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Hello everyone! I am Stephanie Dziezyk, otherwise known as LeccathuFurvicael. I am a pet portrait artist, fantasy artist, somewhat of an animal/wildlife artist, animal-lover and graduated college student with a Studio Art major, and Zoology and Art History minor. I hope to create wildlife and fantasy illustrations in the future as well as research animals, preferably birds, fish, or reptiles. You may know me most distinctly for my Romanian Three-Tail dragons, and my draconic alter-ego Leccathu Fürvicael.

I am a multi-faceted artist, with many interests and media choices. I genuinely enjoy interweaving zoology and imagination; the application of scientific knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, behavior, and ecology to the creation of seemingly impossible animals is an avocation that strongly reflects my passionate and curious personality. To share my love of these distinct realities with others, I utilize graphite, acrylics, oils, digital painting, and even 3-dimensional models, bringing to visual life wholly new creations that, while completely fabricated, appear plausible. I can display and share with others the intricacies of how muscles interact to make limbs move, the hunting techniques of some abyssal leviathan, the anatomy of bizarre six-limbed mammals, and show how dragons could truly fly.

I hope that you enjoy your stay here, and please ask me questions, leave comments, critique my ideas, or anything of the like! I'll keep uploading new material here as I get this new account settled. Thank you for stopping by!

For more, complete images of pet portraits, illustrations, and more, please visit

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Stephanie Dziezyk

Latest Journal

Depression Streak

I've been gone for quite a long time now, and with very little artwork done in the process. My main reason for this is depression, attempting to get my feet under me, failing, and just taking an unplanned break from being online socially. Retreating into my hermit cave.

During this interim, I went on a three week visit to my parents to help them prep for the winter, and inadvertently got myself into a position at a gallery in Bar Harbor, ME, where I will be displaying my artwork on a semi-permanent basis, rather than a one-off show. I have been given the impetus to focus on native Maine species, and as such have been coming up with ideas and concepts for paintings since then. Came down with a nasty head cold that has been dogging me for two weeks since coming back, and have been woozy and sleeping a lot ever since.

Commissions are disturbingly slow, as is progress in these paintings.

A step forward is that now I have been able to actually start sessions of psychotherapy to help me with self motivation and depression. I hope that it may help. On the 2nd week just starting tomorrow.
I shall attempt to upload a drawing of a Barred owl that I drew over my stay in Maine, as I feel very happy with it.

You may find me on the game The Isle nowadays if I am not online elsewhere, but I am usually offline doing other things instead. I am sorry for my current behavior - measures are attempting to be taken to get this sorted.

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  • Link

    You still kicking?

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    I haven't seen your art in a long time; great to see it again!

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      Thank you : )! It's been a while since I've worked on anything, really - it's true!

  • Link

    Thank you so much for the follow! I love your work, so I'm really flattered <33

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      Awgh, the feeling is mutual, I assure you! You're so very welcome! ^^

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    Oh, the details in your work. <3

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    Have you ever heard of Terryl Whitlatch? She's one of my favorite creature concept artists out there, along with Neville Page. I think you'd really like her stuff, and she's a good inspiration.