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Threa Case Study - The Blazlin by Rackiera

Threa Case Study - The Blazlin


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The Blazlin are the most advanced of all the lin. Living among the Blazkul, these lin benefit from the advanced technology and protection these kul offer, paying it back with crafts from their smaller, nimble paws. While the kul create steel, the Blazlin shape it to their and the kul's whims. Shown here, a Blazlin skirmisher wears black-colored leather armor with a steel sword at his belt, brandishing a longbow. Other crafts include axes, shields, armor, kul-sized armor, kul-sized weapons, and various pieces of mechanical machinery.

Having no representation in most Blazkul societies, the lin mostly stick around out of loyalty to the Blazkul religion they've been inducted to or for the sake of protection from the large creatures. Their symbiosis is likely the most intertwined of any kul and lin pairing in the entirety of Threa; without kul, the Blazlin face various dangers in the desert, including the kul themselves. Without the Blazlin, the Blazkul loose their nimble-handed workforce and soldiers. The two have learned to appreciate and, generally, respect each other. However, the Blazkul do see these lin as lesser due to the fact that they cannot withstand the great heat of the Sacred Lands, proving them 'unchosen' by the Great Flame. The Firehorns of the Blazkul treat their lin more equally ever since they gave up the religion pursuing the Great Flame and, therefore, have the largest concentration of lin of all of the Blazkul Hightribes.

Biologically, these lin differ greatly from their Blazkul brethren. They are tall among lin, but tiny compared to the kul themselves. Their coloration has more natural hues to it than the Blazkul do, leaning more on the tannish and orange side than bright reds and blacks. These lin only bear two horns maximum, though they have the largest horns of all lin. Most importantly, as lin, they are, of course, bipedal.

Everything written here is subject to change at any notice.

These are the guys treating Trikoz in the other picture, except clothed and in a more proper situation. Only one more case study after this and I'm done! Good grief.

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