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i think im leaving FA by purplepardus

this my kill me finacially... and im pretty sure ill regret it...

but i cant handle the FA users anymore.
now i know most the people over here are also on FA as well... and i mean no offense. just there are the bad eggs that really destroy why i even do art in the first place... which is to have fun and get better at art... they twist it and turn it into politics and bashing and im a pretty fragile person... and i often feel attacked even when im not being attacked cause so many people are mean... that i always feel defensive.

anyways. ive turned off my account on FA for the time being...

i have 2 slots left on my Orgy... and honestly without that money im not sure ill be able to make it this next month... im pretty much drowning... NSFW
i would appreciate any help or publicity on weasyl. seeing as its actually pretty active...

anyways sorry for being depressing im having a rough week...
have a good one guys.

i think im leaving FA


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    Yea they can be jerks, glad your on here were I can still watch your work ^.=.^

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    Hope it works out for you.

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    sorry, but i may be blunt.

    do you really think only fa has bad people?
    soon there will be as many bad here too, ofcourse there's fewer bad people here, since there are barely users here.
    I do not know what is going on, but it's not a sign of strength to run away.
    I can only wish you luck trying out this place.

    and i will have to try tor emember you are here, luckily i watch very few here, since most people cross post, so i don't need to watch them elsewhere.

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      no i dont,
      there are fewer bad people here and thats all i really care about
      you dont know whats going on in my life and is very rude of you to say im weak for handling my issues in a non public manner and taking a vacation from assholes
      thank you for the luck

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        Yes, i do know nothing.

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          did i say that? cause im pretty certain i didnt.
          you dont know whats going on in my personal life. which no one knows whats going on 100% in my life only vanblod.
          id appreciate you thinking through some of the things your saying. cause i dont appreciate it at all.

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            Then what should i say? I apologize i hurt your feelings.
            But i do not understand your actions.

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      Moderator action for this website has been generally better in comparison to FA's. I have seen harassing shouts deleted pretty immediately when reported here vs. the often apathetic, overworked, and useless moderators over at FA that will take months to address a single ticket.

      That is unacceptable, they do not have any excuses for being a large website, because there are other websites equally as large or even larger that moderate with unpaid volunteers just fine and dandy.

      They also have numerous qualified people, some whom to my knowledge have even worked for pay for this type of work on a professional level, offering to volunteer, and unless they are buddies of their elite circle, no one can get in.

      So it is not just leaving to avoid bad people you see, it is retreating to a community that better protects its users from harassment, toxic politics, and in general jerks that don't know when to stop typing.

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    I know how you feel, bro. I went through tons and tons of bull on FA myself. Honestly, in the end I feel that it's not worth the mental anguish. Far too much hate and drama accumulates there and turns art and self expression into nothing but a soul-crushing chore.

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    I know the feeling all too well. HUGS! I'm here if you want to chat. :)

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    :( I wish you wouldn't. Although I can understand why you'd wanna do it. I'm just super glad you're on here and Sofurry.

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    Luckily, people here tend to be less volatile :)

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    It's one of the reasons I delay posting things over there anymore because the community has slowly become more toxic as time goes on.
    I really hope your week gets better, hon. Keep your head up, you can do it!

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    I'll give your auction a signal boost here and on SF, for what it's worth :3

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    "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

    Words to live by.

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      You cant speak in public and expect everyone to agree. How would politics look if no one spoke

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        it'd probably look as childish as it does already nowadays, just a lot quieter lol. There are ways of getting a point of view across while still being civil about it and not causing unnecessary issues/arguments. Unfortunately for us, many people don't understand that it's possible

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    I can totally understand this. I'm only on FA as a watcher but when I posted there I either got 0 attention or got random nasty comments from people I didn't even know or interact with. I don't rely on art for income though.

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    I've only read about FA and it pretty much scared me away from opening an account there. I haven't been in the drama over there but plenty to read that's for sure. Bad comments, people not paying, artists not finishing , and a long list of drama. Came to weasyl because its smaller and the people here seem more mature / sane. I pretty much moved from DA. I couldn't deal with the place. The white knights and all the bs on "Your character has red hair like mine! Your stealing!" crap. Plus every time I heard off site about DA most forums were about art theft. Then there obsession with species. Just open up a virtual pet site already. xD For some of them.

    I can't handle the stress of people sometimes. Your perfectly healthy to separate yourself from toxic people. They'd only bring you down. Wish more people would do the same honestly.

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    Not trying to be dismissive of your journal so sorry if it comes off that way but I think, when it comes down to it, most of the people here came from FA for that same reason. Honestly the only reason I have my FA account anymore is to keep up with artists and friends who refuse to come over to weasyl (or any other site). Granted I don't rely on art for part, or all, of my income so I can take the risk without worry, but most of us understand the feeling of wanting to get the hell out of FA.

    It's a bad place over there. Always has been to be blunt, but it is far more obvious now. Not that you're looking for verification but I'd say it was a good choice

    Also, before I forget, if you're able to hold out till Friday and don't mind "Cboys" (or whatever term people prefer) I'll take a slot in that YCH should one be open then.

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    You're going to have bad/obnoxious people where ever you go, it just seems like FA has been accumulatinng them.

    I think that has a lot to do with the administration over there. Bad people who do bad things beyond just fantasy have learned it is a safe haven for them. I miss a lot of people over there and there are some I still watch there because they can't afford to move financially... I just wish all the good people would leave there. Abandon it for something else, even if that something else isn't weasyl, just get the hell out, leave the cancer behind. :I

    Anyhow, I fully support your decision, and will hopefully have money when you have openings so that you don't have to rely on it.

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    The problem with FA is the management. It is bad and always has been bad. The fact that the website has not changed in nearly a decade now is telling of how ineffective Dragoneer's leadership is. That isn't to say he is personally a bad person, I do not know him personally. But after years of failures with the latest being losing all the staff that came from Furocity, it is all too clear that he is not cut out for it and just does it for the money and the prestige of owning one of the most popular furry websites.

    Sites like SoFurry, Weasyl and even more erotic focused ones like e621 and F-List have better teams and better communities because of it.

    As others have mentioned of course you will find problems and problem people everywhere. But some places are most certainly better or worse than others. Believing otherwise is clear ignorance and possibly fanatical devotion on their part.

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    Can't fault you for leaving.

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    If you leave...then you leave. Im not trying to say I dont care, and Im trying not to say "its a bad choice" But yeah, leaving FA because of Bad Users will not really help you. I can completely get behind the idea of maybe, you need a break. But if and when this place ever kicks up, or even if you go to SF, and IB, there will always be assholes.
    You just...i KNOW its not something everyone wants to hear or can do.....but you kinda have to try and develop thick skin and learn to ignore the bullshit, it will never leave, it will always follow you.
    But anyway, Ill stop my rambling, if you leave for good, then hopefully you'll till find a market outside FA.
    Cause hundreds of users have tried.......

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    Might wanna give FurBuy a try for auctions, it's really active these days too.