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Would you think less of me if I returned to FA? by BlueNire

Would you think less of me if I returned to FA?

Eeee gads the amount of anxiety I get just THINKING about this....and typing this out. Ugh.

Now, I know what a few of you will might just say: "Nire- quit caring what others think- just do what you want!<3" -while power-sliding onto the stage, striking an equally bad-ass pose, slipping in a few guitar solos, and all while not looking at (several) explosions.

Yep. That's you. Gosh you're so cool.

Hear me out though.

It's been...I want to say...2-3 years since I moved over exclusively to Weasyl?

I'd originally left because of the RESPONSE to what was going on with a certain staff member (it was pretty gross)- and specifically how certain people reacted to me just voicing a concern about it all (pretty aggressive, guilt-tripping bully-stuff).

That's why I'd left, personally.

However, it's been a few years...and the truth is FA is still WAAY waaay way more populated and I really, really miss interacting with the good people on there. ( I would post in both places)

I don't think I'd use my old name either, to be honest with you.
My skills and drive are... just not the same. I feel I can't even hold up to my old standards. (It wouldn't be fair to.)

I'd really appreciate any feedback...And please be honest!
I respect the heck out of you guys.

Completely unrelated. Did you guys also know there's a FurrySJW "watch" site?
Only saying this because most of the people I know are all listed on there and I feel it's kinda creepy ( Why would you need a list like that?)

Would you think less of me if I returned to FA?


Journal Information



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    Re: the list, probably to make themselves feel better. It's dumb and pointless and achieves nothing. It doesn't even include screenshots or quotes of their supposed "crimes" or whatever. And more often than not, the term SJW is overused nonsense that doesn't cause me any worry at all. Southpark is just a cartoon, guys. Not a manifesto.

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      lol Agreed wholeheartedly!

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    I would say, if you are looking for a larger community maybe just move to Deviantart (some of the people are children, but the art has a wider range of subject and skills) and the majority of the comments are... less gross.
    But it is also an easy sea to get lost in, as the 'community' is huge.

    I found pumping my art mojo into my Tumblr and Instagram was actually a better move? Less targeted market and thus less in fandom drama.

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      I like Deviant art- or I used to but I've heard so many bad things about the site stealing and using your artwork..
      ( Actually think there's a weird "small print" somewhere that you agree too when signing up that makes anything you post there available to them...
      Just..kinda smarmy things so I am a bit uncomfy with DA. :(
      Also, yes you're absolutely right, the community is MASSIVE- oooh my~! o.o

      I DO like tumblr....and I'm using it currently, but there's a weird part of me that's afraid to post "funny art" on there for....whatever reason hmm... idk why..
      Maybe because I see "furry hate" on there relatively often, so it worries me..

      Thank you for your suggestions! I absolutely appreciate your time and effort in replying!eee <3
      Thank you, thank youuuu! <3

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    I wouldn't think less of you. I left FA a few years ago and swore I'd never go back, but here I am, going back.

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      Haha fair enough!!

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    Also that list... I kind of want to list myself out of spite. I know many of the people on there.

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      I know right?! I was kinda disjointed I wasn't on there too in a way hahaha

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    I'm not on the list. :C There's some cool people on the list and I'm not on the cool list; boo. Maybe I'll submit myself.

    In any case - I'm not returning to FA and I hope you keep being active here on Weasyl so we can interact. But if you want to crosspost to FA, well don't beat yourself up over it? Please be careful though, as some people can be quite toxic.

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      I know right! It's totally a cool club list. The people I know on that list are all really nice people too.

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        Yeah I've recognized a few names as well of people I know are totally decent or really nice people. I think I'm just not a popular/active artist enough to be on the list, even if I've posted feminist stuff or some trans-related rants in the past. :C

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          We just haven't upset the right people yet.

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              So many butts we gotta hurt.

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                ALL DA BUTTS

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      I think I need to add myself too. I actually found a lot of great people through it ;)

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        Oh I haven't thought to reaching out to the people from the list that I did no already know of. Maybe I'll do that too.

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      I know right?! (list thingy) I was kinda disappointed I wasn't on there either! haha

      Fair enough! I know I'm still rather uncomfy with the idea of posting over there but there are a few nice people I do miss...hmmm.
      I'll absolurely keep posting on Weasyl, however! So no worries there!
      (I'll try to keep away from the toxic peeps! Although if it gets too bad I can just pull back, y'know?)
      Thank you for replying!

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        You're welcome! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

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    I wouldn't! I understand why a lot of people left and I also understand why some of them have gone back. I just stay in the background. I interact with the people I like and care about and just try to stay out of everything else. I did try to be more active on here though to keep up with people as they left so now I'm kinda on both equally!

    • Link

      lol Well alright then! Sounds like either way I'll be able to chat with you yay!! <3

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    Do what you must but please don't abandon your weasyl... Some of the people that watch you here will never return to FA (including me)

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      I won't! (Abandon weasyl) <3 That's totally fair and I absolutely understand why you wouldn't want to go back!

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    At this point it's unlikely many users care. Considering some of the most vocal opponents of FA / proponents of Weasyl have returned to FA or abandoned Weasyl, I doubt anyone would fuss much.

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      Fair enough! <3

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    It wouldn't bother me at all, hon.

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      Aaaw thank you Inanna! <3

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        You are most welcome, hon. hugs

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    I would love it if you came back. I honestly don't use this site at all. Or Devian art. I use FA, but not like I used to. If you want to use this and FA, that would be fine.

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      YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY SUZANNER! I You're actually one of the peeps I was thinking of when I was missing FA!

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    Go for it, hun :) as long as you feel happy and safe to. Would also appreciate it if you linked us to your new account. But if you'd rather not, I respect your wishes :)

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      Aaaw thank you so much for the reply and encouragement! I'd absolutely share the new account with you! ( although- maybe a new account might be not the best idea either..)
      So I think if I did go back, it would be bluenire again XD

      • Link

        Cool :) and Hooray! see you on fa!

  • Link

    Wouldn't think any less of you! If you're comfortable going back do what feels best and fits best for you. :D
    As for that list, I'm about 99.9% sure this is the same person that was on SoFurry a few months ago saying most of the artists listed were in a cult. :/

    • Link

      Aaawww thank you dear, I really appreciate the reassurance! <3
      List: Really? oooh my gosh that's soooooooooooo weeeeird! a cult? really? Ah well- cults do have nice robes XD

  • Link

    I wouldn't think less of you; it's very understandable since FA still has much more activity. I'm still there myself as, understandably, many people who had their commissions depend on FA stayed there even tho they wanted to leave.
    Let's hope FA's staff would experience a healthy switch in the near future.
    "We all float down here" :D

    And that tumblr... well that's not creepy at all, and I recognized a lot of names from there too, many which I wouldn't consider "SJW". But apparently they have mentioned at least once an issue regarding equal treatment or they don't fit in bunary gender?? Being "fakesexual" (how does someone on the internet really know what's going on in the life of another internet user?) seems to be a big crime to the maker of that page. And gasp, being vegan is on the list too. The horror, the horror! :'D
    I reported the blog to the tumblr, don't know if that leads anywhere. Imo that's borderline bullying and certainly stalking/slandering.

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      "bunary", binary*.

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        knew what you meant! Although your spelling was fun to think about. "Bunary" a place where they make buns...or rabbits.. :P

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      Thank you for the reassurance! Yeah, before I even posted this journal I sneakily poked around and saw if anyone else went back yet. Seems like several did ( mostly for the reasons you said)

      About the list thing: Oh you reported it?! Fair enough!! it was really strange! (VEGAN REALLY?!)
      ... I mean I'm not a vegan ( wish I could be a vegitarian, honestly for health reasons) put people on a list for that is kinda.... It's just silly! haha

  • Link

    I wouldn't think less of you. I'd be pretty fucking hypocritical if I did. You have to do what you have to do to take care of yourself. If you need the money/following/interaction, there's nothing wrong with going back.

    I had a similar crisis when I went back, and fiance explained it like this: if you had a job with great coworkers, good pay, and loyal customers, but the company you worked for had some questionable staff/practices/policies, would you quit your job over that? Would anyone expect you to quit your job over that? Probably not.

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      Aaaw thank you so much for the encouragement and vote of confidence!! <3

      Also, your fiance' has a super-awesome point! I'd not even though of it that way and that sounds like solid logic to me!

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    No, I would not think less of you, especially for the reasons outlined. FA has not improved and their management is still terrible, but it's still good for business. I'm not nearly into the social aspect of that place anymore mostly because of the implementation and (non)usability of the site than the people there but I know a lot of users still are. I get more disappointed over the fact that when people move back to FA they all but forget about this place again, so the cycle just perpetuates itself. I always give priority of commenting, journals and general activity to this place.

    And as for that link, I don't care what side of the sociopolitical fence you're on (and I'm not going to go further into my own opinions on that), but once you do shit like public callout posts and blacklists, you need to reassess priorities and do some critical self-examination.

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      Thank you so much for your reply! <3 (and the encouragement!) I'm going to try to post on both places-- I kinda feel like FA would be tenuous ground to stand regardless- and I want to be able to duck back in the safety I've found here on Weasyl if needed. <3

      List: Oh absolutely, I wholeheartedly agree!

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    I would not think less of you. They have made some improvements to the site too.

    Looking at the list, they confuse feminism with mysandry, and in general think anyone that says anything like "don't be a dick to other people" is a SJW.

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      Aaaw thank you so much for the encouragement and reassurance! <3

      List: YEAH it's quite a bit overboard- they're also against all vegans and while I'm not a vegan (or vegetarian) I don't really think that's weird at all lol!

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        No problem. It would be nice to see you around the old neighborhood.

        I don't see how I'm not on that list, I fit so many categories for them.

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    I had to go back in order to pay my bills

    Its cool <3

    (and god the SJW list is so out of date, don't they know im a nonbinary genderfucker special snowflake too?)

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      I totally understand! Seems like that's why more people had to return. :)


      List thingy: I know right?! I'm sad that I'm not on the list too XD

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    I'm active on FA just as a watcher any more. The moment IMVU bought in I stripped 99% of my everything off the site.

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      IMVU? ::googles it:: FA has a messenger now??? that' strange!! Would it be too much to ask if I could give you a penny for your thoughts?
      Are you just afraid that the IMVU will start to do some fishy things with the artwork you think?

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        FA is now owned by IMVU, Dragoneer sold it. I had poor dealings with IMVU many MANY eons ago and swore to never use their services again.
        The only reason I remain in any context at all is the reason stated by many comments here. Basically, the network effect. The fandom is there, so I maintain a presence. However none of my creative property aside a couple photos will ever be seen on their servers so far as I can control.
        This, however, is the result of a longstanding grudge I have with IMVU and little to do with their recent dealings. Honestly I don't know how they handle protection of intellectual property now, but their disregard in the past was enough to earn my total disregard for their organization.

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          Oh really?! Thank you sooo very much for taking the time to give me this info! That is makes me take a step back, that's for sure.
          I think you're caution is absolutely reasonable! It always makes me uncomfy when larger companies take over things. hmmmm..
          Thank you again for the elaboration!

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            That said, if you need the traffic and need to make sales it seems FA is worth the risk to most artists. Personally, I don't require traffic across my gallery to support myself. It's just a collection of commissions, the occasional photo, and random goofy BS.
            If you do go over there and begin posting, I'll likely watch you there again as well. If you don't, well then there's still here. Really, it's going to take FA pretty much exploding before the fandom moves off. Establishment is a thing.

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              *Really, it's going to take FA pretty much exploding before the fandom moves off. Establishment is a thing. *
              HA! Ain't that the truth, though. You're absolutely right. Well I'm really happy for you that you don't have to put yourself in a situation you don't feel comfy in!
              I'm sure there are lots of artists who feel they HAVE to utilize FA's exposure, so I'm really happy that it sounds like you don't have to! :)

              • Link

                Calling myself an artist of any kind would be a profound disservice to artists everywhere. =)
                To return to your original question though, if you desire or need the traffic and decide that returning to FA is worth dancing with IMVU, I don't think anyone will see cardinal fault in doing so.

                • Link

                  haha fair enough! Well I thank you kindly and I appreciate the replies, information and the commentary ! :D

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    I'd love it, actually. Weasyl just isn't for me and I miss seeing your art and hearin' from ya. :)

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      What this lady says. <3

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      OH MY GOSH! <3 <3 <3 <3
      That is absolutely fair! Thank you for the reply and the encouragement! I'd love to see your artwork again too for suuuure!!

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    I would be pleased to see you return! I totally understand why you left in the first place though, that whole thing was a mess that was not handled well at all. I respect that you were brave enough to speak up in the face of so much hate too.

    The only thing I demand is knowing your new name, so I can cheerfully bug you there, too. ;)

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      Aww really?! Thank you for the encouragement! <3
      It is a mess isn't it... but I just... it's been 2-ish years you know? hmm....
      I feel like I've given my boycott a rather good-sized token gesture at least hahaha

      Oh! New name! I... you know what? I think I'll just stick with bluenire, y'know?
      I've had some time to think about it and- well.....I feel it would just be easier- I'll just have to make a PSA or something about things XD

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    I basically had to go back for much of the reason Sparta listed, I need the business whether or not the company isn't the greatest. And I also missed the interaction, as great as I think Weasyl is, it's lacking in "movement" . So yeah, another "wouldn't blame you!" here, with an additional thumbs up.

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      That sounds totally fair! I think most people had to go back for financial reasons- there's just much more audience there. :/
      Thank you for the encouragement!

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    I've been on FA forever (though had to switch account a while back) and am still on there.... so yeah, no problem from me! I understand how much more active it is there compared to here.

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      Aaaw thanks! I appreciate the vote of reassurance! <3

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        my pleasure!! <3

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    aw im not on the list i guess i need to up my social justicing

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      I know right?! I was bummed when I didn't see myself on there haha

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    As long as you don't abandon weasyl, I say do what you gotta do

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      NOPE! I will absolutely not abandon weasyl! I feel like this is a comfy safe-place and FA is--- well it's not the same!
      This way if I stick my foot out and it gets bit- I can dart back into the safety of Weasyl :P