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Threa Case Study - The Trezlin by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Trezlin


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Among the most advanced of the lin, the Trezlin dominate the forests of the north with two large kingdoms - the Gren and Sokan Kingdoms - and Treztown. Originally simple hunter-gatherers, these lin have developed mastery over bronze armor, weaponry, and tools. Their foresty green coloration is mostly covered by clothing made primarily from leathers and plant fibers, worn due to societal pressures of modesty.

These lin's lifestyles vary depending on where they live. The aggressive Sokan Kingdom have dominated the local kul populations, utilizing them for pack animals and war mounts. Kulriders are seen as the mightiest warriors for having control over the battlefield and their large, venomous steed. The aforementioned venom is also harvested by the Sokan to fill empty chambers in their daggers which break and spread venom when twisted in flesh. Meanwhile, the Gren Kingdom is made purely of lin without the advantage of kul. However, they have learned techniques to hunt and slay pesky Trezkul that threaten their kingdom. Trezkul are not an easy beast to take down and so it is considered a high honor and accomplishment to manage to take one - or even multiple - down successfully. Finally, while Treztown is rather small in comparison to the great kingdoms, it has the smoothest relations with the neighboring kul. In this nation, lin and kul are considered equals and have equal rights under the law. Trezkul are welcome to live among the smaller Trezlin though not many wish to, as they are rather solitary beasts.

Trezlin do not have much to leave their forests for, but those that do are generally vagabonds that wreak havoc on unsuspecting kul. Bringing back the heads of larger or more dangerous dragon species than the Trezkul brings unimaginable respect, especially in the Gren Kingdom. Many kul have learned to fear the small green bipeds that occasionally venture into their homelands.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

Can I tell you guys how proud I am of this? Because I'm proud of it. Not only did I manage to actually somewhat do bipedal anatomy, but I LOVE THAT RENDERING OF THE BRONZE. Metal is so hard for me to get right because it bends light and, in reality, this would reflect a lot more colors, but it's a start and it really looks metallic, so let me be proud!

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    He's got such a boopable snoot. Not gonna lie. He looks beautiful. I always love your little case study images, they're wonderful. ^.=.^

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      Woo, boopable snoots are best :D Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them :)

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    I agree with Reven, snoot is boopable