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e o my g! ! !

I am a professional digital artist... enjoyed sketching, drawing, painting, design, layout, etc. for as long as I can remember; likewise I've had a fascination with fantasy, mythology, sci-fi and most forms of animation.

I hate talking about myself; I always have, so let's get to my art.

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I’ve been working with computer graphics and digital art, animation, imaging and effects in one form or another since 1979.

I refer my work as Digital Painting(s).

If I didn’t coin the phrase, I am among the first to actually use it.

Not to be confused with CGI (computer generated imagery).

A Digital Painting is produced much in the same way that an artist world working in classical media (pencil, charcoal, oils, watercolors, pen and ink, etc.). The principal difference in the digital media is the broad array of tools, techniques and control afforded the artist in determining the final form of the image. While Digital Painting doesn't preclude the use of CGI elements and effects, it is primarily a hand-done work. - JRW

Inspiration for my work comes from anywhere and everywhere and there's just no telling when the muse will strike me.

Allot of my work is done 'first person' (subjects relating directly to the observer).

For good or bad, I tend to do works in series rather than separate independent subjects, although they do turn up from time to time.

My paintings are done in high-resolution, usually 300ppi (pixels per inch) or higher; unfortunately this tends to push the limits of most display and output devices and it also requires that anything placed online has to be seriously sampled-down in size and image quality. The techniques that I use in my art are for the most part my own that I've developed over time; I have no formal background in art so it's difficult to classify what artistic stile(s) {if any} my work(s) represent. This is due to the fact that when I started in digital art, there were no courses in digital art to take. My visual style owes its origins in large part to my friend and associate (Emmy Award winner) Lee Seiler, who back in my Atari and Lexicor days showed me what hand-painted digital art could really be; and forever set my path in the pursuit of photorealism in my works. {Thanks Lee.}

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"Hpefully my work will convey to the observer some essence of the emotion involved in it's creation and possibly

{if only just for a moment}

blur the bounds of reality and allow them to believe." -JRW

≪⋘ Artistic Services ⋙≫

Icons, Line Art, Inking, Clean-up, Backgrounds, Colorist, Color Art and more.

Private and Commercial

Art, Design, 3D Modeling, CGI, Animation, Photographic, Video, Cinematic, Print and Fabrication services are also available.

≪⋘ ◊ ⋙≫

Presently I’m doing a rewrite of my pricing and TOS guides

in the meantime, if you have any questions just ask.


Fur Affinity

Latest Journal

Inkingtober 2015 – Submissions OPEN

By submitting a piece to be inked you agree to the terms listed in this post.

Yup, you got it, free professional inking.

Being that I’m a digital artist this is my take on Inktober.

Why offer applications 1 month early? - This allows me time to select and solicit pieces to ink during the month of September so in October I can focus on inking.
Anything goes as long as its R rated or less, any skill level (beginner through professional) will be given full consideration. Granted, I am an enthusiastic anthropomorphist but that is in no way a prerequisite for submissions; as always, I reserve the right to reject any submitted piece for any reason. i would prefer that submissions be in as high a resolution as practical. Completed inks will provided in a resolution equal to or greater than that of the original and will be transparency-enabled to allow for coloring etc.
To submit a piece, supply me with a link to it (either via this post or by PM); if the submission is low-resolution, let me know if a higher resolution version could be made available to me.

Why open it to artists of all skill levels? – Put simply an inker reads lines and diverse source material builds the inker’s skills; it’s more fun that way to.

The original artist retains all rights to their original work.
As the Inker I own the rights to the Inks with the exception of the right to sell it without reaching an agreement with the original artist and grant to the original artist the right to do whatever they want to with it with the exception of the right to sell it without reaching an agreement with me (and I’m not unreasonable).
As always both I and the original artist agree to supply credit for each other’s work any time the inks are displayed or reproduced.

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Art for the web (1920x1080 or lower resolution)

Banners [animated] (up to 1920x270)
from $ 15.00
to $ 75.00
Banners [static] (up to 1920x270)
from $ 5.00
to $ 50.00
Character Ref. (1-4 view ±cameo ±detail inserts ±props ±animation ±interactivity)
from $ 25.00
to $ 200.00
Icons/avatars [animated] (up to 300x300)
from $ 10.00
to $ 40.00
Icons/avatars [static] (up to 300x300)
from $ 7.00
to $ 20.00

The way I work::

From my prospective commissioned works are intended to be a painstakingly accurate depiction of your vision of what you want; expect to put as much effort into the process as you expect me to.
Clients must be able to supply:

At least one (preferably more) visual representation(s) of the character(s)

A clear and detailed written description of the character(s), setting and situation.

Exact detailed descriptions or visual representations of the colors you want used, costume/wardrobe and any props/accessories you want to be depicted.

Initial payment policy:

A nonrefundable start fee of $10 or 20% of the final price (whichever is greater) applies to all work priced $15 or more, work priced $10 or less is nonrefundable, all work priced at $14.99 or less must be paid in full before work starts.



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