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Threa Case Study - The Rizlin by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Rizlin


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The Rizlin are the most religious of all the lin; their lives are dedicated to following the Rizkul around the jungle, tending to their needs and worshiping them as jungle spirits. In return, the Rizkul will usually protect their lin charges, but otherwise just see them as a sort of pest or pet. These lin lack the dangerous acid-spitting glands the Rizkul have and, instead, rely on tools and weapons made by themselves to survive in the jungle. They have no knowledge of metals, but can use rocks, wood, and other materials available to them to create bows, arrows, spears, and so on. These lin especially love to dip their arrowheads in the poisonous or venomous substances of creatures found around the jungle to be even more deadly to their enemies. Don't let their appearance fool you; they're deadly.
Beyond the occasional ornament or belt for tools, Rizlin generally do not wear any sort of clothing. Anything they do wear is made of plant fibers or leather. Their small, round scales are generally enough protection against the jungle's smaller dangers or nuisances. What they cannot protect against, however, is the wrath of Rizkul.
Rizkul can and may turn on their lin counterparts if need be; they trust them to take good care of and protect the eggs of the clan. These eggs are the only thing the Rizkul truly care about beyond their matriarch or subordinate females; if one is lost or broken, hell will crack down on the lin - sometimes all of them, not just the one that messed up. The lin try their absolute best to win favor with the Rizkul by tending to their eggs as if they were worth more than the lin's life itself. In all honesty, these eggs probably are worth more than the lin's life, considering the risks they take in handling it. Chieftains are chosen by brawls and duels of the fittest members of the tribe, but shamans, those who best advice dealings with the Rizkul, have successors who are chosen and trained by the current shaman.
Like their Rizkul masters, Rizlin protect the jungle ferociously, though they do so due to seeing themselves as its chosen guardians rather than out of territorial spite.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

This guy better not drop that Rizkul egg; he'd be dead in a second.

Recently, :devdraagul: and I have been going through and fleshing out a lot more parts of Threa. Therefore, a lot of the descriptions of the kul may be changed or adjusted. I already messed with the Trezkul one a little bit, dunno what I wrote for Rizkul and if I have to change it...

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    a tribe of religious nudists.

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      Well.. you aren't wrong :D