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I am a traditional artist that likes to dabble in different mediums. Most of my gallery is filled with either anthropomorphic art done in watercolor pencils or pyrography (wood burning).

Commissions are PAUSED!

Favorite Artist: Arphalia

(My greatest influence in the furry world and still favorite artist to this day.)

My Pyro God: Ken Potter

(His pyrography is beyond exceptional.)

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For the love of all that's fuzzy....Commission News!!!!!

Things have been super quiet here, I apologize for this but as I has kept me away. However, now that I have been there for over 3 months I think I am starting to find my nitch and adjusting to how things are in my life again. Unfortunately I still have not been creating much, to nothing =( But....I want to change that!!!

I actually have a goal in mind with what I am about to propose so I shall explain!
My husband made me a little agreement when I was getting ready to start this job. He promised me that if I made it my 90 days I could finally buy something that I have always wanted.....a ferret <3
For the last 2 months, but primarily this month, I have been researching ferrets, watching videos, reading articles, joined a group on Facebook, and browsed many ads on Craigslist and the local garage sale groupes on FB. I've done my best to discourage myself from wanting to add one of these adorable little thieves to my life but once I went to one of our local pet stores over the weekend and held a baby for the first time....I knew it was all over. My decision was made. I MUST own a ferret.

As many of you know....ferrets are not cheap! I may be working and making more money than I ever have, but I do have bills, and they need to be paid. I could save a little every week (which I plan to do) but to gather everything I need to finally buy my new baby (hopefully babies! -x2) might take a while and I am not sure I want to be patient enough to wait that long =P


Thinking about opening for a few new commission options to generate the extra funds to make this little dream of mine happen a little faster =D I am officially opening back up for Wooden Badges which you can find the information here:

But in addition to them I am going to be opening for Windchimes (example: ) and a new shape that I recently bought that could be used as an ornament or car mirror hanger or to hang where ever =P Both options are slightly larger than the Wooden Badges and will come ready for whatever intended purpose you choose to use them for so expect the prices to be a bit more than the badges. I will post pictures soon and get a price figured out, but both of these options will be limited due to only having so many blanks on hand. Chances are once they are gone....they could be gone for good. I buy shapes spontaneously and whenever I get the chance to visit a Michaels craft store, which we do not have in the town that I live in. So once these are gone I might never be able to open up for them again and would be your best chance to snag a rare limited time piece of art from me =D I can't promise that...but...just saying....the chances are pretty slim.

I am hoping to have my turn around for these be fairly quickly because the point of all this is to generate the funds faster so I can buy fuzzies =D but I will still have to ask that you keep in mind that I do work full time and have to fit art in around it. I think that just about covers what I wanted to get out there! Please feel free to leave your opinions on these future commissions or even share your ferret stories/experience/advice!

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Wooden Badge

Wooden Badge
$ 20.00


Pendant: $20
Pendant with Suede Cord: $22



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    Watch Anime Online for free at

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    How long have you been woodburning?

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    Love your wood burnings! I tried it myself a few years ago and quite enjoyed it, not sure why I never continued. Looking forward to seeing more :)

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      Thank you so much =D You should pick it up again! For me its always been about finding my niche and juggling different mediums. I love all the different things you can do with burning and love encouraging others to give it a go!

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    You have a really nice gallery!

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    Thank you and yeah I know. lol I commission a lot of different artists so there is a lot of different styles in my gallery.

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    Thank you for adding my artworks to your favorites! :)