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Threa Case Study - The Izkul by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Izkul


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The Izkul look much like your worst nightmare. With devilishly long teeth, gaunt faces, overly long necks, a huge lack of muscle mass, and spines almost as long as the body is thick, this creature seems to be a force no one wishes to rekon with. However, no one even has to rekon with it; this lone monster inhabits the far, far northern floes of Threa, untouched by even the furred Truzkul. These creatures and sightings of them have been passed into legend over the years with many civilizations believing them to be naught but stories. These wicked creatures do, indeed, exist, despite the protests of more southern species.

While other species evolved from ancient variations of the Sozkul we know today, the Izkul evolved straight from the ancient Azkul who crawled from the ocean onto the frozen shores. They never evolved scales or any sort of covering; nothing can outwardly protect these kul from the bitter cold of the north. Instead, they have evolved a variation of anti-freeze in their blood. This was present in even the Azkul, especially those in the deeper seas, but more as an agent that prevents blood from frosting rather than outright freezing solid. The Izkul expanded this anti-ice solvent into a formidable antifreeze that allows them to easily patrol the frozen north without so much as a shiver.

Despite their horrid look, these kul are piscivores. Their wicked teeth are meant for snapping onto swift-moving fish, their necks able to reach down deep into the frozen waters from the shoreline. Their jaws are otherwise far, far too weak to bite into anything with protection beyond fish scale and their mortifying fangs would be more likely to break off than tear and rend. Furthermore, these kul are actually rather small. Most legendary depictions claim them larger than even the largest Blazkul, rivaling the Azkul of the deep sea. In truth, they are hardly larger than the Truzkul and barely break one and a half meters at the shoulder. Anything larger would be too hard to sustain on a diet of arctic fish.

The gaunt look of these beings comes from just how little there is to eat in the far north. Arctic fish are not very common, so food is few and far between. Most Izkul are very lacking in musculature, giving them an emaciated look. This look is hardly as worrying as it may seem, though; the Izkul are meant to live off of the smallest amounts of energy for the longest time. Since they have no internal heating to worry about nor any sort of predator, they can dedicate all of their hard-earned calories to powering their basic functions. Muscles are not very necessary to an animal that lays beside a shore with its neck out. In fact, the necks of these beings are the only muscular parts of their body. While you may still see their spine, the neck is still rounded and clearly more muscular than the rest of the animal.

A confusing feature on these otherwise terrifying beings is the little fins on their back. These are vestigial remains of the third set of limbs their Azkul ancestors possessed, regressed into nothing but slight fins on the back that are barely mobile. In the mightier races to the south, this pair of fins evolved into mighty wings that can carry the beasts in flight. In such a harsh environment, though, flying would grant these beasts nothing more than another activity that uses their energy.

As one may expect, the Izkul are extremely solitary. They have the least population of every kul species on Threa. The only time one may see more than one Izkul at a time is during the mating season, presumably, but no living kul has ever confirmed this.

The best way to avoid these beasts of nightmare is, of course, to never venture into the deep arctic. Another way is that if one spots you, do not move. Their eyesight is very poor; who needs to see when all there is is an expanse of white snow and blue water? Their vision is very blurry and heavily based on motion. Stay still and they might not think you are a fish. Hope they do not see you as a fish.

I love these devilish beasts.

It's hard to see here, but their tails are also very stumpy. Their legs are a bit shorter than what normally would be seen on a quadruped but, again, hard to see here. They have sickle claws, too, but it's impossible to depict that head-on.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

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    Not the kind of dragon you'd wanna ride on. ouch.

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      Definitely not!