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Get to know me thingie

I took this from Kellervo, specifically, though it's been around just about everywhere.

What's your real name?
I don't like giving out my real name, because I associate it with bad things.

How tall are you?
Around 6 feet.

What's your natural hair color?
Dark blonde/light brown.

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Gay as can be.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Single for almost a decade now.

What do you do in your spare time?
Gaming, watching streams/sci-fi shows, reading.

What's your job or occupation?
I used to be a book seller, but I am currently unemployed.

What do you like about yourself?
My honesty and my independence.

What do you dislike about yourself?
My sickly body.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary from my appearance, or anything particularly worth mentioning in terms of my personality.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm atheist.

Do you drink?
No. Got drunk once in my life, never again.

Do you smoke?
Used to for a while, but been smoke-free for 2 years now. Though I've been occasionally eyeing packs of cigs.

What are your major fears?
Masses of people, I start stressing out as hell and getting nervous, and if it's a lot of people close to me, I even have trouble breathing. Also getting locked up in some shape or form.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Yes, but none I would like to share.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Both, and crushes I had plenty.

Who's your best buddy?
Hard to say. Probably the woman I consider my sister - we're not related by blood, but I consider her my family.

What's your favorite dish?
I have plenty of dishes I absolutely love. If I had to pick one, though, probably sushi, or something with potatoes. I love potatoes.

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Teleportation or flight.

What's your favorite movie?
Pulp Fiction.

What's your least favorite food?
Brussels sprouts, and white mushrooms.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
I... never thought about that.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I do not own a vehicle.

What is your most disliked bug?

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I don't think there's any pet peeves I particularly dislike. It all depends on the person.

What do you dislike in life?
How disgusting the human being can be. We're an animal dependent on social interaction, yet so many people get rejected because they're different. Not to mention the cruelty that humans can do to each other, both mentally and physically. Also, greed. I hate greed.

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    Thanks for the follow and favs Grin

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    Thanks for the fave :-)

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    Wingsnug ^_^

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      Yay! :D Wingsnugs are bestsnugs. <3

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    Thanks for followin'! ;U;

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    Thanks for the faving!

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    Hi! Du hier? :D *Shoutpage entweih*