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MTS? Nah... by CrossroadsKing

Much to my roommate's chagrin, I rescued two more bettas today. Both were sitting in brown-orange water and are suffering from fin rot. One is so pallid I can't tell what color morph he is, nor what tail morph he has past the rot. He APPEARS to be a mustard gas veiltail or a copper but the finrot maybe hiding a double veiltail. The other is a gorgeous red veiltail with the purple shine to his scales but its obvious he's fought with fin rot in the past. His fins are severely tattered and some have curled in from healing poorly.

It made me so sad, so I brought the poor babies home and I'm currently cleaning out two old 10 gallons from previous pets.

There was a beautiful red butterfly boy up there but he was obviously in much better condition. I'd say a new arrival by the looks of him.

Both of my new boys are active though so I hope for the best in healing them. Both my current boys are the happiest things constantly flitting about whenever I sing or talk and have very full fins.

Especially Mako, my double ray crowntail monster of a betta(he literally dwarfs my other three). His fins are huge, I'd almost say like a halfmoon but I doubt he is. My Black Devil crowntail is the smallest, at maybe just bigger than a fancy guppy. The two new boys have yet to measure up but they are just a little bigger than my Black Devil from what I can tell. Either Thanatos and the other two are young, or Mako was an accidental giant that slipped in. Cause he's huge and real thick-bodied.

I don't have multiple tank syndrome I SWEAR! I only own 4 bettas! All of them in 5-10 gallon tanks!

MTS? Nah...


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