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Threa Case Study - The Rizkul by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Rizkul


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The Rizkul are the most lizard-like species of kul, their legs spread off to the side with their chests lower to the muddy earth of the rainforests of Threa. They have yet to fully gain lizardy hips and so their gait is awkward and forced. Do not underestimate these beasts, however; they have more than a few tricks in their scale and even with their deformed legs, they are quicker than most predators of the rainforests. They run in a broken gait, moving one leg far forward and tilting their body one way while their hinds move the other. Their heads stay entirely still, necks bending behind them this way and that, their piercing eyes locked on their prey. You can't run and you can't hide from these beasts of the jungle.

You can fly, though. Rizkul wings are nearly useless for flight; they are far too stubby to ever lift them into the air. Instead, these kul use them for gliding from massive tree to tree, their blunt claws easily digging into the bark and latching them there. This sort of soaring-based stubby wing shape excels at avoiding tree trunks while still providing enough surface area for a good glide. The shadowy figure of a snake-looking beast with wings zipping overhead strikes fear even into the hearts of the Blazkul, for you never hear these stalkers coming. Their scales are crocodilian, protecting the Rizkul from the bugs, sticks, and mud of the forest while also minimizing any rasping sound overlapping scales may make. The texture blends in near flawlessly with the bark of trees while their colors meld into the deep greens of the canopy. Their weird, but very tough and muscular, legs can hold the body weight of the Rizkul up for hours in the canopy, even upside-down. Their bright eyes with large pupils cut through the muddled daylight as easily as they slice through the pitch blackness of a jungle at night.

What one must fear most from these creatures is none of the above. They may be stealthy, quick, and have very keen eyesight in the dark, but they are also small and easily overpowered in one-on-one combat. That is, if they dared to get close. Rizkul teeth are sharp but short and their claws are blunt for one specific reason; they do not need to close in on their kill and overpower it. A small tube protrudes from the top of their mouths, a feature alien from all other species of kul. From this tube, these beasts spit corrosive acid that easily melds its way through scale and flesh if left to fester. It even can leave dents and divots into Blazkul steel. It eats bronze and devours plantlife; it is not something to mess with. Rizkul hunt by accurating spitting this horrid mix across multiple meters, far further than they are long. Enough can be spat at once to melt through the flesh and skin of most prey, causing intense pain and, in some cases, immobilization or death. To other kul, this acid is horrifyingly painful, but the thicker bodies and tough scale of most kul is enough to resist the worst of it. If spat into the eyes, it blinds almost instantly. If ingested, it can wreak havoc on internal organs and cause death through internal bleeding. Do not trifle with the Rizkul.

Apart from their death spit, Rizkul are rather defenseless. As mentioned earlier, they are small and can be overpowered. They also have little hope of civilizing into big nations like those of the Blaz- and Aezkul due to the amount of infighting and the closeness to nature their mindset is. They are, however, intelligent to try to make up for this. Sentient and capable like all other kul, they know to use their stealth and surprise attacks to their advantage. They fight off intruders under the cover of the darkness of canopies, raining acid from the sky and striking fear into the hearts of kul. Most kul are terrified to go into the jungle for good reason.. especially since the Rizkul are not the most deadly thing prowling those trees.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

Varying anatomy makes me happy after years of the same shape.

Their heads are very snake-like and flat, but it's a little hard to see from this angle. They kinda look like this when running or walking, except more exagurated due to their body structure.

Fun fact: their body is as big as an Aezkul's, but because of their lil legs, they're much smaller. They also have shorter tails.

They like to wrap themselves around trees.

They're also dicks.

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