shark or gator (don't tell my boyfriend he'll kill me (his character is a gator)) but there was also the time my mom said she was making chicken stew but used squirrel meat instead and lied about it so I'd eat it (I was 9) (I still don't trust her)
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Celldweller. I'm finally getting around to actually giving him a solid listen and loving what I've got so far, haha.
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    . u. You know it's funny what you say in #3, about putting your insecurities into your characters and spinning them around to make you like them... that's basically what I did for all my characters too, physically and sometimes emotionally/personality wise.

    1. What you like to be called: I'm cool with anything, I tend to 'identity hop' so all my friends know me as something different, haha. Current nicknames seem to be Faux and Vrai, but some folks call me Dee and my best friend calls me Clam or Clammy. My actual name is Erica, though!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Currently I am unemployed and I feel pretty indecisive about my future. Art is really my strongest skill and my favorite hobby though, so at the moment I'm wondering if maybe that isn't the best path for me after all.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: HMMM well I do have some interesting physical traits! I have "double-jointed" fingers, webbed feet, and when I was 11 I broke my left femur on a trampoline and had to get an external fixator! It was a 'spiral fracture' break, and the hospital I went to wasn't even capable of doing anything so I had to go to the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. The break was apparently so impressive my X-Ray got into a medical textbook. XD
    4. Favorite animal: God I love so many though, uhhh... Pop-eyed Goldfish. The black ones.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Ffffffavorite movie is so hard... maybe Pleasantville. Favorite videogame is defaulted to Morrowind, but I'm Bethesda's bitch so I really like all their games.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I was making poached eggs and as I was waiting for the water to boil I cracked my eggs into a mug. I wasn't really paying attention and I took a sip out of it while I was talking to my dad. ; A; I swear to god it tasted like COLD SNOT AHHH.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: This- seriously.
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    1. What you like to be called: Kas!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Er, I don't know. I want to pursue art as my major, but my family isn't too keen on it. I'm undecided.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I speak Spanish fluently and can sign the alphabet in ASL.
    4. Favorite animal: Koi fish
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Movie, Lilo and Stitch. Game, LEGEND OF ZELDAAAAA
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Calamari, tbh. It was GOOD though.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: A Gangnam Style remix with Ke$ha, LMFAO, and Big Time Rush.
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    1) I prefer Maia as it’s my real name, but Swanda is fine too, or Snow or Griffen.. hehe.. It’s fun how some people still call me by that nick even though I haven’t used it for almost 10 years..

    Lord.. 10 years.. Thanks, now I feel old.

    2) I draw once in a while.. I should do it more.. yeahh… I also write once in a while.. And love RPing with friends over MSN.. Hmm oh yeah, I also make a webcomic with my buddy Thescatterbrain (on here, FA and DA.)

    We finally got the first book into print last month.. so that’s awesome.

    3) Ehh, Interesting.. Hmm.. I never wear socks ever, period.

    I often make weird sounds, and sometime I’m not even aware that I’m doing it.. Yup.

    4) Now that’s just cruel.. I really don’t know.. there’s so many wonderful critters in this world ;A;

    I guess my favourite pet is dogs, closely followed by bunnies.. But I have a cat and two freshwater turtles instead :U They are pretty rad too.. Freshwater turtles take quite a lot of upkeep though.. myeah.

    And for wildlife.. Dunno.. Turtles? Oh I just love turtles so much okay.

    But the octopus is a really awesome creature as well.. Hnngh..

    5) I love the Legend of Zelda series more than all other games.. and out of all of them I think Majora’s Mask is my favoured with Wind Waker coming in on a close second.

    6) I.. I don’t know? I don’t really eat strange things.. Dunno, I ate a lot of dry dog biscuits as a child? But I think many have tried that at one point.

    7) I’m listening to the late night news right now.. Nothing fancy there... They are talking about making new laws for how long DNA material should be kept after an unsolved case goes cold.

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    1. What you like to be called: Asia (my real name), but extinct or trilobite are acceptable aliases as well.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a freelance illustrator by trade, 90% self-taught. I also knit but that costs me money, it doesn't make me any.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm 1/4 native american. 1/4 japanese and have green eyes.
    4. Favorite animal: It's really a toss up between corgis, corvids and tardigrades.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Probably The Big Lebowski, but I also love a good creature flick. I like a lot of video games so idek... maybe Super Metroid?
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Agar gel we used for DNA fingerprinting in biology class.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
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    I-I so shi bby pls U///U But I'll try.

    1. What you like to be called: Clubs, Clubsu, Clubsofmeloncholy, Clubmeloncholy clubOMS, Bri, Melons.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I love art, but I plan to self teach myself guitar UuU

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I-

    4. Favorite animal(s): Canines, Felines, Birds, Dragons, BEARS.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Ghibli movies, Batman tv series before the newer one... Arkham city

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: y'know calamari? Did you know sometimes they fry up a WHOLE baby octopus? yeah....

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Aquarius by within temptation.

    So yer

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    1. What you like to be called: Most people call me Akwin or Deaglen or Dec.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Currently unemployed, waiting on immigration papers to clear. Originally I'm from Canada, but currently I'm living in the good ol' USA.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I was born on a leap year!
    4. Favorite animal: What a toughie... I suppose my current favorite is deer. When I was younger though my fave was also the nile crocodile. I loved all things scaly, still do! :>
    5. Favorite movie or video game: The Lion King/Goodfellas and The Legend of Zelda/ Shadow of the Colossus (sorry couldn't pick one!!)
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Umm my favorite sandwich is ketchup, mustard, and bologna so I guess that's a pretty odd, don't know anyone else who likes that combo.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Fleet Foxes- Fleet Foxes album, haha. I discovered them a few years ago, but just listened to the album in full now. I enjoyed it a lot, it's good if you like that folksy guitar stuff.
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    hi squeedge hi i love you

    1. What you like to be called: Pepper
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I like to art. I don't have a job or go to school just yet buuuuttttt I hope to change that within this next year and a half. I wanna major in illustration. IT'S MY DREAM.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I can jiggle my eyeballs.
    4. Favorite animal: UUUUUUHHH, I like cats. As unoriginal as that is. I'm also a fan of giraffes and reptiles because I've seen few reptiles that didn't have lovable faces.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: I'm a fan of the original Spyro trilogy gamewise, haha.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Crickets? I dunno. I ate a sucker with a scorpion in it but it had zero appeal whatsoever. The sucker tasted bad the scorpion was gross.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: I'm listening to Se Voce Me Ama by Melody Gardot. I just picked up on that artist and wow I can't get enough even though it isn't like any of the other music I listen to.
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    1. What you like to be called:
      AC, finally got to be able to have this as my handle. Thank goodness for Weasyl letting me use only 2 letters!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
      Art, art, art and Medicine. Thought I'm trying to branch into physics because that's what I really want to go back to school for.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:
      I've dissected a (dead) human from head to toe in an anatomy class. That was probably the most interesting thing I've ever done and kind of fuels my secret dream of being a mortician later on.
    4. Favorite animal: Hyenas and Cats.
      I also really, really love snakes.
    5. Favorite movie or video game:
      Resident Evil. Silent Hill, L4D (notice a trend, ehheh), lets throw in Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts for some light hearted fun. The list of my favorite video games is actually rather long but it kind of ends there as I generally don't play games I think are 'okay' unless they're 2 player.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
      When I was little I ate a Christmas ornament because I thought it smelled tasty. That sure horrified my parents.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
      Whatever playlist my friend was going over as we drove back from a long trip to LA. I was half asleep though!
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    1. Story

    2. I am working on becomming a 3D character modeler but currently as a freelance artist. I also aim to create stories to share with the world in whatever medium possible.

    3. I am the only redhead in my family after generations and generations of blondes and brunettes on both sides. Save for my baby niece who also came out of nowhere. Now I am no longer alone.

    4. There are many awesome animals its hard to choose one. Recently I've been on a giraffe kick. They are just so weird.

    5. Also difficult since I watch so many movies. I would play a lot more games but it is hard to work and be physically involved at the same time. I'll have to say the Pokemon games since I still play those. Simple and sweet games for the spare time I get.

    6. I've had caviar, alligator, octopus and squid, eel, cow tongue and stomach lining. I cant think of much else right now but I pretty much try and eat everything. I love food and am not picky. save for smooth gelatinous textures like pudding and yogurt. Can't have too much of that stuff at once.

    7. Pokemon B/W game music since my girlfriend is currently playing it in the background heh.

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    1. What you like to be called: I'm very used to Rokkan, both my irl friends and my online friends call me by that name!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I am starting uni soon. Drawing and playing games are my two major hobbies!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: My hair is dyed red and I love wearing makeup
    4. Favorite animal: I think lions are the cutestt
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Sonic CD is my favorite game. I don't have a movie that I really hold too highly from all the other movies I like, though.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I can't remember. I guess it counts that I accidentally swallowed graphite.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: FM Soundshock albums and the soundtrack to Double Dragon Neon!
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    1. What you like to be called:
      ----Risky or Bree is great c:
      ----Actually you could pretty much make up some absurd nickname for me and I'd still answer to it haha
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
      ----I'm an animation major and a freelance artist and someone who likes to draw the same goofy critters on a daily basis.... who has entirely lost the concept of sleep.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:
      ----I'M TOO BORING FOR THIS GUH...Uh, I'm actually the tallest lady in my family. I'm 5'11 haha.
    4. Favorite animal:
      ----THIS IS SO DIFFICULT I can't pick one. I like kangaroos, hyenas, crocodiles, dinosaurs and horses
    5. Favorite movie or video game:
      -----Movie: Uh Spaceballs haha
      -----Video game: Spyro, Portal, Skyrim, Amnesia and Left 4 Dead
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
      -----Watermelon with hot sauce. It was a dare :|
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
      -----Tequila by Korpiklanni
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    Yeah, I definitely understand about incorporating personal stuff into your characters! It was only recently when I did that first, with my current sona Kreap. He's the only one of my characters to share an exact personality (as opposed to only bits and pieces) and exact body type as well, and thanks to him I've come to terms with being kinda chubby and being who I am. uwu AMONG OTHER THINGS but mostly that


    1. What you like to be called: My name's Chris, but Kreap will work too! uvu

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): maker of digital arts, player of video games, wearer of radical jackets /o/

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I dunno how interesting this would be?? but I used to be really big on collecting things before I got into drawing. For one, I really REALLY loved Legos when I was a kid

    like hoo boy


    I have a whole stash of Bionicles in a box somewhere and then I got a bunch of other sets as well but I can't seem to remember where I left any of them weh ;v;

    I also have a whole bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon cards from way back when but I honestly just got them for the pictures and I had no idea how to play the game whoops,,

    4. Favorite animal: bats and snow leopards!!

    5. Favorite movie or video game: hMM I'M NOT REALLY BIG ON WATCHING MOVIES but I guess Batman Begins or V for Vendetta?? As for video games I'm a pretty big fan of the Sly Cooper series like dang (AND POKEMON TOO gosh I love pokemon 'v' )

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I don't really eat anything that's really strange? but I put mayonaise on my pizza sometimes does that count

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: wubsteps. lots and lots of wubsteps. (and DnB too. uwu)

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    1. What you like to be called: Metal, Rurik, or Burr
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a musician/filmmaker, majoring in Film Music
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I tend to change personalities around certain people I hang out with, kinda like Woody Allen in Zelig
    4. Favorite animal: Dogs, bears, cheetahs, snakes
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Full Metal Jacket, Borderlands 2
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I used to make weird food combinations when I was a kid (peanut butter and Jello on a cracker), but in Israel I had a mixed grill of various chicken organs
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: "The Great Dividers" by Unearth
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    1. What you like to be called: Trystan, Trys, Tryssie, etc.... Angel is fine occasionally, but I really kind of hate my real name.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I generally spend my time writing and drawing -- though I certainly won't claim to be the best at either.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: ...Erm... I like sea lions?
    4. Favorite animal: Dogs / Sea lions / Leopard Geckos
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Pokemon for video games, or The World Ends With You -- which I need to play more of because the plot and characters are fabulous. (There's talk about a part 2 lately, but I don't know if that's true.) As for movies, I'm still addicted to The Lion King.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: ...Erm... Goose liver. Which was relatively good, but had a very odd texture.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: ...SPG. c: Me and My Baby (Saturday Night)
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    Why not? :'D

    1. What you like to be called:

      UK mostly but I really don't care all that much, Becky works better offline though. xD

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      Currently not got a job, but I'm studying Level 3 Animal Management at college. I love iitttt.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself:

      I don't think I really have anything very interesting to say about myself. :I

    4. Favorite animal:

      Oh gosh so many. All kinds of dogs, wild and domestic. Same with cats. Horses. Ferrets.

    5. Favorite movie or video game:

      Hmmmm. Tough. I like all kinds. Current favourite games have been the old PS1 Spyro & Crash Bandicoot games. <3 All of the love.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

      I don't know, not really eaten much strange. Probably grass when I was little. xD

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      Last thing I listened to waaas ... I thiiiink either Robbie William's "Candy" or "Some Nights" cover by Peter Hollens. Forgot which one was last. |D

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    1. What you like to be called: Serva, Serv
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): STUDERNT
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I breed geckos ;A;
    4. Favorite animal: oMG UHH.... Crocodileeeee
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Movie: Saw 3 prolly...IF NOT, THEN EMPORER'S NEW GROOVE COS...YEAH
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Bugs. Lots and lots.



    1. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:....oh god

    Gay Deer World Takeover

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    1. What you like to be called:

      Kaj, Kaji, Tommy, Thomas. Those that know me from the fandom call me by my 'sona's name, whereas those that know me through school, work, etc, call me by my actual name. There's also the multitude of nicknames like furball, fuzball, fluffball, kitty, tommyzombie, amoeba

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      -I work at Cheddar's as what they call the Culinary Assistant. I basically work the kitchen window, pulling food, garnishing and saucing them, putting orders together, getting out for the servers to take to their tables, making sure ticket times are where they're supposed to be, etc. It's a hell of a job and can get pretty intense, especially friday night - sunday night. Can't say I hate it though because I'm working with food, doing what I love.

      -As for hobbies, I play minecraft, other video games on the xbox from time to time, read, listen to music, hang out with friends and of course make food!

      -Im going for my Associates degree in Culinary Arts as I want to become a full-fledged chef one day. My two dreams are to be the head chef of a well-known restaurant, and/or be the owner of a well-known restaurant. I love any kind of food that implements a lot of spice and flavors, mexican, italian, cajun, moroccan, and mediterranean are my favorite cuisines. Soups and pastas being favorite types of dishes. But american comfort food will always also win my heart as god knows I love me some classics.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself:

      I'm actually mild to severely allergic to artificial food dyes/colorings, like the stuff that makes Gatorade all of it's different colors. Ive had this allergy all my life and while yes, it does suck and most people when they find out are all "oh man, I don't think I could live that way, I cant survive without (insert some food or drink here)", but it does keep me eating a little healthier than most. Don't get me wrong, there is still a LOT of junk food that can easily turn me into a very unhealthy person, but this allergy is both a blessing and curse. Ive gotten to try things most kids or even teenagers would never touch, and found that I quite enjoy a lot of it! It also is part of the reason as to why I want to become a chef, as the allergy to food dyes is actually pretty common, but most people don't realize it. They blame it on something else, and then they don't understand what happens when they break out. Every time I go to a new restaurant or want to try a new dish, I have to ask and make sure I wont puff up from getting into dyes, as it's no fun.

    4. Favorite animal(s):

      Tigers, Lions, Otters, Cheetahs, Terriers, Horses

    5. Favorite movie or video game:

      Favorite movies are Spirited Away, Cloverfield, Summer Wars, Nightmare Before Christmas, 9, Wreck-it Ralph, Avengers

      Favorite games are Halo series (haven't played 4 yet..), Assassin's Creed series, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Minecraft, Child of Eden, Metro 2033, Paper Mario 64, Ace Combat 6

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

      I believe the strangest thing for me was trying eel sushi. I actually really enjoyed it!

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      Last thing I listened to today was Tidal Wave by Owl City

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    1. What you like to be called: Locke or Fog, unless we are good friends, then I am alright with my real name being used.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a professional vagrant.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: All milk smells awful to me, but I still like it on my cereal because water or fake milk just isn't the same.

    4. Favorite animal: don't know. I really like animals. Uh. Maybe horse or dachshund? Only because I have pets of these things, of course.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Favorite video game is probably Skyrim. I love this game way too much.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Squid, maybe? I guess I could say oysters but I sometimes actually like oysters. So squid, because it's slimy and I strongly dislike the texture.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Haha, uh, I'm Just Your Problem from Adventure Time. A+ adult here.

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    1. What you like to be called: Tank or variations there-of (Tankies, Tankykins, Tankybutt, Sir/Lady Tankford the fifth)
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a housewife and art is pretty much what I do aside from that
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I... don't know. I went to art school for a year in Santa Fe, NM. After I left they closed down for a while because of lack of funding, I think.
    4. Favorite animal: okapis and dikdiks or pretty much any little fluffy thing
    5. Favorite movie or video game: this fluctuates a lot, but right now I really like they bleed pixels
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I haven't eaten anything strange! I'm not really that adventurous with food.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Say Hi To Your Mom - Your Brain vs. My Tractorbeam

    And I totally understand about Die Antwoord. Something about them is interesting, even appealing sometimes, but I'm really not sure if I could say I actually like them.

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    1. What you like to be called:

    Toffy, kitty, or codie. although those first two names arent very common ones i go by IRL, but i actually really love my name. Codie is a pretty interesting name for a girl i guess, ive just always got compliments on it and at first i didnt really like it either, but ive grown to love it. :3

    1. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

    Art is my total consuming hobby, even though i am super discouraged REALLY easily and pretty much everyday i say to myself "i just want to give up" or" im not good enough". its pretty much a daily struggle and i cry like huge baby. i have mixed feelings about the art side of life in general, and i cant decide whether im jealous of amazing artists talent or just blown away by their awesomeness. but i realize that if i work hard enough, ill create my talent into something worthwhile. its just getting there thats the hard part. i rarely have anytime for drawing anymore and its such a letdown. sometimes i just dont know what to do. as for a profession/career, i work at a hometown bakery and ice cakes. :3

    1. One interesting fact about yourself:

    im really not interesting, at all. i cant even think of anything thats not stupid or generic. im generally super nice, i love to converse with new people even though im super shy so its difficult sometimes. i can be very opinionated and i hold strong to my beliefs. i dont force my way of thinking onto others, but i will call someone out on their BS.

    1. Favorite animal:

    everything????? i cant pick just one. anything fluffy or scaley

    1. Favorite movie or video game:

    SPYRO IS AMAZING thats my entire childhood. ive been playing the same spyro game for 12 years straight

    i love all Ghibli films. quality japanese animation is a huge yesyes for me

    1. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

    i cant think of the strangest thing, but ill tell you the BEST thing ive ever eaten; everything. im a huge fatty and love food. ;0;

    1. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
      Bjork and Portishead. that strange indie/new age/electronic genre that i cant quite put into words. besides from drawing, music is my only safe haven. not to mention lapfox trax just makes me want to HUG. EVERYTHING.
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    It's interesting that you have made a lot of self-representing characters with the traits you felt self-conscious about. And hey, if you get to be super at something, being a monster is a pretty rad thing to be ace at. :D

    1. I like to be called Nyomi, honestly, though I'll also respond to my birth name (Mary) and other names I go under without complaint!
    2. Right now I am employed in publishing, but really, what I do is make things. I sculpt and draw, and I live for both even when they cause me a lot of grief. Someday I hope to be good enough to make either or both my full-time work.
    3. Music is my drug. I deal with some chronic issues that I don't want to dump in your journal comments, but when I listen to music, they go away. Music drives my art and focus. I love singing and dancing even though I'm no pro at either. I played piano growing up and have wanted to try my hand at making some variety of electronic music even recently despite how intimidating some of the programs for doing so look to me. My mood can turn up on a dime with a well-timed song. This is one reason I make a point to attend "dances" at cons... who needs anything extra with bass vibrating your skull? SORRY I RAMBLE.
    4. I am really into moths right now. There are so many beautiful and awesome-looking species out there! Have you ever seen a Spanish Moon moth, or a Comet moth? The Misera sp. Chinese cup moth really kills me! LOOK AT THIS FUZZY CHILD:
    5. I'm not very well-versed in movies. I've sure played a lot of Pokémon in my time, but I also really enjoyed the Phoenix Wright series and Okami. It's hard to pick one favorite.
    6. Calamari, I guess! It's not that weird to me since I grew up in an Italian-American household.
    7. Effington, Ben Folds. It was stuck in my head when I got home. I'm probably going to put some high-energy beats on next.
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    Well I think I'm a little late to the party...but oh well :X

    1. What you like to be called: Kal or Joe
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a programmer, currently working on the logistics side for my company. Wish I was doing web development though, that's my strong suit...
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I really REALLY want to make games. I've toyed around MMF2 for a few days, but lately it's just been so many distractions, and I'm constantly bothered by the fact that all I can bring to the table is coding; I'm not too great with art (yet! Slowly improving), and I can't do music or sounds worth beans. :/
    4. Favorite animal: Lizards! Especially fence lizards, they're awesome!
    5. Favorite movie or video game: At the moment I'd say Guild Wars 2.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Chicken hearts! Like little grapes made of meat!
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Coo's Theme from Kirby's Dreamland 2
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    1. What you like to be called: Hetsu
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Make music
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm british and love meeting new people, also chatting online.
    4. Favorite animal: Raccoons
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Summer Wars
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I don't try unusual foods :c
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Prodigy - Charly

    Always love answering questions about myself <3

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    1. What you like to be called: Luso tends to be an alright monnicker.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Phys Tutoring, Translation and side doodlin'.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: The reason why I have a romanian character is because of how my accent tends to default.
    4. Favorite animal: Either the Sun Fish or the Pudu.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Contact or Mind Game / Just Cause 2 or pretty much all of the Nekketsu Series.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Either Scargot or Pig Liver.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Freelance Astronauts NSMB's LP.
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    Lol, might as well.

    1. "Kai" is ok, since I use it everywhere yeah
    2. Mainly music, animation, and pixel art. But I also make paper children, clay figures, sew, and edit videos, sometimes. It's a bit all over-the-place.
    3. I make a mean pasta sauce.
    4. Red pandas, for sure.
    5. UGH way too many fav video games, but if I had to choose one... I'm gonna have to go with Paper Mario 2, I think.
    6. There's probably something actually weird I'm forgetting, but I can't think of anything.
    7. My Beatles playlist.
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    1. What you like to be called:

      Stoker! It's what the vast majority of people refer to me as.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      I have a lot of different hobbies, but I want to get into filmmaking, ultimately. Preferably surreal fantasy and/or horror films.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself:

      I once narrowly avoided being peed on by an adult male lion.

    4. Favorite animal:

      Bats. SHOCKING I know.

    5. Favorite movie or video game:

      Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Gamecube. I just have to come back to it every so often.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

      I don't eat all that many strange things, but I have had alligator. And cheese-covered mealworm.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      Spice and Wolf soundtrack. I recently discovered the show and have kind of fallen in love with it.

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    1. What you like to be called: KK (I've grown so used to it, I completely don't realize when people call me by my actual name, oops x3)
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Freelance Art
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm the tiniest person ever. 4'11" :3
    4. Favorite animal: Dogs, cats...anything fluffy and cute really? Especially lions!
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Fav Movie - Tangled * Fav Game - Mass Effect (Trilogy)
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Ummm. I'm not too adventurous with food, so the most out of the ordinary thing for me has been shark?
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Rolling In The Deep (A cover done by an unkown band)
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    Gosh this seems fun! And i totally understand the making characters out of insecurities, all my characters are what id want to be if i was perfect.

    1. I'm Sven. But anything you call me I'd be fine with o3o. Well as long as it isn't a flat out insult though.

    2. I collect video games (i have some where between 200-400 games last time i counted) and draw a bit. Even though I draw super not often I do draw!

    3. I weigh 180 pounds but i look super skinny. Density is weird with me 6u9

    4. My favorite animal would have to be deer by far! They are so cute and fluffy and fun to draw and everything about them is perfect /)w(\

    5. My favorite game is The World Ends With You! It was so fun, the story and the art style still blow me away, and I have met quite a few nice people with the game owo

    6. One time I ate 3 Month old doughnut. Cuz really stale candy is perfectly fine to eat.

    7. The new Nega album! And some of the Jet Set Radio OST.

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    1. What you like to be called: Kjorteo (pronounced kyor-TAY-oh)
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Formerly weaver, now just some company's shipping and receiving department warehouse monkey, but at least it's full time and regular and pays and stuff!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I am intensely devoted to, if not obsessed with artistic expression as a form of immortality via creating a legacy--that is, if I make something, and then I die, whatever I made is still going to exist, and that's incredible! This was probably inspired by watching The Last Unicorn way too many times as a kid (Mommy Fortuna won if you think about it; she got exactly what she wanted and everything she said was 100% true) and further provoked by isolated things here and there like this song coming out, the death of Athus, etc. I am making a novel (and actually making very good progress on it) because of this thought, and it kind of is one of the themes within said novel as well.
    4. Favorite animal: I don't know--I could get into specific stuff like favorite dinosaur or whatever, but I'm an animal lover in general and it's really hard to say which animal in general is best out of all of them! Dogs are awesome, I guess?
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Retro Game Challenge
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Uh....
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Normally everything I listen to is either power metal or video game soundtracks. Technically the last thing I listened to was the King's Quest VII soundtrack but you caught me on a somewhat rarer occasion; normally it's like Avantasia or something.
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    1. Eh I used to like Nix, but typically Lumavis or Rach works. Much as I hate the name Rachel it's what works the best D;
    2. I do work as a drawing tutor and a Barista :3 But I just sat an entrance exam for an awesome looking design school/ centre thingy, so hopefully I'll be doing concept art and such next year.
    3. Ahh. I have a roboraptor named after some godzilla animatronic puppet on my desk, Cybot or something... He holds my stylus and has a little Millennium Godzilla riding on his back. yay. I wanted a roboraptor since I was a kid and I finally got one this year which turned me into a giddy little kid again.
    4. THIS IS REALLY HARD. But I guess penguins.
    5. I really like Pan's Labyrinth and anything pokemon mmm.
    6. Grass Jelly Drink is pretty foul, but I accidentally almost ate an octopus beak which is.... awful.
    7. Latest Coldplay album, I'm seeing them live soon aaaahhh 8D

    But yeah, I guess I can sorta relate with real names, just being kinda dull, Squeedge is an awesome alias though, I'm yet to find one I'm fond off, I mean I had Nix as a burd-sona thing but all my Sonas turn into actual characters so nothing really sticks.

    And I guess Banana Slugs sound much nicer then they taste.

    Also I like this journal idea, I only have 3 Weasyl watchers so I'm going to see how it goes on FA :3

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    1. What you like to be called: Noodle, Sync, Plugra, Manda, or Mandy.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Artist/Gamer
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I work on video games for a living!
    4. Favorite animal: Red Panda, Caracal, Sloth, David Tennant and Cats in general.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: or?? Sherlock Holmes movies and Ratchet and Clank (Series.) (CAN'T PICK ONE.)
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I dunno... Foie Gras is kinna.. strange but a normal food and delicious. I guess popcorn kernals? or something.. phh nothing seems strange. I never ate a slug or a bug or anything alive. XD
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: My fiance playing Borderlands 2
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    Well, we kinda know each other a little bit already from HITF and SL, but here goes anyway:

    1. What you like to be called: Disco or Orrin. Either or. I used to dislike my birth name as well, but it's all good really.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Job wise? I repair band instruments (trumpets, trombones, saxophones, etc.). Most of our work comes from local school districts. Hobby wise? Gaming (video & tabletop), Music & audio production, and DJing.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I love foreign languages and dialects. The more unusual the better, and I always love learning little bits here and there. I've forgotten most of my German and pretty much all of my French, but I've picked up a decent amount of the various Caribbean dialects, and am currently learning Hebrew. That's about as interesting as it gets with me.

    4. Favorite animal: Hell... Probably hyenas or any kind of caprid.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles is still my favourite movie by far. I can't help but tear up at least a little every single time I watch it. As for video games? That's hard as hell, but I'd have to say that Clock Tower (PS1) is probably really high up there.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Carpenter, Fire, and possibly Pharaoh ants. Schoolyard dare, you know the drill.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Nightmare Juke Squad's "Rated R" album/compilation. Some of my favourite juke/footwork to date has come out of this crew, especially Leatherface and Candyman.

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    Alright awesome!

    1. What you like to be called: Sol! Or recently Otterbutt haha.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Barista in a bookstore, nowhere near as fun as it sounds lol.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have synesthesia and thus see/feel sounds!
    4. Favorite animal: DOGES and otters and dolphins!
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Oh god Pokemon or the Persona series for sure. Movie? Fantastic Mr. Fox.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Fermented shark meat. I wouldn't recommend it.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance. :3
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    Well, I'm feeling similarly chatty, so here goes! *gonna get lost in flood o' people*

    1. What you like to be called:

    Nees, Neesboy, and sundry associated puns that crop up.

    (e.g. Madness? MADNESS? THIS IS MAD NEES!)

    1. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      I'm in Computer Science, and I'm fond of writing and roleplaying. As far as writing goes, I do both poetry and prose.

    2. One interesting fact about yourself:

      I have ridiculously stretchy skin. It comes in handy for entertaining kids and for making funny noises.

    3. Favorite animal:

      Cuttlefish! They're what you get when you combine a squid, a chameleon, and an LCD flat-screen TV. Plus, some of them have w-shaped pupils.

    4. Favorite movie or video game:

      Favorite movie is never really decided, but I don't mind giving The Incredibles as an answer. My favorite video game is the Heroes of Might and Magic series. (Bonus!) My favorite book is Watership Down. Seriously, that's an awesome book. Why are you reading my post instead of it?

    5. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

      Eh, not very exciting- I had a peanut-butter, jelly, and ketchup sandwich. They don't taste too bad, just... sour. Which is admittedly a tad disconcerting for a PB&J.

    6. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      Despicable Me and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Because programming to villain music is the best.

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    1. What you like to be called: Lulu is what I prefer but people tend to call me BB, Bunbun, or Bunny xD
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): ART! 8D
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I collect unusual stuffed animals, they're usually monsters, octopuses with mustaches (I add them), bats, or sharks
    4. Favorite animal: Wolves and bats and foxes
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Paranorman and Lollipop Chainsaw
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Ummm I don't eat many strange things lol but I guess I'll say tripe or seviche
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Lana Del Rey's Paradise Edition Album
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    1. What you like to be called: Sunes is fine.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a NEET for the time being, but I'm going to be going back to school soon. I also draw things sometimes.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I can't whistle.
    4. Favorite animal: Cats. All kinds.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: I'm playing Paper Mario on the 3DS so let's go with that.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Cat food. I had a terrible babysitter when I was in elementary school.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Homestuck music. All of it. Just omg.
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    1. What you like to be called: - Melissa or Sigil, either is fine
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): FREELANCE ARTISSSTTTT
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I was originally in a Bible college, studying to be a youth pastor
    4. Favorite animal: nubian goat/baphomet
    5. Favorite movie or video game: that's hard. I LIKE A LOT OF THINGS how about Labyrinth/Dark Crystal because I'm never sick of them.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: HAGGIS
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Amanda Palmer
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    1. What you like to be called: Boiler, Lime, Kettle
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Art!
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I own a Chinese Crested!
    4. Favorite animal: KANGAROOS
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Tank Girl
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Only one? Escargot, beef liver, chicken liver, neck, gefilte fish, skate, rabbit, venison, ants, caviar, sea name it, I've probably eaten it.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Miami 2014 - Billy Joel
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    OH OH OH!! This really looks like fun! I think its a cute way to get to know you, and those who follow you!

    1. What you like to be called: My full name is Katherine but i love being called Kat, short and to the point! Other nicknames are cute too, anything creative and fun is a plus!

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a visual art major in college, haven't been in school for like two years so it's so GREAT to be back finally! I started up again in September ;A; Happiest moment in my life! Hobbies, its art drawing, but mostly sculpture! I love making things out of clay! I'm hoping to start selling sculptures of others characters and such! I found a good technique for it too! anything craft wise is my favorite.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: ...i have a huge collection of Pokemon figures. A SHELF full!

    4. Favorite animal: it's between cats and dogs, but cats are just so much more fun to pick up, they get so angry quickly. uwu

    5. Favorite movie or video game: I can't think of a movie on the top of my head but my favorite game will always be Super Mario RPG; Legend of the seven stars on the Super Nintendo. AMAZING GAME, i recommend it to everyone!

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: uhhhh, Guinea pig? Is that strange anymore?

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Marina and the Diamonds. UwU omg her voice and her songs are just fantastic!

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    I hope it's not too late to post! I really loved learning a little about you, it was a lot of fun! The banana slug thing was hilarious! xD

    1. What you like to be called:

      I prefer to be called Sunshine but I love nicknames!

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      I'm an animator! (Well technically still a student.) I love traditional hand-drawn animation but sometime venture into CG work. I specialize in character design and appeal so I love to draw and draw and draw! <3

    3. One interesting fact about yourself:

    4. Favorite animal:

      Owls! Well Bakiston fish owls to be precise.

    5. Favorite movie or video game:

      My favorite movie would have to be Blades of Glory. I love it so much it's just so silly! I don't play video games very often but I to enjoy playing the pokemon games!

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

      Frog legs. My cousin tole me they were chicken wings but lied. >: But they did taste like chicken!

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      I'm not listening to music right now but when I pulled up my music player One Chance by Modest Mouse came up. :> I like Modest Mouse.

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    These are fun. (side note, im a die Antwoord fan, myself.)

    1. What you like to be called: I go by Sonia [thats my given name] but highschool friends still call me Sheep. IRL almost no one calls me Equinoxx, unless they met me through the fandom and just don't know my real name yet. I dont have a preferred name out of these though, anything works.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a dietary Aid at a nursing facility. I hate it, and i dont get paid enough for what i do.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I can imitate the sound of a sheep, hence the nickname from highschool.

    4. Favorite animal: OH BOY HOW DO I PICK JUST ONE. ok its a tie between Red Kangaroo and Golden Mole.

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Disney's The Jungle Book or Clue.... The Halo Franchise and Zuma.

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Honestly, Polenta. Ive eaten stranger things i guess, loike squid and feathers and stuff. but polenta is something i just dont understand why people eat it.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Rodney Atkins - If You're Going Through Hell

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    1. What you like to be called: Kayla or xainy. I really have no preference.
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I drawww.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: of my ears is bent funny ever since I was little. I used to tell my friends I was part animal cause that's just the kind of little freak I was.
    4. Favorite animal: This is always hard to answer for me, but I gotta say domestic cats as well as most wild cats [big and small] and hooved animals like goats, sheep/rams, gemsboks, ibex, etc.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Movie: Clue, Game: Harvest Moon 64
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: NOT a banana slug. O_O Probably a staple. Like, from a stapler.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: This is going to sound stupidly name-droppy, but my Queenstons playlist, haha. Specifically, Painkiller.
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    well, why not? :3

    1. Online? Ryu, Ryunohito (most can't pronounce it right) or sometimes even Cyroe, but off the internet fantasy box? Corey, I don't think i'd ever get used to people IRL using my furry name

    2. I work at a care home out in a small town 4 days of the week, I pretty much live here Monday afternoon to Friday morning.

    3. Not to sound like a copycat or anything, but I'm another fur who tends makes their fursona with many personal traits X3

    4. Cats, cats, and more cats. Love em to pieces :3

    5. So hard to choose, and honestly depends on my mood at the time, but it seems like GTA IV is my fave at the moment, it's just a game a can pick up and play and not get bored of

    6. i guess by most people's standards, eel. though it's usually part of sushi when i eat it

    7. Symphony no. 5 in C minor, because I love classical music :3

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    1. What you like to be called: yasu or yasuno!
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): SJCC student waiting to snag a chance at classes. (school is really full)
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: Hmmmm I have 5 rats and 6 dogs? ahaha Or hmm I can run on all fours?
    4. Favorite animal: HMMMM OKAY HARDEST QUESTION HERE. Right now. RATS.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Godzilla, Monthra and King Ghidorah GAINT MONSTERS ALL OUT ATTACK.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Octopus
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: G-dragon - crayon
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    I really wanted to reply to all of these but uh...



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      You tried, I guess!

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      THAT'S OKAY this is kinda cool to scroll down and find cool people to add anyways!!

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    1. What you like to be called: Lady, LSB, Z
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Arts :B
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: No one will play chess with me anymore because in the middle of the game I go rogue... anything goes as long as you can provide good reasoning for it, as far as I'm concerned.
    4. Favorite animal: Rats!
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade / Professor Layton :D
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: I don't know if beef tendon actually counts, but... yeah, that.
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Judge Dredd soundtrack. (Quite good!)
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    1. Uh, I've gotten so used to just being called "Amber," I pretty much just go with it online, too. Ras also works, since that seems to be what even some friends (HIVAN) know me as anymore.
    2. I am art major 100% forever, gonna be in college until I'm thirty. I mostly just do digital work, but I've picked up making teeny sketchbooks and I've declared my focus as being a printmaker because HOLY SHIT. HRNGH. <3
    3. Uh... oh geez. I'm not really all that interesting.
    4. Hyena hyena hyena hyena (also alligators, moths, and hercules beetles are close seconds).
    5. As of right now, Resident Evil 6 and I have no shame admitting it's because of shirtless Jake Muller. However, more consistently, if you throw a Jet Set Radio or Panzer Dragoon game in front of me, I will flog you like an angry chicken and bolt off into the night with them. My babies... ;~;
    6. It's not strange based on what it is, but because of circumstance. Last year I was sitting in the hall kitchen and this girl I've never seen before comes up with a tupperware bowl and tells me to take a chocolate. So I did. And it tasted like pure rum. She then cheerfully told me that she messed up the recipe and her roommate actually got tipsy eating a few, then skipped away. And this is why you don't take candy from strangers...?
    7. Iron by Woodkid. My sister found it on an Assassin's Creed trailer and I actually like it. Ain't no shame. Ain't none at all. ;~;
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    I love stuff like this! I should do it with my followers sometime.

    1. Tyler, Tye, Fossa or Jackal.
    2. I'm a college student getting his degree in Communication Design, and I take commissions on the side. As a hobby I game (and will play almost anything), fursuit, and loiter around places with my friends.
    3. I have no idea, tbh! Personally I think I'm kind of boring!
    4. The fossa, followed by black-backed jackal, desert cottontail rabbit, and white tailed deer.
    5. Gremlins is my favorite movie, and my favorite games consist of the Fallout series, The Elder Scrolls series, Conker, Klonoa, and the Digimon World games.
    6. I love pickles with whipped cream, if that's considered strange.
    7. The Wreck-It Ralph soundtrack, haha.
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    a meme? sure I'll go!!

    1. What you like to be called: I like to be called Xan! Though MFB is a pen name, and a name I've used for a while, so there are a lot of in-jokes pertaining to it, and I like to be called it too. (I also like to be called with 'they' and I like to be called a cyborg)
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I, too, am a drawer. *rolls open and shut a few times*
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have the ability to completely shut down an entire dinner table by simply spinning 180 degrees and snapping my spine loudly
    4. Favorite animal: Snakes are really uguu :( :) :( :(
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Or? This is an 'or' question?? My favorite game is Unreal Tournament but I'm not actually that pro at it! My favorite to play right now is Minecraft. And I also just started New Vegas. And I really want to see Wreck It Ralph again. ):
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Oh, hell. Elk heart? (I didn't gain their powers, unless the chronic aches are phantom antlers sprouting out of all parts of my body)
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: *checks itunes* Apparently Dave Tipper! I really really like his work, he is one of my creative idols, by which I mean, I like his work so much I purposely try to avoid knowing too much about him. (he's a nomad like me though!)
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    1. What you like to be called: Sushi
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I'm a student at the Art Institute, I love to draw and listen to music and my major is game designing.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I love the power button symbol so much that I always have it hidden somewhere on my person at all times.
    4. Favorite animal: Corgi
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Favorite movie is Scott Pilgrim, favorite game is Animal Crossing and favorite game series is Silent Hill.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Pig Brains with Ox balls. (Wasn't told I was eating it till after....)
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Madeon
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    I know I'm a bit late but Id like to try :)

    1. I don't mind being called Paityn, Paytea, Wheeler or Zardis. Wheeler is my last name and Paityn is my real name (pronounced pay-tin).

    2. Well an artists is what I'd call my profession, nothing uncommon around here of course

    3. I am very open minded about everything and just about every subject. Open to new things and new opportunitys.

    4. Favorite animal: um.. A glow worm or I guess a great dane. There are so many to choose from but I adore the glow worm and cave dwelling things lol

    5. As a child I used to love playing Spyro and crash bandacoot but lately I fancy Dead Space and fAvorite movie is.. Well I don't really have one. I like cloudy with a chance of meatballs lol and Inception

    6. Like yourself I used to do crazy mixtures of food and eat them in front of everyone... I kinda liked the attention cause I was a lonely and shuned kid. I remember mixing yogurt with soya sauce and other weird stuff.

    7. Um, I don't remember it was on the radio after I was driving home after seeing Wreck It Ralph but the last song I do remember is the ending credits song of Wreck It Ralph, it's by Owl City

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    1. What you like to be called:
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:
    4. Favorite animal:
    5. Favorite movie or video game:
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

    8. Lar, Lara, Larathen, Raptorbutt, Raptor, or anything raptor related

    9. Aside from drawing furries, I cook at Applebees lol.

    10. Im a lefty. I KNOW SO INTERESTING.

    11. Of all time: raptors obviously. Non-extinct: rhinos :V

    12. Movie: Fight Club. Vidya game: One game I keep coming back is Rock Band but currently addicted to GW2

    13. Alligator

    14. Mastodon <3

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    1. What you like to be called:

      I like to be called Dime. People who know me can call me by my first name, which is Magera.

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I am an artist. I art. I'm a worldbuilder, I create stories and design the world they take place in and draw the results.

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I have a semi-colon tattoo on my chest

    4. Favorite animal: European honey bee. I love bees so much, they are such interesting animals. I'm planning to get a beehive of my own next spring. Or at least I hope I can pull it off!

    5. Favorite movie or video game: Movie: Steam Powered Giraffe and the Quest for the Eternal Harp of Golden Dreams. That or Spirited Away - or maybe Eyrie? Can a short film count? Video game: Audiosurf

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Occasionally I've tried combining foods, just to see what the results would be. I think the weirdest was tomato soup and ice cream. ... That one wasn't good.

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Odjbox (

    Also I just did a "find" search for "3." - reading everyone's interesting facts all in a stream is amazing o_o

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    1. What you like to be called: Vic, Sheps, some long time friends call me RS sometimes, i'm fine with any of them really ;w;

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): i draw i GUESS. currently taking online classes and i'm thinking about looking into web design stuff more

    3. One interesting fact about yourself: i'm not ticklish and my significant other is slightly upset by this

    4. Favorite animal: UMMMMM, birds, sheep, cats, lizards, i dunno!! a lot of things. ;~;

    5. Favorite movie or video game: MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS probably Kiki's Delivery Service, idk, i don't watch a lot of movies so i don't have a lot of stuff to pick from. MY FAVORITE VIDEO GAME IS.... idk i like a lot of games, though notable faves are Kirby Super Star Ultra, Pokemon Black/White and Black/White 2, Viva PInata, ALL THE PAPER MARIO GAMES, and METEOS yeahhh

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: i'm really picky so uhhhh.... MAYBE biscuits with chocolate syrup on them?? yeah boring i know

    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: i was just playing Paper Mario Sticker Star earlier, so the Decalburg theme ` w`

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    1. What you like to be called:

      anime dad of weezy. lol I dunno, whatever corruption of prost the person likes. ie PRAT

    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

      storyboarder, animator, illustrator. I enjoy vidya and being a political piece of shit. also two honours bachelors degrees oor something

    3. One interesting fact about yourself:

      despite being a straight edge forry activist of sorts throughout my life online against grose furry porn, I was introduced to the fandom through fetish web browsing.

    4. Favorite animal:

      d3m snakes :3

    5. Favorite movie or video game:

      STALKER. And snakes on a playn

    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:


    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

      terrible smooth jazz in the SeaTac airport hahahaaaAAAAAAA MAKE IT STOP

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    1. What you like to be called:

    I always went by my gaming handle growing up (Shadowfire), to the point even my friends' parents called me that, but I'm trying to transition to "SF" lately because it's less ridiculous sounding.

    1. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):

    I currently develop websites for hysterical people who can't run their businesses, so I end up being a general IT guy, accountant, brand manager, etc.

    I'm a computer scientist and classical musician by training, but I really want to get into indie game development. I game competitively and have been slowly teaching myself electronic music writing in my spare time.

    1. One interesting fact about yourself:

    For years I held the world record for world's youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (age 9) and I have a personal letter from Bill Gates to show for it.

    1. Favorite animal:

    Probably wolves. I don't even know why, just seeing them makes me irrationally happy.

    1. Favorite movie or video game:

    Can't choose just one, but for movies I really love the more intelligent and aesthetically-oriented action films (Kill Bill, Equilibrium, The Matrix, etc.)

    My list is huge for games and I feel like different eras and genres deserve different forms of recognition, but the ones that always stick out to me are the good Sonic games (3/Colors/Generations), Bayonetta, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, the Prince of Persia reboot everyone hated, and almost anything Valve makes.

    1. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:

    I'm vegetarian and this section is I assume for gross animals/body parts. I guess tempeh is pretty weird to most people, it's a fermented bean curd. Also my girl and I make a mean tandoori calzone.

    1. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:

    A remix of a level theme from Doom:

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    1. I FORGOT IF I ALREADY TOLD YOU THROUGH FA NOTES. But Thunper / Sol works best. Most people call me Sol!

    2. SCHOOL! 8D gonna go to college for who knows what.

    3. I have been to Hawaii and Jamacia and they are both amazing places you have no idea.

    4. DOGGIE

    5. Anchroman is my fav movie! Will Ferrell is a beast! As for game? I have played okami OVER 7 times atleast.

    6. Cant say i have eaten anything too strange really XD

    7. Flying Lotus - See Thru U (feat. Erykah Badu)

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    might as well say ~

    1. What you like to be called: Merri of corse ~
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):student/office assistant
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: i like old things. browsing antique shops are a favorite pass time for me .
    4. Favorite animal: rabbuuuttz
    5. Favorite movie or video game:my fav movie is labyrinth . and my fav game is phantom brave.
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: dog
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: idk but it was involving the singer being upset that a person "came here with someone" i dont know
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    1. What you like to be called:Rude,jerkass,hey you
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc):stocking shelves with some arting on the side for now
    3. One interesting fact about yourself:I've been in a car accident where the car flipped into a creek
    4. Favorite animal:too many, how about sea inverts
    5. Favorite movie or video game:the thing,Binding of Issac
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten:ants
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to oh god I don't even know anymore
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    1. What you like to be called: lucas
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): animation/art major
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: im from california??
    4. Favorite animal: goat or lion i cant decide
    5. Favorite movie or video game: favorite movie is night at the roxbury favorite game is mother 3
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: idk i eat sushi
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: mgmt
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    1. What you like to be called: DBM
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): Professional Monster
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: I'm not so bad, once you get to know me.
    4. Favorite animal: I hate them all. I only despise dogs somewhat less.
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Alien
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: Octopus sushi
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Dickbitch Molly Autobiographical Roleplay Mixtape
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    1. What you like to be called: Chomp! Kai works fine too yes
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): I do art and experiment with noises
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: uuuHUUH All of my fingers are double jointed ' w'; I can make my hands into a 'claw' shape because of that~ It freaks people out hahaa
    4. Favorite animal: D-do insects count?? ; w; I really love Silk Moths, precious babies aa! If not, 'Gators are the cutest thing abububu
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Pan's Labyrinth is my favourite movie ever * w* Video game wise, Shadow Of The Colossus, yes please
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: hhHHHMM I don't really know ' w';;;;;
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: I'm having a Radiohead..marathon..? Don't know if that's the right term;;; Anyway right now I'm listening to their album OK Computer u vu
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    1. I am EvilLugiaXD or Siedas. You can also use my real name ( not sure if I should say what it is on here so note me if you are curious) .

    2. I am not a professional (probably never will be), but I do draw.

    3. I love to study the paranormal and one day hope to be part of a ghost hunter group. My pokesona Siedas is really my spirit guild in real life long with many other ghost oc's of mine (I checked out many doctors and they all said this was a spiritual not crazy).

    4. I really don't play favorites when it comes to animal since I view them all as equals.

    5. Avatar (James Cameron ) and a fight between pokemon and spore.

    6. Sushi I guess. I don't really pay attention to what I eat. ^^;

    7. Blast OFF by Renard. Most of his music is like a drug to me.

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    1. Ayla, Kaigan, Kai, Static or Spencer. I'm not particularly fond of my real name, but I use it for legal reasons.

    2. I'm a musician (inspired by renard), casual artist (inspired by you!) and full-time media student majoring in sound design for game and film. I have a certificate in music production and sound editing; currently on my third year of TAFE.

    3. I have an incredibly imaginative brain. I can think up art, stories and music videos on my first listen to a song, and see the waveform in my mind as a visual pattern or series of colours.

    4. Crazy cat lady all the way, particularly small jungle wildcats and snow leopards. And if you couldn't guess from my fursona, I'm a sucker for caracals.

    5. Ecco the Dolphin and Ecco II: The Tides of Time. I don't really care that much for the third game however.

    6. One time when I was completely off my head, I got a chocolate sponge roll and sandwiched it between two pringles. It tasted amazing at the time, but when I tried it again later there were pringle crumbs and dough skid marks all over the floor.

    7. "The Warriors" album by Stanton Warriors. My favourite tracks at the moment are "Get Up" and "Superstar".

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    im so late to the bandwagon but IM FASHIONABLY LATE!

    1. What you like to be called: Yami mostly. Zebra works, or Elysees. its usually Yami
    2. What you do (profession, hobby, major, etc): college student, i work for a small publishing company and i try to get free lancing done so i can buy food. cuz... i like food... i really want to get into fantasy drawing or something with more thought then bed time stories for kids.
    3. One interesting fact about yourself: (oh god just one) i own a blind cane and i have perfect vision
    4. Favorite animal: my doggy (and well Zebras but i cant have a zebra sleep on my bed!)
    5. Favorite movie or video game: Starfox Series is my crack man....
    6. Strangest thing you've ever eaten: my neighbor is chinese so she cooks all these dishes from her small village. i have no clue what im eating, but whatever its good!
    7. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST -Truxton (before was human nature -micheal jackson. weird)