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I'm So Disgusted by EbonyChimera

I find it pretty shitty that people assume that just because I’m black, that I’ve been raised on, and use welfare. Nevermind that my parents worked some respectable jobs while they were raising me, my brother and my sister in a nice, quiet neighborhood. They’ve both worked very hard to give the life they gave us. We all make our own money, my brother moreso now that he has a son. I’m married with a man who actually gives a shit about trying to prepare kids into adult life (From what he’s told me, I think the next generation is going to be a pretty ugly one from how their self-entitlement is permeating), intelligent, treats his mother, and me well, and graduated from college with a master’s degree. We have our own house, and we enjoy each others company every single day.

I’m so sorry that your life may not have been as well off as mine, but don’t stick me with a social stereotype that all African Americans speak improperly, live in the ghetto, and get excited about a “big welfare” check. If you have an issue with me, my ear is always open for civil conversation.

I'm So Disgusted


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  • Link

    Best Revenge is to live well (watching out big tv). :D

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      OUR big TV. Damn this small keyboard.

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        Dat big 70 inch that we bought with our hard-earned money. Living the good life.

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          I hear that! 70" TVs make you look rich. And my living room small.

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            I don't know about rich, but definitely on the small part.

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          I remember when I got my first decent job and bought a 55 inch. Those things are getting HUGE! Also good on both of you for your values.

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          You need a 501 inch TV because its bigger! XD

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            God fucking-- What CENTURY is this again!?

            Ugh. UGH. I swear, sometimes, FUCK the human race. x.x

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              DERP. Didn't mean to reply to you. ._.

              • Link

                Your reply to my comment is funny though!

                • Link

                  I mean, yeah, what is this world coming to that someone could theoretically have a cinema in their living room!? D:<

                  In all seriousness, though, a 501 inch television would be pretty ridiculous. x3

                  • Link

                    And some other company would just come out with a 502 inch TV and the advertisement tag line would be "its bigger!" XD

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                      "You can show it off to your buddies and they can be jealous of their smaller models!"

                      • Link

                        "Bigger is better! Bigger is more satisfying!"

                        • Link

                          "Your wife will thank you! Your friends will envy you! Your friends' wives will thank you! Buy your large model today!"

                          • Link


                            • Link

                              I had WAAAY more fun with that than I should have. x3

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            Reminds me of the weird Al song "Frank's 2000 inch tv"

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    I know that feeling. Get it all the time at this college.

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    As a black man, I see us divided in two groups: niggas and blacks. Blacks try to do whatever it takes within the confines of the law to make life better. Niggas do whatever it takes illegally to make life better. I could go on about this, but it doesn't change the fact that the stereotype exists for a reason. A substantial amount must be doing it for the stereotype to stick.

    /rant over

    • Link

      Living in Richmond, VA. I see the lather of the 2 a little way too often. But. They bring it to themselves. I for one dont judge like that, but I have a feeling itll always be there.

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      ^ ^ ^

      (Not that I have any room here to say anything, as I am totally not black, but I kind of feel the same way as this guy - Granted there are PLENTY of trashy white people who do the same exact thing)
      I've met and befriended quite a few african americans who are very nice, self sufficient, intellectual people with really good standards and morals, and a sense of whats right and wrong, (Yourself included!) so yeah it's not cool to stereotype an entire race of people, but there is the stereotype for a reason.

    • Link

      Stereotypes exist because people feel comfortable feeling "It's them and not use" when usually the Use get away with it because the punishment for such things aren't usually equal or even, despite being for the same crime. Watch an episode of cops and you'll see a variety of people getting arrested, but that doesn't seem to spread the stereotype evenly. When something is similar it's easy to not notice something than it is when you see something that is different.

    • Link

      Im laughing so hard right now. Wow

      Wack ass statement pmuch

    • Link

      that was a really terrible thing to say, goddamn

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    I'm always confused by the statement "he/she is the whitest black person I know." I've said it myself a few times when I was in middle/high school, but then I met more people (all sorts of people) and realized it was just dumb. Just because someone doesn't follow the stereotypes propagated in the media shouldn't be surprising. Not all Canadians drink Molson. Not everyone from the south is a redneck. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    • Link

      Dude, I'm Canadian and I don't even know what Molson is lol

      • Link

        LOL, thanks for that

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    At least you don't have yokels asking you "Which one is the man?"

    • Link

      To which one can answer "Frog is a happy little submissive. Unless Fox wants to switch."

  • Link

    Ugh, stereotypes and racism collide in the most horrible of ways. i'm sorry you have to deal with this :C

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    People still do that!? Ugh, I'm sorry you have to go through that, it's really sad when people are that ignorant and short sighted.

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    I have no idea about why people get so hung up on skin pigmentation. We're all human (under the furry that is). The sooner everyone starts seeing it that way the better.

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      I large majority of the furry population is more friendly and openminded than the average nonfur. This comes out when we as furs congregate at conventions. But the average person is close minded stuck in their stereotypical ways.

      • Link

        I've seen furries act pretty intolerable towards those of different ethnicity.

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          Only why I said a large majority. There will always be those that disagree.

          Stereotypes are completely unfair but ive meant african americans that talk southern. Dont sag their pants to tgeir knees. Dont listen to rap. And i know one that is allergic to chicken.

          • Link


        • Link

          Really? That's kind of sad. I would have thought that people pretending to be talking animals would be more tolerant. I actually don't care what ethnicity people are, and almost never find out since I only deal with them online. The few times I have found out, yeah, I've been surprised by a few... I dunno. Who cares, right? It's all about the person. For me at least.

  • Link

    i.. wow.. that ..that just broke my brain. why would anyone assume that any person of any race would just sit at home collecting a government check..? o.0 my head hurts..

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      Because they assume all blacks have 9 kids, food stamps and welfare. Along with section 8 housing and child support from a prisioned deadbeat father and all those kids have different baby daddies so even more childsupport. And the mother apparently lets her kids run the streets as hooligans who sell drugs at an early age. All the while she drives a BMW because she doesnt pay for food, rent or health bills.


      • Link

        uh... ok.. woah.. i mean.. geebus. people are dumb.. v.v

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        Statistics actually show that there actually are more people who identify as 'white' on public assistance for the simple fact they are the 'majority' population in America (so obviously the numbers would skew that way). But when something is different it stands out and gains more notice than when something is similar.

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      I assume people who assume that have never truly had to live on government assistance and don't realize how difficult it actually is to do.

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    It's like when people say that my fashion choices are "so white" and I'm just like..."LOL...EXCUSE ME...??"

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    It's weird that society enforces that stereotype yet white people are the ones using welfare the most.

  • Link

    Not only am I horrified by that attitude, but you guys are rediculously generous! Race has nothing to do with attitude, and I love hanging out with you guys!

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    What's even sadder is the people who say those things don't even realize that more white people are on welfare than blacks. At least where I live. Regardless of skin color, if you're a lazy bum, you're a lazy bum.
    You do what you do and you enjoy the hell out of the fruits of YOUR labor, not the governments.

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      What's even sadder than even that is the belief that everyone who is on welfare is a lazy scumbag who doesn't want to work. I've known a few people who used welfare for that very reason, but with the job market as terrible as it is nowadays, and with various other circumstances in play, a lot of those people couldn't get a job to save their life. The world is a shitty place to live for people who have nothing to offer because nobody will hire them.

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        While my view tends to be skewered due to working as a cashier in a grocery store, I tend to see a lot of people who are simply popping out children to get larger welfare checks and more money on their food stamps, along with both father and mother blatantly refuse to work, I never said that they're /all/ lazy bums. If that is implied, then I apologize. One of my coworkers is on welfare because she has a child to support, lives alone, and gets absolutely no help from the father. She cannot get another job, because as you stated, the economy nowadays is horrid and it's so hard to get a job, it's best to hang onto the ones you already have. She only gets, at most, $75 for the month. My grandfather recently passed away, leaving my grandmother by herself to support. She gets NO financial aid whatsoever, and barely met the requirements to be eligible for her oxygen machine (we only got it by fighting tooth-and-nail).
        Are there people out there who geniunely need help supporting themselves? Absolutely. And I do not mind it so much when taxes are extracted out of my paycheck when I think about that. It is the people that come through my line to check out, buying things such as Little Debbie snack cakes, instead of buying fresh meat/produce/canned goods to support their kids and generally lead a healthier lifestyle, but having hundreds of dollars in their bundle for 2-4 cartons of cigarettes and alcohol. Not to mention the people who sell their food stamps for quick cash in order to buy said products and illegal substances.

        • Link

          Apology isn't necessary really. I just see so many people making the claim that ALL welfare recipients are automatically lazy good-for-nothings and all that, and I wanted to make sure whether that's what you were saying or not. So it's all good.

        • Link

          No offense, but that doesn't even make sense, to have more children to get more food stamps because that would just result in less food. And frankly with the price of food, there aren't enough foodstamps in the world to get people a decent amount for a whole months worth of eating. I spent $20 yesterday on just bread, milk, apple juice, a box of cereal and a small bag of Chex Mix.

          • Link

            I'm not sure why that is, then. All I know is that regularly, groups of families will come in with at least four or five kids with them, (some of them may not even be theirs for all I know, but if they don't, then they look an awful lot like the mom and dad to not be) and will have up to $500 in food stamps. And usually half of it is spent within the first week. Working in the office as well, I see the exact same families who attempt to cash welfare checks up to $710, and we have to politely turn them down, due to our check cashing policy. We have even had former employees get hired, and attempt to get themselves fired after their first 30 day period in order to get themselves on food stamps (the employee was stupid enough to mention this to me). So either some people are really screwing the system, or they are doing something that I am not aware of. And no offense taken.

  • Link

    I'm trying to think of something witty here... but the ignorance and choice of being ignorant of some people just blows any chance of me having any optimism for people these days...

    I don't give a FLYING FUCK what color you are, as long as you are respectful and have a heart.

    Keep doing what you feel is right for you and your loved ones!

  • Link

    Society has this fucked up mentality that if someone else is more fortunate and better than them, they get scared and insecure about themselves. 'well that's not fair, they should be uncomfortable and insecure just like me'. Some people work their butts off for a living, as opposed to sitting around and spending their day smack talking others to 'feel good'. I say we all resume our lives working while they sit around and make nothing~

  • Link

    As a white person living on very little, using my mom's disability check to pay rent and our foodstamps - which have been cut many times because my part-time job (which is the only income right now for me and my mom and grandmother) - I find it also horrible when everyone around me assumes that because I dress fashionably and take care of myself thinks that I've got plenty of money, when in reality, my family is barely making it through. Cheap clothes are wonderful.

    Prove people wrong, but stay classy about it. Prove to everyone that it doesn't matter what your skin color is, it's who YOU are that is of importance. Live the life, Kayla, and keep on truckin'. Take care, have a fantastic day.

  • Link

    Wow... Just wow. Some people are just stupidly ignorant...

  • Link


    I don't know what else to say, except I'm sorry to hear that that happened to you. Most of the times that stereotypes are used it's used as a replacement for knowledge about an individual person (i.e. the "you're black so therefore you were raised on welfare" line that you were complaining about). I've been the subject of a few stereotypical judgments like that over the years (In real life I'm white, male, and was born to lower-middle-class parents... no matter how much people like to make claims to the contrary, I'm not privileged, racist, or the source of all evil in the world... nor am I guilty for the sins of slave owners in other states hundreds of years ago), and some people get it into their skulls that their stereotypes are right no matter what the evidence shows. I don't think you're going to change any of some people's minds, because you're trying to use logic and reason on people who don't have or want any. Some people would rather just hate you than acknowledge that they're wrong. It's a shitty thing to have to deal with, but it's the way some folks choose to be.

  • Link

    tbh I didn't even know you were black.

    What the fuck though? I seriously didn't think anyone other than like, shithead racists in Alabama or whatever still believed in stereotypes like every black person being a welfare abusing poor who speaks in AAVE (not that they'd even know what that is)

  • Link

    It's 2014 and we still have classless racists.


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    Why does this even play into your life now? In the first place it's none of their damn business how you were raised or what you were raised on. And second it's none of their business how you live now. Being a light skinned gal of color I haven't had many problems with this sort of person but let me tell you that there are far more white people living the "ghetto" life.

    • Link

      also your icon is appropriate here.

  • Link

    Amen. As a person with a Black heritage, this is something that I've personally had to deal with along with the personal racial slander. Its so fucking disgusting of people to cling to stereotypes.

    Also, Today I learned that Kayla-Na is black. That's fucking rad!

  • Link

    I know how you feel Mel, I live in a trailer park. A VERY CLEAN and QUIET trailer park. Though just because the word trailer or mobile home is thrown around I'm automatically some red neck, incested trailer trash. Also thanks to the massive surgery I had in my mouth last April I'm missing one of my front teeth so that just adds to my stereotype. I don't make alot of money but you know what? I WORK for everything I have... Some people are just so cruel and love to point fingers at people who don't live up to the stereotype.

    While the assholes that DO live up to said stereotypes not because they are in need of help benefits but for the lawls really need to get a fucking life.

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    It gets tiring...cause we can be successful and move up and forward and we still get looked down...I just had some guest at my job last month said under their breath "Well I guess they'll let anybody work here." as they walk passed me. Its not like we don't have a president who is black, its not like a lot of inventions wasn't made by black inventors...Just shrug off those who look down on us..cause we'll move forward and if they put their hands on you then bust their chops.

  • Link

    This is a stereotype that needs to die and to die NOW. Hate it so much.

  • Link

    Thumbs up Well, you're awesome. :D

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    Living in Milwaukee I've seen my share of the good and the bad, I was raised on the north side and got to see a lot of things that people have done to each other out of hate. I have no qualms against african americans, and I think that it's quite pitiful to discriminate on the color of someone's skin. Cause no matter how we look, we're all still humans on the inside.

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    lol at some of the comments on here trying to compare being stereotyped as a "welfare queen" (which is disgusting and ignorant to both people like yourself who can make a living and to those who are on welfare) to being told they have lame clothes or can't dance. apples and oranges, people

    there's a difference between full on institutionalized racism and someone making fun of your high waisted pants lmao

    sorry you're having to put up with that :(

  • Link

    Wait, that's a stereotype over there?
    That's fucking horrible to assume, just... why would you even?

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    Its sad they do that. You enjoy your 70 inch TV.

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    I didn't know you were black until I met you at MFF.

    I don't understand how your race matters.

    I like your art, that's all I care about.

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    sorry about all of the racist comments you've been getting.

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    This kind of shit always pisses me off - I come from a ghetto-ass background, yes. I lived on the street an' fought my way off it.
    I'm self schooled and, while I'm not exactly awesomely educated most folks don't even realise I didn't go to normal school at all.
    I have a nice, if plain, life now as a live-in caretaker, enough to eat and enough to spend on nice little things like artwork now and then - I've heard some pretty fucked up racist-ass jokes about that, you betcha, and not just from white folks. 'Oh you're a /servant/, huh... huh huh.'

    Anyway. I dunno where I was going with that, sorry.
    I feel for ya. Keep on keepin' on and don't let the dipshits bring you down. ♥

  • Link

    I overheard an acquaintance in art class say people are surprised and ACTUALLY ASK him "why don't you sound like a black person?"

    I just, ugh, I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

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    When iw as growing up i got single out for not sounding black when i talked, and not knowing the slang everyone knew. I have to admit my mom worked hard to make sure i was raised well and not on the streets. So even though i was teased constantly for not knowing much to anything about it back then i was never afraid to show proud i was that i wasn't as ignorant as everyone though i should be!

    Sorry to hear people went there with the "black so must obviously be on welfare" generalization bull shit!~ But at this point in my life im not surprised that sort of mentality still goes on.

  • Link

    I find it funny that I see more white-trash people being on welfare than black people :I

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    Werd. I hear ya. With the way I was raised, people are somewhat disappointed when they can't fit me into the stereotypical category of "Black".
    I don't sound like one, I don't act like one and I don't dress like one. (I don't like watermelon (the fruit) or chicken wings, either.) It makes me proud, but it also bothers me that African-Americans have acted in a way where that stereotype even exists.

  • Link

    People being shitty? Surprise, surprise. I'm sorry someone said that to you Mel, it's exceedingly inappropriate.

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    I'll be honest, didn't know you were black til I read this, even still, I find ethnicity irreleant, I mean hell, I'm engaged to a black guy myself, I'd never dream of stereotyping in a malicious or hurtful way, only if it's in good fun for both parties~<3

  • Link

    As a newer follower, I had no clue you were African-American. To be honest, I don't have a single fuck to give about it. I like your art, you seem like a nice, well-mannered person. You could be some weird alien that learned English and I wouldn't care. If you're not an asshole, I'll like you.

    The fact that people stereotype you is rather disgusting. I mean, An African-American? Being successful and supporting themselves? Unheard of!


  • Link

    Yeah, that's a pretty dick attitude for someone to make about you, or anyone for that matter. All the people whom I currently know on welfare are as white as can be, and before then I knew a few Hispanic friends to had to take it due to family troubles. So, yeah, automatically assuming someone has used it due to racial backgrounds is highly ignorant on their part.

  • Link

    I have just the song for this. Its good for a giggle.
    On a serious note, I honestly can't see where the idea came from. The amount of brass needed to make that assumption and stick with it is tough to fathom.