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Avatar for CrossroadsKing


CrossroadsKing / 30 / Genderfluid / Texas, USA

"Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big. And start now."
Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Incoming art dump

Because I'm good at remembering to keep up all my galleries ahahah woops

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Help me get a Toyhouse?

Yeah, kinda want one. Need a nice place to organize all my characters online cause I forget otherwise.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar


ALL HAIL EGG OVERLORDS These are so cute I wanna keep em. aaaa

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Please help protect reptile keepers/breeders If you live in the US, please, please write to your state representative. "On Friday, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe is expected to announce new restrictions on the popular boa constrictor and four other large…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Reminder: Emergency Commissions, Adoptable Auction

Prices here. I am falling further behind on bills because of a car repair causing me to owe my parents 100$ a week. This is knocking me to literally 100-150$ a week that I bring home. I am having to choose whether to keep my internet on or get gas this week because I literally do not have enough mo…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Opening commissions

Due to work being slow I have only worked two days since Christmas Eve. I had a five-day vacation starting Christmas eve and then came back to work Monday. I worked Monday and Tuesday and now I'm off til Monday again, which means my pay will be half or less than half than normal. I need to make up…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

My digital art is down right now but

Like I said last journal my computer no longer recognizes my tablet. I've been kinda expecting this to happen for the last year or so but my computer's always pulled through and worked after sometime. I've tried troubleshooting my usb ports. Two of the three are entirely broken(hardware malfunction…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

For what it's worth...

I'm here for the long haul. I feel safer here than I have on any other site, and I agree wholeheartedly with the staff's handling of their rules and situations. I'm just not posting art cause my computers a POS and won't recognize my tablet. ;~;

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Rambly thing I noticed about my art

The more unsure of something I am, the thinner or lighter my line. I do it subconsciously. I noticed it today while drawing an old character that's getting revived. Facial features have thinner lines because I wasn't sure of them, wrinkles in clothes are very thin lines be honest I ki…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Signal Boost for a Fire Survivor

One of my customers who comes in lost 38 years worth of possessions in a house fire that occurred on Christmas Eve of 2013. She has been living out of a small, old travel trailer and getting by on the bare minimums of what she can. If you can spare even a little extra to help her piece back some of…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Signal boost! TheCrowButt would like to get rid of some of their characters! So head on over and check it out :D!

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Stream jumping

Sorry about all the stream jumping. My computer was running slow on X-split tonight. //sidles back to J.M

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Motivation drain...

Ugh, I cranked out those two Character a days to catch me up a little, but now I'm going to end up 3 days behind again cause I can't seem to kick myself into finishing Monday's or Tuesday's. I must just be really tired. Idk.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Late Character-a Days

Days 13 and 14 will likely be late. Its my 21st birthday weekend. Today I spent celebrations with my parents. Because I'm lame, have no life, responsible and love hanging out with my parents actually <3 So me and my dad drank together today and I'll be spending the night at their house. Me and my d…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Musings about drawing abdominal muscle anatomy vs. body types

This isn't pointed at any one person,just some stuff I've noticed over the years while learning to draw muscular people (men especially since I don't draw women that often). I've seen lots of folks draw the abdomen muscles incorrectly (not that I'm any kind of expert I simplify a lot). However I ha…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

PSA: About "it's your job to not be offended'

This is coming from someone who as a young child was taught those words. It was my job to ignore the bullies, my job to not be offended by them and you know what? I listened because I thought that was how it was. I was young and couldn't see the ill-logic behind the words. Do NOT teach people this.…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

If you're dork and you know it...

...roll your dice! I got back into playing Champions with my dad. For those who don't know what Champions is, its a tabletop rpg based around superheroes. Our current campaign has us traveling to the past where the Nazis have won WWII and we have to fix the temporal disturbance. Of course its not a…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar


Got my new pen, my tablet is the culprit for the jittery nonsense. I still can't digital for another day or two TT~TT Bummer

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Yay stuff!

I'm really excited. I bought plants for my aquariums, got myself a new tablet (it was 40$ and has 2048 levels of sensitivity!). I got a replacement pen for my old tablet as well and I'm going to turn that one into my work tablet and leave my new one at home. So within the next week I'll be back to…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

I'm do turian

How do draw turians? I want to draw them so bad but angles, perspective, anatomy I dunno how to turian This is hard

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Sigh, broke my tablet pen

Just when I was getting on a roll with art too. So yeah Probably be another week and a half before I can post any digital stuff.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Help a dog get surgery? [Emergency Commish Signal Boost]

One of the folks on the betta forum I frequent opened emergency commissions to get her dog surgery after he broke his leg. Our little Pom JJ just broke his leg jumping out of the tub during a bath. We're at the vet righ…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Help my friend?

My friend ZeeNovos needs some commissions so that she can get a new charger for her Ipad. The cords on hers have split and she's worried about using them: The USB chords in my house are a couple of years old, and recently, the rubber around the wires for two of them split open, revealing the wires,…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

MTS? Nah...

Much to my roommate's chagrin, I rescued two more bettas today. Both were sitting in brown-orange water and are suffering from fin rot. One is so pallid I can't tell what color morph he is, nor what tail morph he has past the rot. He APPEARS to be a mustard gas veiltail or a copper but the finrot m…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Rant Warning: 9000% done with today

Those of you who have read my about me bio know that I am a print shop graphic designer. As such the boss sticks me with every job he can't or doesn't want to do. Which includes the vinyl cutter. About an hour ago I get an order for 5 single sided yard signs. Easy enough, vinyl isn't hard, it's jus…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Body language with wings

Has anyone ever tried to draw a harpy emoting with their wings? Good Lord. All of my nope. I'll probably still do it but good lord. See bird have these ligaments preventing the parts from extending separately. So emoting with the wings fun. ish. My boss thinks I'm crazy cause I'm modeling the bird…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Self-repairing laptop?!?!?!

My old toshiba laptop suffered a nasty fall from my hip to the ground when my laptop bag strap snapped. This left my screen entirely non operational. The computer would power on, but the screen would not, leaving me to believe that my laptop was dead for good. Yet today, upon plugging the thing in…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Dining like a champ lol

Boredom at work apparently leads to deciding a perfect snack consists of a Rockstar energy drink and dried Mission figs....and Peach rings. Cause all snacks obviously must consist of Peach rings xD I think this is an art school habit. I consistently lived off of Monster, Skittles and cheap snack ma…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Spring organizing + Things are looking up!

I'm rearranging my gallery so if you guys see stuff missing, check folders! I won't be deleting anything, just doing a little house cleaning! Sketches and practice doodles will be in separate folders, I just need to clean up. It's driving me nuts. Also, things seem to be looking up for me. I found…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Possibly opening emergency commissions?

I will be sleeping on the idea but life has hit me hard the last few months and my job just wont cut it. I'm not expecting miracles to come out of me opening commissions(I need several hundred, if not several thousand USD to cover the crap that's been thrown at me). Between me and my roommate we ar…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Got addicted to drawing Nox

Whoops....sorry for any art floods of goofy ocean deity sketches. You have been warned. dammit ZeeNovos....this is all your fault <3

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Been considering making adoptables

The thought has a few times, crossed my mind to make adoptables, both custom and some of varying mythological creatures, some of my original species, and even some more mundane creatures. Some would be draw to adopts, trades or cash adopts/auctions depending on the nature of the adopt.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Been working on headworld stuff

Kinda been developing a headworld for some of my creatures. So far this is what i have if anyone is particularly interested: The world is designated as Inahkos. Inahkos is a small Earth-like planet. It has a similar atmospheric makeup but the climate is largely hotter and more susceptible to wet an…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

[Stream]Be back Shortly!

My computer and tablet aren't cooperating so i need to do a computer restart and i will be back shortly.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Pissed at my computer

I really need a new computer. This one likes to dictate when I can draw much to my grand annoyance. I can't even fucking get a commission done. -_-

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

USB ports finally kicked it

I probably won't be drawing for a while, at least not until I get a new computer which could take over a month.... My computer's reliability to connect with my tablet is very few and far between.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Streamin will resume shortly

Having issues with my tablet connecting to my computer. I think my usb ports are finally going out. I've had this laptop for three years and through that its been heavily abused. I'm not surprised its falling apart. xD I'm going to be saving up for a brand new laptop (hopefully a gaming computer wi…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Artist resource post I compiled the resources I could find into a post, though I'll update it as I find more. Thought I'd share.

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Commission Information/TOS

In the interest of opening commissions soon, I decided to post my TOS. Rules: These are incredibly important to me as they govern whether or not I will take your commission, how quickly it will be finished and explain my pricing guidelines. I intend to become a professional freelancer or perhaps wo…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Get to Know me Meme

Seen it going around figured why not. What's your real name? Brittney How tall are you? 5'4 ish What's your natural hair color? Black What's your eye color? Brown What's your orientation? Asexual Are you single, taken or undecided? Single and happily so. What do you do in your spare time? Drawing.…

CrossroadsKing’s avatar

Art spam done...for now

I've uploaded everything I have access to at work. You guys are safe for about an hour xD