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Avatar for Exindiv


Exindiv / Male / Memphis, TN

Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes
Exindiv’s avatar

Year in review

Well, it's the last day of the year, which is usually when people look back and gauge how they've done. All the stresses and blah of the year in general aside, I'm just going to focus on my art - since this is sort of an art site and all. This year wasn't as productive numbers wise as last year, wi…

Exindiv’s avatar

Introspection, ramblings, whatever...

I have lots of thoughts about lots of things, get the urge to share them and then realize I have no idea what I want to say. This is one of those times. What's going on with me: Life has been busy. I'm clearing out my commission queue (of one - terribly sorry it's taken so long, Kaoru). I'm relativ…

Exindiv’s avatar

Thoughts and Commissions

Recently had one of those conversations about how X sites is awful and the only reason people use it is because that's where the people are (critical mass of users). I thought about it, and while there's nothing really wrong about this complaint, is usually comes from people that aren't willing to…

Exindiv’s avatar


Welp, I've done it again - I've whipped myself up into an emotional whirlpool of unrequited expectations. I do this just about every time I submit something I've put a lot of effort into, more often with my personal projects than projects I do for others. If I do something for someone in particular…

Exindiv’s avatar

Draw it Again Meme

So I saw an artist do one of those "draw it again" memes recently, where they take something they drew a few years ago and do it again and post them side by side to see the changes in their styles and techniques. I'd like to do this myself, but don't really feel like going back through my gallery a…

Exindiv’s avatar

Commission - follow up

I think I am going to cry. For the first time ever, I have just received a payment for a commission. This might not sound like a huge accomplishment, but allow me to put this into some context. I have only been engaged in the commission process four times in roughly ten years, that last one before…

Exindiv’s avatar

Intober progress

So, we're about a third of the way through the month, and so far I have kept to the inktober challenge: one piece of inked work per day with no set standards as to the complexity or size of the pieces. Generally these have been taking about an hour and a half to do (give or take depending on the ci…

Exindiv’s avatar

Wave of Gratitude

I've noticed rather a bit more people stopping to say "thank you", recently. People thanking me for drawing their characters or just for being supportive in general. Maybe it's just my inability to take a compliment, which has caused me to ignore this sort of behavior in the past, or perhaps this i…

Exindiv’s avatar

Movin' along

Posting this to get my last depressing post off the front page mostly. Here are things that have been going on for me: had a birthday last weekend AND got to attend a wedding for a pair of really nice people; still doing lots of sketches and stuff to keep busy; MFM is coming up in a month or so and…

Exindiv’s avatar

Summertime Blues

If you know me and interact with me on a regular basis, you might have noticed I'm a bit more angsty/emotional/whiney/whatever recently. Er... Sorry about that. It's something that happens to a greater or lesser degree every summer. I have a summer birthday and it's always been a time for introspec…

Exindiv’s avatar

Sometimes I leave notices in the bin to feel popular

Not really. I generally try to keep my notification area clean so I know when I get new ones. The only ones I keep in there are ones I need to respond to but haven't, yet. On a completely different note, one of my friends told me I should create an after dark account and post all my naughty/steamy…

Exindiv’s avatar

Stuffity Stuff Stuff....

When did going through my submission notifications go from being a pleasure to a chore? It's not like a get a lot of them, only following about 69 people on FA (fewer here). Still, I just don't wanna any more. Just don't wanna. On another note: I've become a complete art bum. I have all these half…

Exindiv’s avatar

TMI Tuesday

I don't have many followers, but hey, why not? All the cool kids are doing it. You have 24 hours to posit any questions and I will do my best to answer them - no matter how uncomfortable they make me feel. If there aren't too many of them, I'll even try to doodle the response like more respectable…

Exindiv’s avatar

Progress rhymes with... a lot of words

I don't really expect much response to this but I would like some input. Well, generally I'd like more input, but I'll try to narrow the focus for the moment: 1) Do you see any improvement in my work? If so, where? 2) What do you think of the new digital work? Improvement? Not so much? Lateral move…

Exindiv’s avatar


So, after some mild prodding by Mr. Gon' E-choo Gator, I set everything up so I could stream. Then I did a test run (the results of which I will hide somewhere [it's harder to hide things on Weasyl because their system is designed for better organization and visibility - their one flaw is being too…

Exindiv’s avatar

Progress since New Year's

So, if you read the journals, you know that my New Year's resolution this year was a break from tradition (my traditional resolution is not to make any resolutions - usually works pretty well) in that I resolved to upload art at least once a month. If you don't read the journals, you're probably no…

Exindiv’s avatar


I tend to talk in my sleep (or so I am told) and my husband informs me (as he suffers from frequent insomnia) that just the other night I made a very long and serious comment to him in my sleep that consisted entirely of the word "waffles". On a completely different, art related note: I really and…

Exindiv’s avatar

Commission Info

Okay. I am going to do this. I am going to open one slot for a commission to test the waters. I have been trying to put something up like this for a month, but I have psyched myself out so very much. So very much. Here is what I will do: Sketch: $5 Inked Sketch: $7 Inked: $10 Digital Color: +$5 - 1…

Exindiv’s avatar

Completed project

(NOTE: If you are looking at the submission and it does not appear to be fully colored, hit that refresh key.) Well, I have finally come to a point where I can wrap up my first exploration in the art nouveau style. It have been a very educational experience and I feel like I have done a fairly adeq…

Exindiv’s avatar

Commissions - thinking about them, again

So, once again I find myself thinking about doing commissions. This time, it's for the most common reason: kinda need the money. Business has been not so great at the job and my hours have been cut, so money's been a little tight. Anywho! This is not the first time I have contemplated taking commis…

Exindiv’s avatar

Obligatory Post Con post

I just got back from MFM ( and I had a really great time. After having a minor emotional breakdown at work and just a lot of stress in general, I really needed and enjoyed the vacation (the atmosphere and people really helped a lot, too). If you saw me at the con and I…