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Game Grumps Posts Trigger Warning - Comments Go to Shit by technicolorpie

Sorry about the delay in the freebies guys, working on them slowly to post them all at once.

So today's episode of Trauma Center on Game Grumps had jokes about suicide. Thus, a trigger warning was posted at the front of the video.

Cue comments like the following: ""Really, a trigger warning? Arin has gone full blown social justice warrior, at first he just seemed a bit pussywhipped. Now he is just a fraction of what he used to be. He seems to be either brainwashed or scared of being offensive and funny." He goes on to decide Suzy is the reason for this in spite of Suzy never really being especially vocal about social justice stuff ever. Guy maaay have issues with women. Just saying.

I am so tired of these people. So god damn tired. An easily skippable short warning out of consideration for people (especially considering how Robin William's suicide is still fresh in people's minds) is somehow a huge fricking insult to them to the point they need to throw a tantrum over it. Even though the suicide jokes WERE STILL THERE. It wasn't an apology. It was just saying 'This material is here, okay?'.

Arin also made a tweet with the ~controversial opinion~ that misogyny is still a huge problem and got all kinds of shit for it. So. Yeah.

Adult women are now the top consumer of video games, beating out teenage boys. The industry hopefully will experience the leveling out that the once very 'boys club' American anime fandom did about 15 years ago, but I get the feeling it'll be a bit more of a struggle than a friendly takeover.

Game Grumps Posts Trigger Warning - Comments Go to Shit


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  • Link

    The tweet was made about Anita and I wanna say Zoe Quinn and one of them (Or both) lost their homes. And those two are obviously having their controversies as well (Zoe Quinns being more recent and about 2 weeks old)

  • Link

    Warning- this video has a trigger warning attached to it. If you're gonna get upset and all riled up about it, please close the video, grow up, and move on.

    • Link

      oh my god I want to see that so badly

      When I start making videos I may have to steal this idea.

  • Link

    YouTube comments have become the dregs of social feedback. You get better conversations reading /v/ threads on 4chan. Sometimes /b/. A reckoning is slowly making it's way across gaming and the only ones that have this ignorant reaction are the ones unwilling the understand anyway.

    • Link

      Not really - the dumbest thing I've seen on YouTube is still smarter than the smartest thing I've ever seen on 4chan or reddit.

      • Link

        Maaaaan, either you have found some friggin' saints on Youtube or we both have VERY different experiences between the crud written in 4chan, which by the way has the beautiful bonus of being on there for a short period of time before the comment gets pushed away and left to die the final corners of the forum unless (someone cares enough to screenshot it) and the utter garbage that spews out on Youtube comments, which will be left there stinking up the video unless the commentator grows a heart and deletes it or the owner of the video either bans it or shuts off comments entirely. The only thing YT commentators have over 4channers is that videos can have comments blocked from the word go...though there's always response videos, which sometimes become those very comments IN VIDEO FORM, YAAY!

        • Link

          But we can both agree that Reddit is just as bad if not worse. :P

          • Link

            Oh yeah, totally. :P

  • Link

    Because God forbid you inform your audience of some sensitive material in the video. I guess people just aren't allowed to be nice anymore.

    I mean, yeah, if they started pulling back on the jokes, it'd be a problem. Self-censorship and having to keep that kind of thing in mind while you're trying to entertain tends to produce an atmosphere of unease, but when you do that kind of humor, it's not a bad thing to let people know to avoid it if they feel it's necessary. Some people -are- fragile, and that's not an insult. Just means they need a safe place and maybe therapy to learn from and heal out of whatever damage has been done to them.

    • Link

      It wasn't even them joking about suicide, it was the game they were playing. Trauma Center had a subplot about a suicidal girl admitted into the hospital.

      It was very, very poorly handled. :|

      • Link

        Yeah, I watched it, and they made the suicide plot pretty funny with their commentary. They added levity to a subject that isn't light, which some folks might consider offensive. The trigger warning was a polite way to forewarn those people, and honestly? It's a good way to cover your butt when some of those people inevitably complain about making light of the way the game handled suicide.

  • Link

    Huh. It must really make me weird to think, 'Wow, Game Grumps has taken it upon themselves to caution against particularly strong/sensitive topics, which I've never seen them do before. Good on them.'

    Game Grumps has always had humor that's drawn thin lines between 'amusing' and 'offensive'. It's like Eddie Murphy's Raw. That said, anyone calling for movie ratings to be banned because Raw exists, however, is a goddamn idiot, and so are people who are pissed off about Game Grumps warning about content contained in it.

    I didn't know too much about Game Grumps's creators until recently, also given light of "current events". Having said I do now? I'm now fans of Egoraptor and Danny, and have pretty much no respect for Jontron at all.

    I myself am fragile about suicide for my own reasons, and I'll stand up and applaud their decision to forward a segment saying 'This one might hit you hard, just be aware.' I might still watch it, even. The thing I'm not going to do? Be pissed, ever, that they decided to include the warning, just in case.

    The stupidity of this vocal group of people continues to amaze me. I keep thinking I've seen as dumb as they can possibly get, and then they top it. Repeatedly. Wow.

    • Link

      I really and truly hope the uglier side of their fanbase doesn't change how open Arin and Danny seem to be about considering other people's feelings.

    • Link

      Would you mind PMing me about Jontron? I have absolutely no idea what is going on with him beyond the sketchiest of sketchy details, but I don't want to derail things.

      (Also I have some other questions for you, if you don't me bugging you about tech stuff again!)

  • Link

    On today's episode of "Fake Celebrities Say Stupid Shit."

    • Link

      Only the fake celebrity didn't say the stupid shit this time.

      • Link

        It's so hard to keep up with Internet news - why does anyone care about people who record themselves playing video games? Just play them.

        • Link

          Why does anyone care about anybody?

        • Link

          This one might be worth reading up on. Some really awful stuff has been being laid on game critics and game designers of late, by the general 'boys club' of gamers. It's gotten toxic enough - and been crossing past 'just on the internet' into the real world, that it's starting to hit mainstream news outlets even.

          If you're curious, here are a few readers' digests of what's up.

        • Link

          People generally don't watch Game Grumps for the video games. They watch because the people playing are genuinely funny and do/say a lot of funny stuff. They're entertaining, and not in the same way as the game(s) they play would be if you just sat down and played them alone.

          Most "let's play" channels are like this. People like to watch funny stuff. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but being as popular as it is, it's worth knowing why it's such a big thing.

          • Link

            Your mileage may vary on finding the Game grumps funny. >.>; I personally thought it was like putting a camera inside some person's living room and hoping for something interesting like some Video Game version of The Real World.

  • Link

    I generally subscribe to the theory of "get over it" when it comes to drama. It's never worth getting fussy over something so trivial, especially when it's a little bit of text under a video or a popular Youtuber calling a service "retarded".

    Over the last few week, Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian have stirred up some major controversy (for some good reason) and I've been really mulling over the massive response they've gotten. The internet has really dove deep into this culture of overreaction lately (both from nuts on Tumblr pretending that their "eww spiders ickyyyy" response is equivalent to an actual anxiety attack or PTSD-fueled breakdown, and those who believe the two shady women mentioned above have committed crimes worthy of a thousand years of torture and it's their personal duty to see it through as well as their keyboards are able) and it's been hurting a lot of people.

    What the harassers and flamers out there don't realize is that by attacking someone, they only contribute to the creation of a bigger problem, one which (rightfully) takes the spotlight in place of whatever they were flipping out over in the first place. If Zoe Quinn did what people have been saying, getting the news out about it is the solution they should be after. After all, who would dare to take a chance giving a known hypocritical liar and cheater a job? But no, their attacks culminate on the woman being in fear for her life, which is a WAY worse problem than anything she (purportedly) did. The headlines end up about that instead of what she did, and she's able to take the position of victim instead of answering for her actions. And all that, for the sake of some ideal of petty payback... it's disgraceful. Even worse is when someone who's relatively innocent gets caught in the crosshairs of the internet overreaction machine, like Stephen Colbert. We really shouldn't be okay with the people doing this stuff, and we shouldn't be standing by as they do it without calling them out on it.

    So... yeah, no matter the perceived size and relevance of what's happened, I think people on the internet in general need to relax and not make such a big deal out of things. Or at the very least, stop being so outwardly vocal about something stupid like someone actually being POLITE to other people on the internet - I mean, holy crap, that's actually what HAPPENED here.

    • Link

      Yeah, you raise a good point, to give a very brief reply to a very meaty post. I won't pretend to know much about what happened with either party -- but death threats?

      • Link

        Yeah.. people don't realize when they're sending death threats and such that they're actively being a much worse person than the one they're mad at. :I

  • Link

    I can say that Anita's videos have a good point but are also a bit too sensationalist. Basically, I agree that those female-related tropes do need to be toned down, but I don't quite completely agree with all her thought processes or some of the issues surrounding her work.That said I don't have some sort of massive hate boner for her.

    And Phil Fish is an asshole.

    The Zoe Quinn business I have no opinion on until I hear more definite stuff.

    That said, this stuff is just nuts. And tiresome.

    • Link

      Agreed. I actually watched a fair bit of her early stuff because I found it fairly insightful. She raised clear points, illustrated them fairly well (if redundantly), and had some nice and thought-provoking points about "why do we feel we need to do [X] for female characters?" And it seemed fine. I honestly still respect her for bringing things up and giving them visibility in the first place.

      But once the sensationalism really began to kick in, it didn't become hard to digest so much as just a massive turnoff. It was like the Fox News equivalent of a more high-minded debate. It stopped being a series of "we need to change the way we think and approach women in gaming and entertainment" and felt like a wildly politicized smear campaign.

      (As for Fish ... that man is the biggest asshole.)

      • Link

        I dunno. I made this same point elsewhere but I think it bears repeating... even if Anita Sarkeesian’s analysis wasn’t very good, I can think of a million gamer dudebros making youtube videos with lazy, boring, basic analysis of video games and nobody subjects them to anywhere near the level of harassment that Anita Sarkeesian and other women in nerd fields get. Which like, people should be able to make mediocre video game criticism and not get threatened with rape and murder! That’s how it should be.

        That’s how it is for men.

        Anita Sarkeesian is in a position where her criticism has to be a million times more well-sourced, have higher production values, etc etc to even be considered on the same level as some dude shouting into his shitty webcam, and she STILL gets literally driven from her home by rape and death threats so bad that law enforcement looked at them, said they had to step in and maybe she should stay somewhere else for the night. Makes ya think.

    • Link

      Personally, what I would like for her to do is try and come in with some proposed solutions - Now this isn't just Sarkeesian, this is honestly a lot of people who are trying to get all "social justice" out there. The reason a lot of people use "Social Justice Warrior" as a punchline is because most of these people don't come in with a plan or any proposed solution (Unless "give away all your money to people" or "die" is their idea of a solution), they just come in and make noise for the sake of making noise.

      • Link

        90% of the time, the implied solution is a fairly obvious "stop doing this".

        • Link

          You'd think so, but that's not how they come off - they instead come off as people trying to change the world by yelling at people.

  • Link

    It sucks that they are getting flack for it but im glad they are being considerate

  • Link

    I saw the warning when I watched it and knew that I would read the comments... I am not surprised by this turn of events in the slightest.
    (And isn't it Barry who gives the warnings? I always assumed that Barry uploads the videos.)

  • Link

    Man Youtube comments are the absolute worst. I'm glad the grumps threw a trigger warning on that episode, that was considerate.

  • Link

    On topic: Dude, if the Grumps posting a trigger warning for talking about suicide, something that happens IN THE GAME THEY ARE PLAYING, and you get upset? you haven't been paying attention. I remember off the top of my head the Grumps reeling themselves back and trying to start the term "pussy up" in the vein of "man up" or somesuch. They aren't always successful with eliminating passively misogynous speech, but the fact is that they're thinking about it, and trying to make a positive impact. Also... I barely if ever read the comments on YouTube videos. Seems like the drek of society lives there.

    Side-topic: From what I hear, apparently Zoe Quinn had a bad break with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's bright idea is to throw all her personal information onto the net, along with some serious accusations of her apparently cheating on him. Now, this is obviously not cool, but the 'retribution' for his hurt feelings is entirely disproportionate. Besides, whether or not she cheated on her boyfriend is entirely unrelated to her as a public person.

  • Link

    Has anything interesting ever come from the Game Grumps?

    • Link

      I don't really watch it to die laughing (although for some reason when they play game show games I always do), I just kind of enjoy seeing other people react to video games and have some background noise while working on things. To each their own, of course.

      • Link

        Yeah. Tehse guys kinda frustrated me with how.... oblivious they are. Try the same old things over and over again and hope for a different response. XD

        • Link

          I might have yelled at the screen a few times during the Wind Waker playthrough. But, you know, seeing the games played "right" isn't really the point of what they do. They're more focused on saying silly things, which is fine by me. XD

          • Link

            After a certain point it's not even funny. XD

      • Link

        God the game shows KILL me. I thought I was going to rupture something when I watched Wheel of Fortune.

        (Super Mario 3D Land is really doing it for me too.)

        • Link

          The way they KEPT hitting Bankrupt had me dying.

          And yeah if they were excellent at games it wouldn't be as fun.

          • Link

            And some of the solutions they came up with. "BINGO CRIME"

            • Link

              The -ash Man Robot Master bits had me dying; that is how you do one-upsmanship.

              I think I'm gonna puke Skittles

              • Link

                Man Danny deserves a SPONSORSHIP from Skittles at this point I swear

                • Link

                  I'm straight up amazed Skittles hasn't approached Danny already.
                  Then again, maybe the whole "Sexbang" angle isn't what they're looking for. D:

                  • Link

                    You don't think they want to taste his rainbow? :U

  • Link

    Yeah this attitude has been driving me nuts, over at FA anyone that prefers this website over the former is deemed a "SJW" that "hates everyone on FA and should just shut up, good thing they are off our site anyway!"

    I've had to repeat myself many a time that expecting a degree of common sense and ethical standards is not being a "SJW" its being a reasonable human being that has reasonable expectations.

    Same thing here, suicide is a huge issue, and there was a time in my life when I was genuinely upset by the depiction of that or self harm. People wanting to avoid material that could upset/offend them due to such a personal connection is not unreasonable at all, and it's not really censorship or anything like it.

    But on the internet now there's this huge dichotomy, if you are sensitive and empathetic to such issues you're automatically a "SJW" type that should be ignored by the other camp. If you're not sensitive to these issues it starts to resemble as if that whole camp is composed of /b/tards that feel everything should be one big joke.

    Quite tired of the black and white treatment of it all, we should be having a real debate not composed entirely of tossing insults to one another.

    As for the misogyny issue, it does irk me a little that sometimes we are a bit quick to label any insensitivity towards women as that.

    The straight up definition is hatred of women.

    Now don't get me wrong, there are certainly those in the community that hate women, have serious mother relationship issues it seems, and they are a problem.

    However, in my experience, many of these men don't hate women necessarily, they just unfortunately misunderstand them a great deal and lack some empathy. That does not really = hate, though it tends to come off as hateful vitriol most of the time.

    • Link

      I really wish that stereotype would die, because the SJWs have mostly gone back to Tumblr.

  • Link

    One time I saw them pubically apologize to their fans on twitter before they started putting warnings on their videos and that was really big of them. They gained my respect pretty fast for that even if I don't watch them.

  • Link

    Yeah, this fucking drove me insane, especially since there were so many people blaming Suzy because she has the nerve to be a feminist and don't you know if a guy starts realizing that people's feelings are important it's because his wife has him pussywhipped. Common decency is apparently an SJW thing.

    • Link

      What if I find funnier/Dumber is the people who seem to be against "SJWs" because they seem to be ridiculously offended by people being respected as human beings.

  • Link

    There's a very desperately active backlash against any perceived concessions to people who are asking for the slightest bit of consideration in societal coexistence. It's bad enough that weak little ol' me has a tough time even conceiving of confronting or existing in that hostile climate. Heck I'm about to start counselling for the first time because of shit like this.

  • Link

    I'm really pleased that the grumps are being A++ classy about this kind of stuff- especially with all the disappointing jontron stuff recently. It's not over the top, it's being considerate. Good on them.

    I hid my other comment because of a lil error

  • Link

    I cannot wait for this particular species of whiny, entitled, misogynist dudebro to die out.* They make me ashamed to even be associated with some of the things I love, sometimes. I cannot say how glad I am to see that things like trigger warnings are starting, gradually, to become standard practice.

    *Note: I am speaking metaphorically here. I don't actually wish for them to literally die. Just for this mindset to die out. I see hopeful signs that it might be heading for the endangered species list. I will not mourn it.

  • Link

    I don't watch or care about Game Grumps but I thought seeing Arin apologizing/adding TWs was really refreshing compared to the stupid and immature shit I see Jontron has been saying on Twitter. No surprise people are getting pissed over someone being considerate, geez.

    "Adult women are now the top consumer of video games, beating out teenage boys."
    Too bad you can't say this in most settings without getting snooty "haha don't you mean they just play casual phone apps and farmville??? doesn't count!!!" replies...

  • Link

    If anything, Arin and crew seem to be more and more considerate of other people's feelings, and how the show is perceived, as time goes on.

    Really, ever since Jon was replaced by Danny, they've been working very hard to be as professional as they can be, editing out offensive comments and just including the parts where they make fun of themselves, as opposed to other people.

    • Link

      Exactly, It's amazing how in the past year, the way I way (and the change in behaviour) or Egoraptor and JonTron have flipped for me.

      • Link

        I am really confused by this sentence and don't know what it is trying to say.

  • Link

    "How dare they put warnings, how am I supposed to be offended if they warn me I may be offended?
    I'm so offended at their attempt to prevent people from being offended D:<"

  • Link


    There, problem solved :D

  • Link

    The Game Grumps fanbase has to be one of the hardest to please fanbases ever, and it just seems so sad that people take TRIGGER WARNING in the worst way. Arin is trying to be considerate to the people that might take it poorly, and I think either he or Suzy has admitted to depression, so it's really not unheard of. I hate how people reacted so poorly to the whole situation. :C

  • Link

    Zoe has admitted to having literally slept to gain monetary gain. Her personal life is her own thing but it actually unvealed a heavy dose of censorship that is plaguing the media. Misogny is a problem, a woman using her body to further her career is text book example of misgogny though because it implies that the woman in question is only able to reach her status by being reduced to sex. She has also used her power to take down entire websites and internet achives of said websites. Zoe has even lied about having lost her home, which was a blatant and rude lie.

    • Link

      You're assuming this even about the Zoe crap for me. The meat of the post had nothing to do with it and all. Even the point of referencing the main tweet was that someone can't point out there is misogyny in the gaming world without getting shit on.

      • Link

        The reason Arin got shit from that was because it was the Zoe, context in this thing is all important. Plus, Egoraptor isn't really the most chivalrous of the knights, he actually slapped JonTron's girlfriend over a petty argument.

        • Link

          proof about the slapping please

          • Link

            • Link

              Also, something I meant to point out earlier - chivalry in itself is a dumb concept.

              That said: A guy slapping a girl is not in itself misogynistic. Was it not a mature thing to do if it happened? Absolutely not. It should have been handled better and if he does have private anger issues he should be seeking help for it. But something like that done in the past doesn't change the fact Arin, Danny, and Barry did something respectful with the trigger warning.

              • Link

                I apologize for the late reply as I've been busy. You're right, it is respectful.Arin does have actual, legimate anger issues. Look at any Game Grumps and Mario Party and such and how Arin gets all upset. Many were laughing and thinking that's just him fooling around (being in character or something) but most of the time, he's legit getting angry. It kind of changes a lot of things about Game Grumps when you look at it under that light. I know that when I found out about that part of Egoraptor, it kind of changed my view on him and the Game Grumps as a whole forever.