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im not really sure what to do here? by VCR-WOLFE

hummm im not really looking to be told how to do what i do, but this has been perplexing me for a fair amount of time and i just feel like some input would be something i could appreciate with this matter?

but basically, its been a good few months since i decided to ween off of furaffinity and leave posts that direct attention to my weasyl

however im still getting plenty of watchers on my furaffinity account on a regular basis, since back when i started really shoving off there

it kinda has me not so much worried as i am confused. part of me has kicked around vague thoughts that maybe i should just start posting there again? i had given myself space from it for personal comfort reasons, and my companions comfort. and right now im feeling fairly comfortable. maybe i could go back?? im so on the fence with this

idek im just like

what do here

im not really sure what to do here?


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    it's up to you!

    personally I'm sticking to my guns and only uploading at dA/here/tumblr, but I'm on FA only to keep up with friends and artists that still post there.

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      yeah i respect that. a small aspect of pride i have in the back of my head would make me feel like a quitter if i just slunk back in

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        Same ; n ; It's why I am just NOPE, NEVER LOOKIN BACK.

        But yeah, like a few have said maybe a feature submission stating where you're at more frequently would work with a journal? IDK some people tend to just watch anyway in the vague hope of a return, haha.

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          yeah true! ill probs have to set up some stuff for that oof

          i can def relate to the never look back attitude omg

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            If we look back we'll turn into pillars of dog dicks instead of salt.


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    I dunno maybe you could try to put up one of those icons that says you moved. It worked for my old account at least.

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      mayhaps oop. i could just hand em off to kata n ryan too. or ryan at least, kata doesnt know about the fiasco yet since theyre busy tackling the wild norths irl omg

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    Why not try with a journal entry on FA thanking the new watchers, and try to redirect them over here?

    FA's kind of got a habit of being stupid then calming down for a while then being stupid again. It's your choice if you go back, of course, but comfort isn't always permanent.

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      i could yeah!

      ive definitely noticed that about fa. theres a fiasco, a calm, fiasco, calm, rince and repeat
      you make a good point i would say

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    I am running into a similar thing. I have uploaded some commissions for FA only clients, but I am getting a trickle of watches :/
    I am not sure what to tell you other than it is up to your comfort.

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      ahh well tbh at the very least im glad to have someone who can relate? like i know in the end its definitely going to be up to me but just having that connection is nice

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    Up to you! Personally I never stopped using FA for a bunch of reasons but I also never had a lot of traffic there. I like weasyl much better and here I feel comfortable to show work I end up not posting on FA. And honestly as long as you're not paying money using or not using some popular site doesn't make a difference for them in the long run so I find this whole FA exodus thing really overrated.

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    Oh man, I've gotten a ton of watchers, faves and even some comments since I moved my entire gallery to scraps and stopped being active over there. It's crazy. It appears FA likes me better when I'm not even there.

    I think perhaps people are more actively searching for art over there now, or maybe the search have just.. started to acutally work better? Or a combination?
    One things for sure, after the whole Phonix failure my inbox on FA is mostly empty compared to its previours stuffyness. Maybe many others are experiencing the same and are going looking for more people to watch?

    And if the history of FA, and especially its staff, have taught us anything; Nasty site wide drama is in the future of that place.

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      nasty sitewide drama is like the status quo there almost haha

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        Almost? I say give it a few months still, It'll explode sooner than later.

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    Since I'm just a watcher/moral supporter for the most part I have no credentials on what to do here haha. I know there are times for me where I find a new artist through the favorites of someone else and watch them intending to go back later when I have time and check out the page/submissions/etc, but then I forget to go back and actually look at their page haha. So yeah some kind of update that will pop up in their submissions/journals could let them know/remind them to check out what's actually going on with your accounts. But like it's been said above - don't push yourself into a spot where you'll just be uncomfortable a lot!

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    I've gotten favorites and watches on FA even after I moved here, but because of my moral reasons for leaving it, it doesn't really pain me. If you don't feel comfortable over there, even if you got more commissions out of it, I don't think it'd sit right. You need to make an emotional "balance" of what it would cost you versus what you get here.

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    Man I deleted my entire gallery and only have one submission that is a big black box with yellow text saying !!! I MOVED !!! and I am STILL getting watchers. I don't know what kind of haze these people are stumbling over to the watch button in.

    I'm not going back because the reason I left has not been resolved and all the people who supported it going unresolved are still there. There's still a rapist on staff and the site user base is still largely composed of rape apologists and people who are ok with that. It's a ticking time bomb for when everyone still hanging around gets reminded of that in an explosive way.

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    yeah it's tough, there isn't quite enough activity on here for me, but i want people to keep using this site, so i've been posting on both regularly.

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    i think its a dirty trick XDDd everytime i started opening up commissions 80% of my buyers is here on weasyl, sure i get watchers at fa, but i get watchers here as well, just keep at it dun give up.

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    Given I used to have two accounts on FA I've opted to use two strategies just to abandon it. Not advocating either method but just stating what I did

    -> Dramatic Single Journal of sheer disappointment in the User-base and then after go around deleting literally everything I physically can (Disabling the profile is redundant), then get a random 64-character password generator make something up; copy and paste into the Password field and click confirm, and then change the email address to a temporary one that will expire in ten minutes. Permanent Lock-Out, unless you want to crawl back grovelling to an admin a year later down the line.

    -> Throw up a Journal on the other account saying how I'm not totally quitting, but I'm reachable on email and weasyl and all anyone has to do is note me, give general time period for when I'll eventually stop logging in to check for notes; but single handedly use that same account to check daily for updates on the same three porn artists. Never respond or check notes, just download all the porn. Don't stop and read comments, Stupidity is a massive mood killer.

    FA is the kind of lover where I really want them to look away from me during nightly sessions, and just think of someone else. Anyone else.

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      Also just checked both accounts, I've also gotten watchers on each one. Christ, Letting the masses go watch Grey Pixels fry their screens on my page is making me more popular than my art ever did.

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    I certainly won't be going back to FA - nothing ever tied me there and honestly the atmosphere just scares me. Either way I hope you still post here once in a while.

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    My account is totally blank except for a leaving journal, and I've gotten a handful of watchers even.

    Honestly, it's totally up to you. I wouldn't judge you for going back, especially if you feel comfortable there now.

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    I still get watchers on FA even though I have no art uploaded anymore and left a journal explaining my migration. It's very weird. I'm not even sure how they're finding me.

    If you decide to go back to FA, that's your choice! Even if you leave or use Weasyl less, I still follow you on DA. :)

    I personally have no intention on going back. I like the cleaner, more professional feel of Weasyl. FA radiates gutter grime for me, especially after the exodus.

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    Do what you want. If you want to go back to furaffinity, go for it. There's no shame in changing your mind— if that's the case. If not, keep doing what you're doing! Heck, just do what you feel like, bro. :)

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    I still use my FA. I just post my stuff, write awful things on my rl friends shouts then leave.

    If you're really set on just weasyl you could always just do a doodle once a while for a bit that shows you packing your bags and all of your babies up and moving. That seems to catch more attention than journals or stuff.
    Buutttt... Things will even out soon.

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    I am feeling the same way...

    I also feel this strong pressure to stay here on if I did go back, I would lose a bit of dignity.
    Which is interesting and I'm not sure where the guilt trip is coming from.
    Ah sorry rambling,
    I feel ya.

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    Personally, I think if you're feeling more comfortable now, after avoiding it, I'd continue with staying off FA.

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    I'm having the same issue, sort of. I still don't feel comfortable but god I miss the commission work... I really don't want to go back for a whole number of reasons, but I may have to....though I've gotten a few large commissions here recently so maybe it'll work itself out.

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    My FA is pretty much empty and plastered with "Follow me on Weasyl" messages and I still keep getting tons of watches. It's just... weird!

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    Funny, I was thinking the same thing yesterday?

    I'm still getting watchers over on FA, too! Submissions from people I watch on there seems to have slowed down, and almost all the journals say "heading over to weasyl!"
    Commissions on here have been really, really bad (I've gotten maybe three, so far?), and although so many people have supposedly moved over it seems like this place is moving at a crawl. While on FA, you could refresh the "recently submitted" section and have a completely new set of work within a couple of refreshes, on here you have to wait quite a while for even one new submission to pop up.

    I didn't have direct problems with FA, but morally I felt I had to move because of the admin issues. I still feel that way and I am loathe to return to a place that is run by someone who has done some inexcusable things, but commissions have been so bad on here that I think I'll have to return, or at least make much more of an effort to bring people over here. I can't really afford to just let commissions go right now!

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    it seems you and a bunch of others (myself included) are experiencing this ... honestly I was wondering the same thing! in fact I just got a big bundle of watchers over the past couple weeks...very confusing!

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    It's really weird seeing how many people, even with completely empty accounts, get watchers over there.

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    Why not post on both sites with a link to your Weasly account. Don't punish your viewers if they choose to stay on FA though you can choose to be socially active on this site of the issue you left FA for still bothers you.

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    Haven't read what other people said but mebbe just post a couple times a month and promote ppl can see more new art on weasy or sonething

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    i've seen some do this, and i think it's a good idea for folks who still get lots of traffic despite having "left" FA — try uploading a preview image so your followers can be notified, and link the fullsize image (hosted on Weasyl, or wherever) in the description.

    The way I see it, just because the dramatics have died down a little doesn't mean that FA's administration isn't any less corrupt. But like others have said here, it's entirely up to you :>

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    I feel extremely privileged to be able to get by without needing commissions, so I can keep art as a for-me thing. I adore Weasyl so much more than FA, but it's not without some bitching. I have found so many more artists that I really enjoy over here than all my time at FA combined. I'm actually really pleased that I'm growing a favorite section that is very focused and highlights only art that I really like or really inspires me. That's something that I can't boast about my FA account--my inbox over there seems permaclogged with dumb shit and I never want to talk to -any- of the assholes over there with few exceptions, because during this last shitstorm, a lot of people exposed some really poisonous ways of thinking that upset me on a deep level. The sluggishness of Weasyl's browse section is really the only thing that kind of hangs it from me, and prevents me from spending all of my time here.

    It's like someone else said, you can refresh FA's submission page and find new content, where over here I can very easily most days back in the browse to stuff I've already looked at four times. To be fair, there's definitely way BETTER content for the most part over here--Weasyl's earned a metric buttload of FA's talent section--and a lot of those new submissions on FA are bad art (excluding fetish content, because both sites have that stuff in spades), but really I'd rather see bad art than no art at all. There's just not enough stuff being made to fill my vapid need for stylish cartoon animals. Not to mention there's still issues for artists not getting nearly the viewers or art, which means a lot of the watcher base hasn't moved yet, probably because of the slower content influx.

    The last piece I made and uploaded over here got only 13 views and 1 favorite, whereas over on FA it's sitting at 42 views and 19 favorites which for a non-porn picture by someone of my skill level, I'm pleased with. For that picture to have sat on the front page of browse for much longer than FA and not get half the number of perusals, if I didn't enjoy this site as much as I do (because over here a lot of people I have a ton of respect for are mutually following me and that's a pretty great feeling) I would probably have a hard time sticking around.

    FA will fold over and die eventually, it may take a year or a couple, but there's no way it can't not happen. It's old, smelly, covered with lumps and developed a nasty disposition towards its userbase ages ago. I mean hell, they just spent the past month with their registration down because some script kiddie was exploiting their complete lack of security and staff didn't feel the need to communicate what was going on with folks at all. That kind of thing is par for the course now. Weasyl got another, admittedly small, boom of new users who were wanting to join FA, but FA couldn't be damned to manually register some people. The only thing I'm worried about long term is when FA does fall, there's going to be a big influx of those same rape-apologists who make up a ton of FA's watch and commission base.

    Sorry this was so long, wandering, and rambling. I've been thinking about a lot of this stuff myself.

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    on one hand, i'm impressed that you've stuck by what you said you were gonna do, on the other hand i can't blame you for going where the people are.

    the more i read into things about the staff of FA and how they've handled so many things in the past is what's gonna help me keep from going back. i still use it to watch people there but i'm not gonna post there or take commissions thru it.

    keep in mind that there is guaranteed to be more fallouts like this in the future with FA.

    i try to think about how i would feel if i was friends with one of the girls that FA basically punished for being the victim of a stalker. it's bad enough to hear that dragoneer did that; protected the stalker, but i can only imagine the rage i'd feel if it had been a close friend that FA screwed over. and it's a possibility! somebody you like on FA could try to report a stalker and be made an example of by dragoneer, while he protects the person who was doing the stalking.

    like i said i won't lose respect for you, but keep your guard up cuz FA is gonna be the same upsetting shit over and over again.

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    find the right guns, then stick to your guns.