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Audrey Derangement Syndrome by JayNaylor

This point was made sort of as a vent on my art-only Twitter account some time ago, but it's worth coalescing into a journal, here. It's about something I've noticed, and grown weary of, and it's this: Every time I draw Audrey, someone has a problem.

When I first drew her, I was verbally berated on Tumblr for using terms some people didn't like. I acquiesced. I don't mind calling people whatever they want. I'll note that the people on Fur Affinity left very polite corrective comments about it. Ever since then, whenever I draw her, someone has an issue. Someone gets confused, and someone starts a fight with someone else for being confused, and not knowing every corrective detail of gender identity terminology. They don't correct people, they berate them, belittle them, and ridicule them. Just when I thought I had everything down, another very serious person got on my case in a very serious way, because I once used the term "transgendered" instead of "transgender". I let their attempt to turn it into an endless forever "discussion" sit there unanswered, which is as polite as I felt like being. More pictures, more comments, more fights I have to tell people to stop. And the latest was someone on Weasyl informing me of their dislike for Audrey's design, because as a trans who has trans friends, they tell me that it's unrealistic for Audrey, a young early-20s MtF trans, to have small breasts. They proceeded to express their "disapproval of the design" to everyone who left a comment on the sketch. Now...

There is a point where one begins to wonder if there isn't some secret cabal conspiring to come up with new ways to annoy me into abandoning Audrey as a character. Seriously, I never will. But as a creative person, you do begin to wonder if it's even worth exploring different character types which seem to draw the most overzealous identity sensitivities to you, and beat you down with the force of a thousand verbal hen-pecks, if not outright hostile, condescending remarks. Bear in mind, I've seen these comments directed at people who obviously mean no offense.

Or who just want their character to have small tits.

So, now I'll just call it Audrey Derangement Syndrome, and assume that the vision of Audrey has shorted out the rational, calm, civilizing thought-nodes of their brain, and thrown off their sense of proportion and etiquette.

Audrey Derangement Syndrome


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    "they tell me that it's unrealistic for Audrey, a young early-20s MtF trans, to have small breasts."

    by that statement that almost sounds like it also invalidates genetic females who, in their early 20s, have small breasts. Its not realistic to have any expectation on an actual MtF (or even FtM) transgender person as the hormone treatments and other changes are going to progress at their own pace. This is especially true for anyone taking hormones as everyone's body chemistry is going to determine things.

    Oy.... people cant just enjoy a character, can the?

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      More and more I'm seeing stories about how tumblr is a hostile place for artists. There's an artist I follow on DA that makes some the most lovely custom leather masks I have ever seen. She made the mistake of posting a mask that had some design elements that are often associated with native Americans and shit hit the fan. Not from actual native Americans but from non-native Americans white knighting for them. It was bad enough she deleted her tumblr account.

      It makes me hesitant to use tumblr. No place is perfect but some places appear to be worst then others.

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        It's not just Tumblr (or FA or DA or wherever), it's the public in general. No matter what you do (even merely admit to existing), someone will (maybe pretend to) be offended. Some of the most vocal seem either mentally unstable or are pushing personal agendas without admitting them.

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          While I agree tumblr does less then other places to discourage harassment.

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    It's a minefield, having a character that's transgender or whatnot. There's a swathe of terms, of which people still really aren't agreed upon. I mean, 99% of furries refer to 'herm' characters as such, when in reality they're intersex or something.

    I was cautious when I did the same (that is, designing a female to male transgender character for a novel), and sat down with a friend of mine who is transgender to guide me through the general gist of it.

    You can understand that people who are of non-typical gender orientation might just be a bit frustrated when others get it terribly wrong (most of the time through honest mistake), and that's how you learn I guess.

    But some are just really sensitive to this and think every 'cis-gender' (god I hate that term) is abhorrently ignorant for not knowing.

    Bottom line, I'm loving Audrey all the way.

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    screw political correctness, its your character and your creativity not theirs. if they have so much a of a problem with realism perhaps they should not be apart of a fandom with talking anthropomorphic animals, comically over sized genitalia and magic powers.

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    Well...rarely do I post on anything, but I feel I need to say something on this.

    For starters, its the Internet. Sadly, every asshole with a keyboard on the Internet feels they have a valid opinion on anything and everything despite what kind of factual basis or non-factual basis that opinion might originate from. In addition to that, because its the Internet, its basically a guarantee that someone will be "offended" at whatever you post for public consumption. My thing on people who "take offense" is to approach it as the wise and funny Stephen Fry described the concept:

    "It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?"

    Thats all it really is, a whine. A complaint. A selfish reaction to something and expressing it like most do online is merely an attempt at attention seeking.

    I would draw her as you see fit and how you envision her in your mind, the hell with what others complain about. I know its hard to ignore the masses of morons that exist out there, but creativity and imagination should not be allowed to be silenced by a few restless and obnoxious assholes online.

    These people want to debate with you on the "facts" or "reality" of a character that exists in fiction and was conjured out of your creativity. I think that energy and debate could be better spent on things here in the real world that deserve that level of attention and passion and then perhaps this world wouldn't be collapsing morally and ethically.

    It would be like trying to wax intellectually on the logistics and feasibility of Lois Lane being able to have Superman's baby. It's impossible. Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle his sperm? I guarantee he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry his child? (Shameless Mallrats quotation for humor sake)

    In all seriousness though, thats basically what it falls down to. People debating the "realism" of a fictitious and creative imaginary concept. You can't allow those people to force any change to that creativity or imagination because who the hell are they to dictate to you how to be creative? For people to even think they have the right or ability to influence such a thing is misplaced arrogance and asshole behavior, but again...hell Internet.

    My suggestion is to do what you do, fuck anyone who dislikes it. I know as an artist its hard to ignore negative feedback, you can hear praise and congratulations all day long but it takes merely 1 negative remark to undo all of that good vibe but just do you best not to let it. Not responding to it is a good start, and if the assholes get obnoxious enough definitely block them or give them fair warning you will if you feel it worthwhile. Truth be told, if you lost them as a fan/viewer, would you really truly be upset? Somehow I think you'd never notice because you have people who follow your work because they like how it is, not because they think they can demand you to alter it as they believe it should appear. If people feel so strongly about how things should be done or look, let them pick up a pencil or brush and do it, otherwise they can shut the f**k up. =)

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      the super mans baby thing made me spit coffee all over my keyboard, well done man well done.

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    For more examples of this particular brand of crazy, see here.

    Seriously though, I would just ignore people like that. There is no pleasing them, regardless of how hard you bend over backwards or acquiesce. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Even if you fix every little nitpick and problem they have they'll just dig up a thousand more. Just draw your characters however you see fit, art is ultimately for your enjoyment and not a statement of political correctness or a mascot for idealistic groups to latch onto.

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    I kinda find it offensive when people go all white knight crazy over transgender oc's or intergender or ganderfabulous and the whole rainbow of frolicking genderness ...without actually /being/ that I mean... yeah I've seen some in the spectrum get all defensive offensive over things but.. honestly I'm trans-male physically, mentally I'm non-gendered and genderfluid.... uhm... I tend to just call it genderfabulous since its to many terms and they make MY brain hurt. I've called myself both transgendered and transgender, and honestly the community needs to relax a little. as far as Audrey goes....

    apparently LIKING small breasts is not okay? uhm..what? seriously, I dont like big ones, I have trans friends who don't WANT big ones and who only want an a-cup because guess what THE SIZE OF YOUR TITS DOESN'T MEASURE HOW MUCH OF A WOMEN YOU ARE besides all that whats more important is how much of a PERSON you are, if you feel someone isnt a trans-women just because their breasts are to small... that just shows you to be as insensitive as anyone who insults a transperson for 'not just being okay with their own body'

    everyone has their own ideal shape and size, and sometimes that means small tits, or a small penis, or a huge ass, or long hair, or short hair, or whatever the hell makes you YOU. to cast judgement down on someone because they prefer smaller breasts is frankly... silly and rude

    The entire community is oversensitive about what you say and how you say it and honestly makes it a whole lot easier to get offended by others for using the wrong term I mean hell's sake we have about 500 of them, nuances within nuances. Relax a little.

    instead of attacking people for using the wrong word, [even though I myself use transgender or transgendered interchangeably so I don't see the big deal there] take the time to inform them politely, and appreciate the fact they are willing to accept that it exists at all, don't get stuck if they aren't 100% knowledgeable. Its stupid to push away those willing to learn and understand the reality that is our lives, and I don't think its wrong to have a trans character either.

    the LGBTQ community preaches and screams acceptance, accept us, love us, see that we are here, yet routinely attacks its own -especially- trans folk, and god forbid, trans gay folk. As someone who has been attacked and tormented by what I thought was an accepting group I can say as a whole it disgusts me when I see people go after those few willing to take the time to try to understand better even if its for some silly porn or a kink, they often can be more open and accepting then our own so called 'people'

    its ridiculous I've seen it so much lately gay folk hating trans-men who are gay because they aren't 'real men', feminists who hate FtM folk because they are 'turning away', trans women who are tormented for not simply 'being a man', lesbians and gays who routinely bash anyone bisexual because they can't 'pick a side'.

    and now, its not allowable for trans-women to want small breasts really, its ridiculous.

    [yes I realize this is over a CHARACTER and not a real person, but my points all stand, and its its being put on a character, somewhere its being put on a person to]

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    Tumblr is the tutorial mode for trolling.

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    While we're at it, and losing touch with perspective and getting serious about fantasy. Let's point out the 'disapproval of design' that she's a dog, and I mean how can that possibly be realistic? /snark

    All in all, I'm very much with Sincat. Keep drawing what you want to draw, and I'll keep looking at the things I feel like looking at. And unless what I have to say is constructive, or I feel like passing on good vibes to you, I'll keep my mouth shut. :)

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    I question what premise people think they have for dictating how characters should look. If I don't like a character for whatever reason then I just leave it be and move on (either behaviour, look or whatever else).
    But then, it takes 6 billion+ people to make up the human race, its kinda inevitable that someone's going to act like that. XD

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    I just want to post that I like Audrey and I'm glad to hear that you're not giving up on her just because others don't seem to like her.

    Which is kinda ironic, actually. Audrey, in a sense, is facing a lot of the troubles that actual trans-individuals do. Interesting thought, and kinda dishearting when you think about it.

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    Welcome to the furry fandom.
    To the ones who fight because you said transgendered instead of transgender, just reply STFU. If they're oversensitive over such a trfling matter, they're not worth your time.

    BTW, I tried to remain civil when commenting on that char.

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    As a friend of mine back in collage used to run into a room and shout " EVERYBODY! JUST, CALM THE FUCK DOWN! A'IGHT!?"
    Seriously.... people need to calm down and just move on in life. Getting into a pissing match over a fictitious character of all things? For the love of Batman... do people Really not have anything better to do then fight about this shit Everytime it comes up? Here's a hint: Use the Internet to look things up if your curious. You know, instead of shouting at an artist for drawing something you can't immediately understand. And so what if said artists Misses something that you catch. NOBODY IS PERFECT! Just because they miss some small minor thing that's not even really important, does not mean they did it on Purpose to piss off Anyone!
    Jay, keep up the fun work, I'm liking this little side story and I like how the characters are dealing with things. It's an interesting topic to throw out there instead of the standard furry form of " Penis and tits Ahoy!" Your work actually has depth! More people should strive for that!

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    Some people argue just to hear their own voice. Some people argue because they've taken it too far and lost sight of what it is they're arguing for. These people end up making a mockery of the position they're trying to support. These people, there is only one right answer. "IDGAF."

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    I happen to be trans and I love your art and your characters. You just can't win with some people.

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    Absolutely love Audrey and have loved every character you've come up with. I'd be sad if you changed to the whims of what someone else wanted. I love your art for YOUR creativity not theirs. Semantics of "her him herm shi trans/mtf/ftm ladeeda should not matter as much as the character itself :C. People suck sometimes.

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    Jesus..some people >.<

    I love Audrey (love all your characters ^-^) Ignore the idiots and keep up the awesome work <3

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    Honestly, there's been a lot of insane Social Justice Warriors lately that pick fights where there aren't any and instead of actually trying to find peace and resolutions, they're dead set on continuing to fan fires that aren't even there. They pick fights, insult people and berate everyone all in the name of "equality" and when people try to yield to them, they STILL continue to rant, rave and insult everyone and everything.

    My advice is, forget about 'em. Ignore them. If they get too uppity, tell them to stop, threaten bans, etc. But if you continue to even trying to rationalize with the irrational, it's going to leave you as a very depressed artist too afraid to try things for fear of getting berated by people whose heads are so far up their ass they can't see anything past their own shit.

    I am sorry you are going through this though. I wish people would just chill the fuck out.

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    I'm a transsexual MtF at 31 years old. My breasts are barely a B-cup and are considered small for my figure. Whomever decided that MtF females cannot have small breasts needs to get their head examined. I would suggest by a blunt object, but I seem to have misplaced my collection of them in previous discussions around this topic...

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      Thanks. I was hoping I wasn't crazy for wondering what they were talking about.

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    whenever people have problems with aspects of anthro characters and the realistic technicalities of them, i have two points. 1) they're anthro characters. they're no where NEAR real to even begin with. 2) they're -characters-. they can be whatever the creator wants them to be, no matter how realistic or fantastical that might be x.x no one else's opinion matters but that of the person who made/owns the character

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      Third point would be, Unless they are God or some god, something omniscience. They can't actually say what is and what is not possible, SJWs themselves and how they behave is something considered impossible.

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    I have found that tumblr is the quickest way to rekindle hatred of human kind.... or just preteen rich white girls.... but maybe I'm just crazy.

    Seriously, HATE tumblr.

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    it's actually not unrealistic for a MtF trans woman to have a small cup size, it varies from person to person, I've read genetics play a factor as well, and it also depends on the amount of hormones one is taking too and such. That person's comments on this just annoys me, being that I'm a MtF myself. People just urk me sometimes. I for one love Audrey and think she's beautiful and wonderful. Don't let people like that ruffle your feathers, just ignore them, you did good with her.

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    Jay, don't worry about a few assholes. At the end of the day, they're just bitter folks sitting in front of a keyboard looking for any outlet for their angst. They don't matter. Just remember that.

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    How dare you not follow the ideals and expectations of those obviously knowledgeable people! How do you sleep at night, knowing that unknowingly forgetting two letters that are absolutely necessary for a handful of people is worthy of forever shunning? How does one even consider that there might be multiple body types possible for transgendered individuals? I, for one, am disgusted by your refusal to cater to my every need down to the letter!

    No, really, fuck those guys. Keep up the good work.

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    Jay, Just do what you do and I'll keep enjoying. You might be able to please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time. So.. that said... just please your own artistic side and let those of us who find it enjoyable, enjoy it as you want it to be. Keep drawing Audrey as the wonderful addition to the storyline we get to learn about from you.

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    Tumblr. Enough said. :p