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Hi there, it is me, humble starving artist known as Pie lord.
I am here to make art and some bucks, you can find me on Ko-fi, Teepublic and Instagram if you would like to support me on multiple platforms or just keep in touch since I sometimes don't post the same things to all my profiles.

Latest Journal

Still kicking

Hey all, I was gone for a while cos I caught the covid and was knocked flat for a while, I am better now and I am just chilling.

View This Journal and 8 Comments



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    Thanks for the fave.

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      No worries!

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    fdgufogfiogifo just realised I forgot to say this ages ago but I jus wanna say I really appreciated the follows and faves ^-^ I still do ofcourse ofigfokdiofgofpfogpog XD /key

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      It's all good lol I just assume people see I have left some favs and don't want to spam me with thank yous

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        oohh yea I get that :3 I try not to thank for faves to those who already follow me, since they'll probably see me alot more often now that I'm followed. But I'm still really greatful for all the faves and support, it really does mean alot to me ^-^ I try not to be annoying with the comments, so if I've already thanked someone recently or I still see an old comment of mine from last time, I try not to repeat myself. But whether I thank someone or not, I'm still really thankful either way ^w^ sorry if I'm annoying in anyway gifoguifofgoufg

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          I don't mind if people bomb me with thank yous or if they just like to lurk, as long as people aren't being awful they are more than welcome to float around on my page to their hearts content lol

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            yea I feel the same way ^-^

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    Thank ya for the follow here!