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Comprehensive Commission Price List by Sparkyopteryx

I will also be adding the pertinent information into a submission at some point soon as well as adding most of this info into my front page commission prices. Here it all is, up-to-date. Not all have specific examples yet because likely I have not produced something within the last year or so that fits the parameters. I will update this regularly with relevant examples whenever possible. I will answer any and all questions to the best of my ability.

Frenzy sketches:


-Poses that are often energetic, lively or action-oriented.
-Always done in pen (usually black, although other colors are available).
-Quick turnover.
-What you see is what you get with these: no revisions or progress preview.

Examples: One | Two | Three


All badges come laminated and with a clip.

ACEO badge (2.5''x 3.5''): $18 for graphite or inked, $25 for color.

Larger (3''x5'' to 4''x 6''): $28 for graphite or inked, $35 for color.

-Detailed chest/shoulder up portrait, with or without a character name (client's choice).
-Can be done with simple but refined tonal values in graphite with minor ink accents or done entirely in inked lines.
-Media options for colored badges: inks with marker, ballpoint, colored pencil, watercolor pencil.

Examples: Colored Norse knotwork style

GW2-themed badges (size and dimensions vary with shape, generally large between 5''-7'' or so): $65

-Can be any playable race and class.
-Shape or theme is dictated by your character's racial background. Example: College symbol for Asura, Legion symbol for Charr, Spirit silhouette for Norn, God symbol for human and Cycle as the background for Sylvari.
-Inked, detailed and full color in Copics, portrait bust from about the chest or shoulders.
-Name can be spelled out in either English, New Krytan or Asuran script if your character is Asura.
-Note: Gear complexity may have to be taken into account due to badge format and size. A plethora of extraneous cosmetics might have to be simplified or omitted as a result.

One | Two | Three

Giant! (5''x8'' to 8''x10''): $50 for graphite or inked, $60 for color.

-Detailed waist-up figure with name and also typically features extra embellishment such as integrated fancy borders. Can feature a full body for most feral characters.
-Media options for colored giant badges are the same as smaller ones.

Examples: In graphite.

Character Illustrations

These are all starting base prices that assume single subject. Rates can be highly variable depending on what you want. +40% (rounded) base price to add an additional subject. Especially intricate character designs or complex features such as armor, large or complicated props (such as vehicles, mounts, especially fantastical weaponry, etc) are subject to price adjustments as it increases time it takes to render a piece. This also goes for especially complex backgrounds.

Subject only, no or simple backdrop:

~4''x6'' (due to size, usually thigh up)

Inked (lines only):

Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):

$22 / $30


Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):



Inked (lines only):

Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):

$30/ $36


Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):


Examples: Colored ballpoint

~8''x10'' to 9''12''

Inked (lines only):

Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):

$40 / $55


Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):


Examples: Inked | Monochrome ballpoint | Colored ballpoint | Marker | Graphite


Inked (lines only):
Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):
$47 / $62
Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):

Examples: Graphite

Subject with Background


Inked (lines only):
Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):
$32 / $40
Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):

Examples: Marker examples

~8''x10'' to 9''x12''

Inked (lines only):
Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):
$60 / $72
Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):

Examples: Inked | Colored ballpoint | Marker | Colored pencil


Inked (lines only):
Ballpoint (monochrome/colored):
$80 / $92
Colored pencil (with or w/out mixed graphite):

Examples: Inked | Graphite w/ highly intricate background | Colored pencil

Miscelleneous Commission Types:

Character sketch pages/Expression sheets:

Add a page: +$10 per additional page.
Add a color study: +$20

-A page of single-character studies, portraits or expressions.
-Usually done in a mix of pen and pencil.
-Very free form. Artistic liberty will be used if no specific parameters or requests are given.

Examples: One | Two | Three

Character Reference Sheets

Subject to rate adjustments for complex characters, props, intricate markings, etc.
All reference sheets are treated the same as other commissions in that I will do anything up to nudity for illustrative purposes but I will not do anything that would require an Adult or Explicit rating.

Basic single page 2-point turnaround sheet: $45
3-point turnaround: $55
Add a palette swatch (up to 5 colors): +$5

-Lined, usually done in ballpoint.
-Not colored.
-simple info can be added (ie. Height, weight, gender and species/race) by request.

Basic single page colored 2-point turnaround sheet: $65
3-point turnaround: $75
Add a page of miscelleneous details and info: +$30 for each page after the first.

-Colored figures for turnaround.
-Pertinent info can be added in margins or as annotations.
-Additional miscelleneous details for extra pages can include (but aren't limited to): Items, props/weapons, close-up of a specific character aspect (i.e. eye detail), portrait, espressions, etc.


Want to be a media test subject and get some neat art out of the deal? Give me character references, basic parmeters/theme, what size you want it in and see what I come up with! Can possibly result in art with a distinctly surreal, dark, psychedelic or impressionistic feel. Often mixed media. I will still provide you with a prelim sketch of the subject before the media experiment stage. No price adjustment for complex characters; price is always fixed according to size!



8''x10'' to 9''12''


Examples: One | Two | Three | Four

Comprehensive Commission Price List


Journal Information
