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About my characters sometimes not having boobs.... by BlueNire


I've received a few comments....from people who are very confused as to why I'd want my characters to not have boobs sometimes.

Once I was able to step back from my knee-jerk emotional response, I recognized that out of 9/10 comments, it's really just innocent confusion.

They honestly just can't wrap their minds around it and it has nothing to do with being confrontive or abrasive.

NO ONE has been mean to me about this they just are really confused aaand can't relate. (Which- it's okay not to relate! I just ask you be respectful, that's all :) )

Just in case this subject comes up, I'll have a nice link to refer them to!

Here goes, I'll try to explain it!

When I see myself in the mirror...I enjoy the idea of not having boobs.
I don't like my boobs. They are obnoxious. ( I'm totally capable of loving other peoples boobs tho.....Just sayin'.....)
I just don't like MY ...sometimes I'd like the freedom to not have to draw them on my personal representations of myself.

"Doesn't that mean you really want to be male? That you're a FtM?"

Although, I'll admit I have some self-targeted-specific-misogynistic habits (that I'm always trying to correct.). Okay-back up- OBVIOUSLY FtM peeps aren't in general going to be misogynistic (not that I know of?), what I mean is, I have some...ideologies that, if I were born a guy, that would be totally awesome and I would have lots of advantages. -BUT I know that that is a very misogynistic thought and I need to stop doing that. >.> BUT just because I wish I were born a guy sometimes, doesn't mean that I haven't learned to accept that I wasn't born a guy? (This whole paragraph is kinda offensive isn't it. I don't want it to be I just don't know how else to say all this.)

After long introspection, I don't feel that I am male....but I also don't feel I am 100% female either?

In my case( Which.. I honestly haven't met anyone like me? (yet?Hello are you out there?))-where, I am OK with having lady bits down below (out of the way/compact), but I'm not really interested or excited by the idea of having male bits below.

Although my "the beast" character has a pseudo-retractable peni, it's more about that creature being a shape-shifter than saying anything about my own gender identity.

TLDR: " I like the idea of not having boobs, but I don't WANT a penis either."

Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope this makes sense!


About my characters sometimes not having boobs....


Journal Information



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    I find this oddly relatable, but in a different way. I sometimes wish I were a guy, for the statue, the penis and no boobs... but I love my boobs too. Im glad I can like them, because I find the idea of being male a little bit more appealing than being female, but hell, I have this body, and thats fine. I had dreams of being turned into a boy when I was very very very little (Kindergarten age) so that was always a thing.
    Yeah, just my little two cents here, I can kinda relate, and I think its cool that you understand that people are confused by stuff like this sometimes. Theres so many things that parent and society dont teach, so someone else has to do it in a way. I think you do that kinda? :)

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      I"m glad you can like your boobs! Okay-hold on that sounds odd. What I mean is.... It's a terrible experience to by default a part of yourself, whether that be a body part or whatever.
      SO-I'm always happy to hear people being okay with their bodies because they should be. :) "I have this body and that's fine" is really a wonderful thing and I wish more people could learn to get to this point it life. Soooo you're awesome. :)

      Thank you for relating! It's totally cool that you do and it makes me feel a bit better and not feel so strange! :D
      Society doesn't like to talk about the grey areas of gender...which is weird because I read somewhere that the total number of people whose bodies differ from the "standard male or female" is one in 100 births! (soruce:

      That's really quite frequent! when you think about it!! :D
      Why doesn't anyone talk about it then? I dunno....who knows!
      Thank you for your reply!

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        " It's a terrible experience to hate, by default, a part of yourself"

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          It is, and I am so glad that I can like my body! I can't imagine what its like to have a part of your body, thats not easily modified, and hate it or don't feel like it belongs to you. And I really like all these grey area topics, sexuality as well. Society paints it all so black and white and I loved discovering that theres so much more to sexuality and gender and everything. Humans are fascinating things :O

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    ahhh I know how that is. I dislike boobs greatly.
    I've been question on why I don't give a lot of my female characters boobs buh.
    they are humanoid but not human so don't expect all the females to have breasts. they might not even be mammals? Lizards with boobs weird me out haha.
    that or they will only develop them when they have babies!!

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      YEAH! Obsolutely!! I actually get a tad weirded out when I see boobs on reptiles and creatures that are mammalian.
      Not that I can't enjoy the artwork or grow to like the being but..Yeah!
      I totally understand!
      I also think the whole "developing boobs when they're raising babies" just seems efficient to me I dunno.. :D

      Thank you for the reply!

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        creatures that AREN'T mammalian

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    I can sooooooooooooo relate to this journal. When I was younger, and my mother was still clinging to the hope that I'd grow up to be a 'lady', I resented everything that she considered being a lady to be. I hated dresses, I hated the idea that she thought the best goal in my life would be to get married and have children. I hated that she thought being a lady (and by extension, being a woman) meant that I shouldn't enjoy sports that men played.

    So I played football. I cut off all my hair when I was old enough to go to the salon alone. I dyed it a million different colors. I wore guy clothes because all the girly shit out there was nigh on useless (MY KINGDOM FOR POCKETS), I hung out with guy friends and the very few girl friends that were like me (not overly girly or preppy, a lot of them were tech nerds and we were best buds).

    When I was younger I wish I'd been born male because, under the tutelage of a conservative catholic mother, it seemed that being born female was so very limiting.

    But I got older, and my mother grew up, too. Both my older sisters stuck to the semi-traditional 'female' role that my mother had instilled in them (until now, but I'll touch on that later). But me? After a car accident nearly killed me, my mom kinda backed off entirely. She was happy I was alive, and it seemed like all the nudging and shit ended. I was able to be me, and it felt like my mother was learning to appreciate and admire who the ME in my head was, now that she saw it. I grew out my hair (because they NEARLY took all of it off because of the accident), I wore nerd shirts and baggy jeans from guys' departments. But I also wore jewelry because holy shit I like shinies (I may be part magpie or something).

    Once no one was trying to shove female stereotypes into my mind, I was able to start thinking on what being born female really meant to me, and how I wanted to live it. It's still a work in progress, but I can say a few things with certainty now that I've spent nearly three decades as my assigned-at-birth sex.

    I don't mind being a woman. I do mind that my giant boobs get in the way of a lot of things and hurt my back. But I also like that my boobs are soft and squishy and make for excellent pillows. I kinda like that my husband likes my boobs and (I'm so sorry, this next bit is prolly TMI but hilarious to me) starts banging harder just to see how much he can make them jiggle (lol omfg). I like that, because of my boobs, I can totally rock guy-shirts and they end up looking like longer, fitted girl shirts because my boobs make the rest of the fabric cling to my sides and show off the chubby hour glass I have. When it comes to art, I prefer to keep boobs on my anthro-self, but not show off big ol' rows of nips on a feral version.

    I sometimes wish I had male parts, but it's not because I think they're better than what I have. I get frustrated with the workings of my reproductive organs - they have caused me significant problems through the years and the thought of having something easier to manage that doesn't bleed monthly and malfunction (hooray ovarian cysts ugh) is appealing. But I don't think I'd ever consider myself FtM, personally. The struggle with my body is one that is uniquely mine. I like who I am, even if my physical body is sometimes problematic. I don't feel that I was born in the wrong body, and I know that me saying that is a sign of cis-privilege - I'm not saying it to rub it in anyone's face, but more as a reflection of how I feel personally about myself.


    I'm sorry, I got rambly. Your journal really inspired me to kinda dig deep into my own thoughts, so.. thank you for being an inspiration.

    And you're awesome, boobs or no boobs. You are not your body parts, and how you choose to represent yourself is a deeply personal choice. I'm glad that no one has given you any guff for making choices about your character. Kinda makes me feel like there's hope!


    • Link

      This is beautiful.

      I completely relate to the husband bit and the cysts :( unfortunately. The worst part of female reproductive organs is when they don't work right.

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      What a lovely reply! I really enjoyed reading your experience! I found it rather similar to my own in several ways.
      I am really happy that it sounds like overall, you are a touch,strong person and you had it all together from the start! I'm happy that even as a youth it sounds like you decided to be yourself from the start. in spite of the pressures from your mother and that's so awesome! :D
      I'm actually honestly (at 30 years of age) finally GETTING to that point, so it took me a while but I'm getting there.
      I still have lots of tendencies to conform, or to try to make myself invisible to people when I go out, but I'm working on it.
      Which brings me to why I love the furry community and why it's soooo liberating to draw my representation of myself pretty much however I want! ha!
      (Even though, at first I was drawing them the way I thought other people WANTED ME TO which is why I made so many over the years..)

      ::cough:: Now I"M rambly! hehe

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my journal and it's been a pleasure reading your experiences!
      You're awesome!

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        I still have my fair share of days where my self-image is shaky when I hold it up to the crap that the media/society tries to squeeze women into, but when my mental state and depression are in check, I feel more reinforced in my me-ness.

        I think, too, that the furry community (while it has its heaps of problems) offers a safer, less-stereotyped forum for people.

        I think how we draw ourselves is pretty indicative of how we're feeling about ourselves and about how we feel we should/do fit in with the communities we are part of. When I see artists changing their characters, I think of it as an evolution, a new chapter with brand new traits to explore. Some ring true and stick, some don't! And that's totally okay. Art is about expression and learning and - for me - it can be a deeply spiritual experience (lol I feel like a conduit sometimes for whatever white noise the universe is channeling through me :D)


        <3 You are great, and I have really loved seeing the places your personal depictions have taken you so far. <3

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    I completely understand. I love breasts...on ther people. I really dislike mine. I was a late bloomer and didn't even get mine until 16 and was teased horrendously- but I couldn't comprehend why all the girls were so excited to have their boobs at 13 and 14! I really didn't WANT mine, and I've considered in passing actually getting them removed. Going for a more androgynous streamlined look. And though it would have been nice to be born a guy, I wasn't, and I don't really feel the need for a FtM conversion.

    Just like you summed up, I don't really want boobs, but I don't think I'd enjoy having a penis...maybe for only for the day lol.

    But contradictingly, I also like my boobs, but only sometimes. My mate enjoys them a lot more than I do lol. And I guess it's like, if he can enjoy them and be happy, it makes me a little happy too? I don't know how to explain it.

    So I kind of try to keep my character brasts at or smaller than my size. I don't think I have any over a C cup (but even those feel huge.) My characters could all be part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee lol

    • Link

      hehe Thank you for sharing!
      lol A penis for a day might be fun, although I don't think I'd leave the house hahaha! That sounds terriblie but oh well... xD

      Sounds like we're a bit mate LOVES...LOVES my boobs (I'm a size H, boo).....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.....
      I honestly only keep them because:
      1) breast removal without any good reason wouldn't be covered by insurance, I don't think. Plus I don't think any doctors would do it.
      2) My mate loves them.
      That's it. rotfl. I wish they were detachable hahaha!

      Anyway thank you for sharing!! <3

      • Link

        Lol! Yeah, just for a day for curiosity sake xD and in private! I'd never want a set for more than 24 hours, or maybe for in those really yucky bathrooms where you don't want to touch the seat xD

        H!!!! I can't even imagine! D= I'm a borderline C and they're so obnoxious! Maybe you could talk your doctor into a breast reduction first? And then go from there. My aunt was the same size as you and got one without a problem and I believe insurance covered it because of her chronic pain/back issues. It's not a complete resolution but it could help? Also if breast cancer has any prevalence in your medical history, I think they are more likely to consider removal? But don't quote me on that.

        Holy shoot, I think you just had the best idea since sliced bread. Just make genital detachable! Problem solved. That would be absolutely amazing.
        "Hey honey, let's get frisky tonight!" Hang on, let me grab my breasts from the closet. XD
        I hope science is advanced enough to consider that some day

  • Link

    This journal is so relatable that it hurts.

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      aaaaaaaaaaaaaw <3

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    My fiance Blackantlers is an androgyne and our partner is genderqueer/gender neutral, I know many people who don't really fit in the binary ;3 sometimes my partner likes having breasts and sometimes they don't, but it doesn't make them FtM like you pointed out yourself. You're definitely not alone!

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      YAY!! It's wonderful to be related to! :D

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    Except for during like, very specific sexual fantasies -- I don't want tits either. And as far as bits go, I want both. It used to be I just wanted to be totally male. Now I am some non-binary gender I don't even know lables anymore whatever. It would be great if tits just grew in the few instances I wanted them and all the other times weren't in my way.

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      "It would be great if tits just grew in the few instances I wanted them and all the other times weren't in my way."
      HA! YES. Or even just parts in general, that'd be awesome :D

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    Also the internalized misogynist thing -- seems more and more non-normative gender folks I talk to have at least some of that. I mean, think about it. You grow up with a bunch of sexist shit around you of course you are going to internalize some of that. I don't know though how often this is positively correlated with people that don't like their birth sex. But it /is/ something I find. People don't want to talk about it because its offensive. Well, too bad its a phenomena that is going on in at least some people with non-normative gender and needs to be talked about.

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      And I had a LOT of that internalized misogyny up until like, last year. Some's still in there. In with all the rest of the Darkness.

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      I'd said "People don't want to talk about it because its offensive," but I am actually not sure why this is not brought up more often. Possibly because people think, perhaps correctly(?), that someone might try to attack them over it. I had that fear.

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        Oh I think you're absolutely right. Gender issues are very touchy. Although I believe it's 110% important to be respectful to others, if that means running away from truth, that's can't be healthy.

        I've actually encountered a FtM fellow ( at art college) who was viciously misogynistic. There were people who tried to call them on it and it turned into this horribly, wretched verbal war which...Ultimately ended in everyone realizing that we wouldn't even be having this trouble if there wasn't a perceived "better gender" in the first place.

        The guy (FtM) later shared with me privately that they were actually incredibly terrified that their self-misogyny was ultimately what made them want to change their gender.
        I just told them that only they could answer that question for themselves and no one could give that answer to them.

        It was sad and I felt powerless to help them.

        Anyway I'm rambling.
        I just totally agree with you. :)

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    My porcupine doesn't have boobs at all, or other bits. There's more to being a woman than boobs and bits.

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      This is an argument I had with an artist over my werecheetah based on White Wolf's World of Darkness. She still has hips, work with that. I don't care if she doesn't look "obviously" female, no-boobs makes sense in my idea of her.

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      ::two giant thumbs up!::

  • Link

    I totally get the gist of what you are saying. While a lot of my personal strife comes from A.) sorta wishing I was born a male, and B.) wishing I could be both sexes at once (so have both a vagoo and a penis)... or neither; I do get exactly what you are saying. And besides, when boobs get in the way all the time, the thought of not having any can be pretty great. Even I've wished I could get rid of mine, since they're large and restrictive, and can make it hard for me to do things. On the other hand I do like my boobs. lol They're soft and squishy, and jiggly, and I like it when my girlfriend gropes them. But... Yeah.

    I can't exactly put a gender-label on you, since it's hard enough trying to explain and label mine. (I'm somewhere between just plain ol' genderqueer and gender-fluid); but I can say I mostly understand what you are saying. And I feel ya, darling. ♥

    • Link

      ah thank you so much for reading and replying! :D
      I'm thinking gender-fluid is a close to a "label" as I'm going to get ha! <3
      I'm happy that it sounds like you'e doing alright in spite of everything! ( Sounds like your girl is certainly happy with you!)
      Than you for sharing! <3

  • Link

    Gender is a strange and sometimes confusing thing haha. I share mostly the same feeling - I hate having these things on my chest and fully plan on getting rid of them, but I'm pretty ok with the downstairs arrangement. I dunno if it's internalized misogyny or not but I think we all have some of that inside us and it's like, do what you can I guess. I just wish non-binary genders were more known and accepted.

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      " I just wish non-binary genders were more known and accepted."
      YES! or at least more freely talked about...Which, I read somewhere that the ratio of where a baby has bits that are a bit ambiguous is 100 tio 1. THAT'S A LOT! I mean when you think about how many people are in the world...
      "Do what you can"
      Yes...make the best of all things.... :)

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    I feel about the same way. I don't have a very large chest and I still wear a binder from time to time. I used to draw my character with breasts which while they weren't big, were bigger than mine, because that was how I started learning to draw female characters. Then I started drawing her flat-chested almost all the time. Not all body types are the same in real life, so why should we make them so in art?

    I've always figured if I was raised with stricter gender roles in my family (my mother only wore a dress for her wedding), that I would be a flat out FtM, but I got raised with the whole idea that as a female, I was still allowed to do boyish things.

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      "I used to draw my character with breasts which while they weren't big, were bigger than mine, because that was how I started learning to draw female characters."
      SAME HERE! That's very interesting isn't it??? I wonder why that is...makes you wonder if even in art there are very specific ideas on how to do what.

      I am very happy that it sounds like your family was WONDERFUL ha, more families should be so accepting!
      Thank you so much for your reply!

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        Well, if you just look at fantasy art, that gives you a good idea of the specific ideas of how characters should look. Even different types of characters, not just sexes, like wizards always have robes, staffs and beards. :P I used a lot of magazine ads to work on my anatomy, too, so there wasn't a lot of flat chested people to look at.

        Ugh ... my family was good as far as girls went. My dad was really "be a man" when my parents adopted my cousin which pissed me off a LOT.

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    My character is the same way. I identify as someone who is gender fluid. I am not very masculine nor feminine. I am 100% happy being biologically female, but as far as gender goes I float between the to. So to reflect that my character has no breasts, and normally no genitalia at all.

    • Link

      <3 oh gosh I can relate! :D I 'm in the same boat, really!

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    You're fine. Some people don't get it and that's their problem.

    As for your definition of yourself, I fall into a similar type. My 'sona is a representation of my soul, or as some Neo-Pagan traditions would call it, my "True Higher Self." I am fully comfortable thinking of myself, in this physical male body, as being the same person as she is, and I've also found that I can draw her as either fully female or fully male... in fact there was one NSFW image I drew which involved both a female and a male version of her together.

    But that said, I never could draw Inanna as a herm. I can draw her as a male, a female, young, old, human, dragon, you name it... but not herm. It's not because I have any problem with herms, it's just that a herm Inanna is incorrect. I have a herm character, Wingless, and I have no problem drawing hir and I've even drawn hir and a female Inanna together. So it's not the concept of herms in general that makes me uncomfortable, but rather just a herm version of my true self, Inanna, that is problematic for me.

    What I'm saying is that it sounds to me like your 'sona is more than just a 'sona to you. Not saying it's necessarily a representation of your true self, because that's something only you really have the ability to know for certain. But it could be, and it also could be simply a way of expressing what you want to be, and so on.

    Anyway, I hope this helps you out in some way.

    • Link

      Thank you for your reply! I think you've really helped bring about some good things that I should really consider!
      I'm really happy to hear that it sounds like you've done some soul searching and have made some discoveries! That's just lovely and I'm very happy for you!

      Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and giving me some things to think about!

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    Just gonna throw this out there, being trans doesn't automatically mean you wish you had the genitalia of your preferred gender. I know plenty of trans people who are perfectly comfortable with the genitalia they were born with, just not so much the rest of their bodies. Just something to take into consideration c:

    (Also acknowledging that men have advantages isn't misogynistic. In fact not acknowledging that is)

    • Link

      I guess I'm confused then?

      "Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) or gender expression not matching one's assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex)"

      So,going by this definition, I'd think that if a person was upset with a body part that was non-related to gender identity/genitalia, then that would be more along the lines as having body dysphoria?

      If a person is comfortable with the genitalia that they're born with, but not okay with other body parts, I'd feel that would be more accurately called body dysphoria.

      ( Because I've seen men with large hips, and women with tiny hips..etc.. If a guy is unhappy with their large hips, I'd call that body dysphoria?)

      I hope I'm saying this right... :(

      Annnnd ...What I meant about the misogynistic thing...
      It's my belief that being a woman was a disadvantage unto itself, and THAT, I recognize is misogynistic thought.
      This isn't taking into account any societal expectations/privileges/hindrances etc...
      I should have been more specific, but I wanted to be less abrasive :(

      • Link

        Nah, not quite. Your biological sex isn't JUST your genitalia. Your entire body is involved in your biological sex. For example, a transgender woman could be perfectly okay with having a penis, but then also be thinking "I hate my flat chest, I hate my narrow hips, I hate my strong jawline" etc etc and everything else that makes them "look" male (or, more accurately, what makes people assume they aren't female). Some people appear more androgynous than others, but.

        See, there are two kinds of dysphoria. There's "I don't like my ____" and "I don't like how people see my ___" so whether it's gender or general body dysphoria depends on the reason. If that guy doesn't like his large hips because he doesn't think he looks good with large hips, it's body dysphoria. If he doesn't like his large hips because he's afraid people who see his hips will assume he is female, or because they remind him that his gender doesn't match his sex, or something like that, it's gender dysphoria. It's true, the line does get blurred a little with transgender people, but it really does come down to why they don't like that thing about their bodies.

        Consider too that there genders that don't have a "default" sex. What's the "correct" genitalia for a genderfluid person, or an agender person, or a pangender person? If there are none, why should trans men and women automatically want something non-binary trans people don't necessarily want? And what about intersex people?

        Also, gender dysphoria doesn't have to only be about your body. "Gender dysphoria is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex they were assigned at birth and/or the gender roles associated with that sex" so even someone who is perfectly happy with their body can still experience gender dysphoria. For example, an agender person who is biologically female may be content with their body, but may be extremely uncomfortable about wearing skirts and dresses, giving birth, and other things expected of women. That counts as gender dysphoria too.

        And finally, just a quick note, assuming that binary trans people want the opposite genitalia is kind of a harmful mindset. It basically says (unintentionally, I know) that men have to have penises and women have to have vaginas, so any men that don't want penises and women that don't want vaginas aren't real men and women.

        tl;dr - Penis/vagina or the desire for penis/vagina does not a man/woman make. I know several trans people who want to change everything about their body EXCEPT their genitalia.

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          Thank you for the reply.

          I don't know what to say. I know you're right, I just...don't know hardly any of that going into making this journal.

          You know...I...should....................stay very far far far far away from the subject matter of transgender...because....I am not well versed.....or.....I often step on toes and.....I haven't read about this sort of thing very much at all...

          I really just wanted to try to explain why I, myself in particular, didn't want breasts?

          They often want something a bit more than " I just don't?"...and the second question I usually get is "why don't you just orient as a male then?"

          I wanted to give a thoughtful reason...but in my trying to explain myself I think I've only managed to step on the toes of others.

          I promise I didn't mean to.
          I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings.
          I am ignorant about these things.

          So, I feel so bad about all this..
          I'm sorry

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            No no it's okay! I'm not trying to be like "NO HOW DARE YOU THINK THIS SHAME ON YOU", just trying to gently correct you c: I'm not mad, don't worry <3

            You shouldn't avoid it, because how can you learn about it if you don't expose yourself to it? Think of it as constructive criticism. I mean, I used to be ignorant as fuck and think transgender people were what they were born as until they got surgeries and even then they weren't "real"....and well, look at me now. And I got to where I am now by reading and having people show me I was wrong.

            It's perfectly fine that you feel this way! No one can tell you how to feel. If you don't want breasts but don't want a penis either, that's fine. I just meant that that shouldn't be the ONLY reason you don't think you're trans.

            But I'm losing track of what points I'm trying to make since I'm cramming like 6 into each comment lol SO if you're still curious or don't quite understand or whatever, you can always talk to me on Skype.

            I promise I'm not offended and I am more than willing (in fact I enjoy it) to talk about this kind of thing. You've been nothing but open-minded and respectful and I really appreciate that <3

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    if given a scalpel to remove my boobs and not having to endure the pain or the wait for the skin to heal up, would happily do it.
    Never liked my chest and I can understand why some other female chars are either having tiny ones or none at all.

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    Not wanting to have breasts has nothing to do with gender though? I mean, yes, a LOT of people who have chest dysphoria tend to be transgender or are a gender not of the gender binary (male or female), but there are also a lot of ciswomen who dislike their breasts for one reason or another. Maybe they don't like how they look. Maybe they don't like them for the expectations that come with them thanks to society. Maybe they don't like how big or small they are. Maybe they don't like the reminder of the expectation that they're to some day have children..

    Also you'd be extremely surprised the amount of people who have internalized misogyny simply due to how they were raised, and what they were exposed to within society. Not just trans people, but ciswomen as well. How often have you heard a ciswomen say "I'm not like /other/ women"? Society has set up such impossible expectations and double standards for women that they've made it into this horrible competition between them. I struggled with my internalized misogyny for a long time, not knowing if I was truly trans or if I just hated what I was expected to be and do as a woman. I've since sorted it out, but yeah.

    That all said, your chest dysphoria might still be gender related. And that's fine too. As scary as it is to think about not identifying with the body you were born with, it's more common than you might think. Not necessarily being a FtM transgender, but there's so many other genders out there. Genderqueer, genderfluid, androgyne, pandgender, intergender, agender, third gender, neutrois, etc.

    Pardon if this seems out of line, but you strike me as someone who worries a lot about what other people think of you, and the thought of not being "normal" might seem terrifying to you. What will people say? How will they treat you differently?

    Honestly? On the internet, you are likely to be treated with much more acceptance and understanding that you'd think. Think of how many of your Followers and friends already identify outside the gender binary. Look how many people relate to what you're saying in this Journal. I've met so many people like you, both online and in person. You're not alone, and you never will be <3

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    Gender isn't binary, it's more or less fluid in everyone, I think. :>

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    Totally can feel you there.
    I have a rather large chest, and I've always hated it. I was born female and I feel female strongly, but I often find myself shying away from female stereotypes and can't help but wonder from time to time if I would appreciate being male.
    Yet, often, this thought process makes me angry because I don't want to feel bitter towards being a woman (since I feel a lot of it is internalized from our society) and that makes me want to hold on strongly and defensively to being a woman.
    But I wouldn't mind a tiny/flat chest hot damn. Not that boobs are 100% linked to womanhood (since lots of ladies have flat chests) but still????

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      oh my gosh I relate to your comment a whole lot! I really really do!
      I want to defend being female to people who say mean things about being female, but I have days where I just don't want to have to deal with the expectations of other people...
      Thank you soooooooo very very much for taking the time to read and to reply!