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Threa Case Study - The Sozkul by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Sozkul


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The Sozkul are not the most impressive beasts to watch over. Their days mostly consist of downing fish after fish before lazing on the coasts of Threa, sunning their marbled grey scales on the rocky shorelines. Due to the sheer abundance of food in their natural habitat, there's not much left for a Sozkul to worry about in its daily life beyond whether or not they can get the best sunning spot. They tend to be simple-minded and rather dense, living in clans that have a sort of cooperation amongst each other on the shoreline.

Since they are piscivores and live near the ocean, the Sozkul have developed to be rather suited to their life on the shores. They have webbed feet to kick and push water around with their very strong and muscular legs. Their body has become rather rotund and squat to hold the creatures closer to the water and avoid any excess body mass for swimming. Their tails are thick, muscular, and made for being used as a rudder or propulsion; their tail frill can act like a flipper when moved in an up-and-down motion underwater, or a rudder if the tail is held angular while the legs kick. The frill on their heads and neck also help with direction while swimming, but is generally a display for courtship. This aquatic lifestyle has led them to bear wings that are not very impressive under normal conditions. They can fly, albeit haphazardly, but it is extremely difficult without the help of ocean winds and updrafts. Usually, Sozkul use their gift of flight to track down bigger aquatic prey from above before diving down. Their nostrils are positioned on the top of their snout, rather than the front, to allow them to swim through water and breathe with the most ease.

Scales on these beasts are diamond-shaped and overlap. This sort of spiky mesh shape makes them a bit more streamlined in the water and also wards off smaller nuisances such as pesky shorebirds that pick at one's catch; a smack from a very sharply scaled tail will teach any shorebird right. Their teeth are shaped rather similar, except a bit more conical at the base, to best pierce and hold onto fish and other slippery prey. Usually, they swallow this prey whole.

The eyes of Sozkul face forward and generally have oval or circular pupils. They have a nictitating membrane that helps keep the salt water from their eyes as they swim and hunt for prey.

Most civilized kul see Sozkul as lazy and primitive. Despite this, they are as capable as any other species; they just have no reason to advance as much as the others have. The only challenge they face in life are from the Sozlin, the bipedal challengers for control of the fish and shoreline.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

Much like the Truzkul, the Sozkul are not entirely designed by Draa and I. Kaitax, a friend of ours, has the first Sozkul that gave the base to the rest of them. He looked exactly how we imagine coastal dragons, basically, and so these buggers are based off of him. His looks, if not his personality. :D Credits to him!

These guys kind of remind me of seals. Stubbeh lehgs.

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