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Weasyl Downsides, Thumbnails, Sketches by JayNaylor

There's just a few things about Weasyl that I'd like to constructively criticize. I suppose foremost is the presentation of the thumbnails. Being able to crop and create your own thumbs so easily tempts a lot of artists to really constrain their thumbnails to tiny details, like faces and such. People are free to do what they want, but I find it really prevents someone from, at a glance, knowing if they're interested in the composition or subject of the image enough to click on it. I make my thumbs cover as much of a square area as possible for that reason.

I would also love to include my regular sketches here, but I don't want them being included in the main thumbnail feed, or as the latest displayed image, since they will most probably outnumber my finished pieces. The lack of a scrap folder is an issue, and creating a folder for sketches doesn't prevent them from being in your main feed. Being able to choose which image is your "featured" would be nice as well, instead of it just defaulting to your latest. I'm not sure if this is a feature that actually exists on the site and I just haven't found it.

I'm interested in following people who generate original content. I understand the desire to feature commissions as a gallery on your front page, since a lot of non-artists end up with pretty famous and popular characters, and even have good ideas. But I wish there was a self-classification system so you could, at a quick glance, find out if the person who followed you is actually the creator of the work featured on their page, or if they are a very active commissioner. It would save that little bit of time to not have to scan their work to try to identify different artists, or click on them to read descriptions to find out if their gallery is their own work, or merely commissions and gifts.

Otherwise, it's a neat site.

Weasyl Downsides, Thumbnails, Sketches


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  • Link

    I'm surprised more people aren't on here. This place is much more "social network" plus Deviant Art than any other.

    A lot of people posted their move over after the last FA crash. Let's hope for a few more?

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      The only reason there aren't as many people on this site, is simply for that reason. People don't move, because there's not enough people. This site isn't quite as friendly to "up and coming" artists, since Weasyl doesn't allow the likes of "Front page horror" artists to post for very long (or so I've heard). Frankly, this is fine to me, altho I must agree that the lack of a WIP option is rather disappointing.

      However, you know the best thing about this site? They actually want to cater to their users. They've implemented more than a few features that users have commonly asked for. I'm pretty sure that should people clamor for a "WIP folder that doesn't show up on the front page", the coders would be more than happy to put that on the site.

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    Oh, and Kacey seems to be making a total transfer to here. Between you two, maybe that will stir things up.

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    The devs of this site are looking for constructive criticism like this! Make sure to let them know directly. I support what you say about the lack of a scraps folder and the inability to show anything other than your latest work as a featured picture.

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    I'm kinda surprised that you followed me on here since I'm just a commissioner (and off/on writer).

    You can definitely contact the admins here and offer up suggestions to make the site even better... I saw a preview the other day and I can say it looks damn nice.

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      Shhhh! It's a seeekrit!

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        Haha ooops XD I'll be good! ^.^

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      I thought I was following you on FA as well. Not sure... huh.

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        Maybe you did? I don't see you on my FA watch list (my FA is casidhevixen).

        I don't post much on FA but I will definitely will be using Weasyl far more since the recent FA down time.

        Either way thank you for the follow! We do chat on twitter occasionally so it's good to see you on here. ^.^

  • Link

    i completely agree and have been bumming about the same things. I really wish i could change what appears in featured submission and that main thumbnail feed. i uploaded some work in poor order and i really dont like the things that are currently showing up on my main page...but i also dont want to delete those submissions.

    and as for cropping of thumbnails, it is pretty inconvenient when i wanna quickly browse someones gallery :/ im not able to get a good overview of things like i can on FA. and that ability to quickly overview things is something i think might hinder the growth of weasyl

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    Just letting you know this got passed to the staff chat. Thanks for the feedback! Definitely going over it :)

    • Link

      Oh cool. Thanks. :3

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      ...... wait.... you're an admin....and you just said you'd pass this along to other staff in hopes of implementing improvements...... *twilight zone music plays* .... make the site better for everyone.....

      Im scared. Hold me.

  • Link

    I'm so glad you made this journal, these are the exact same things I've been wondering about ! Also wonderful an admin picked it up and ran it but the higher-ups c:

    Keep using your popularity for good!

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    I couldn't agree more, especially on the thumbnails issue. This is people being annoying though, not really the site functionality (I've seen people do that on FA too, where that sort of thing takes a lot more effort). This forces the viewer to click on every single piece to find out what it is. And I find it so annoying and tedious that I pretty much will ignore most of their gallery because of it.

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    Ah, so I am not the only one who had the problem finding where we post our WIPs (scraps). I had looked and looked for it, couldn’t find it, figured I was derping, and just decided not to upload the in-progress work after all.

    Incidentally, I don’t know if any of the furry art sites have had a system where commissioners could upload art in a specific section so that its very easy for another user to see what art is of their creation and what art is just what they have commissioned by another artist. I too have wanted this very thing. I do not create a lot of art any more and mostly have been working on getting some character development with a secondary fursona. So, its helpful to post the commissions I have purchased in a section so that I can still show people what I'm thinking about but not give anyone any reason to suspect that art is by my hand.

  • Link

    I can see many points here, though your point on Original artist content leaves me to think, even FA doesn't have that feature. I see your point, it gets even more complicated when the piece of art is commissioned with multiple characters and is re-posted on each persons gallery that is in the picture. I too am guilty of this crime being a commissioner of art with friends in it.

    All in all, I think all your points are good ones, I think there is a forum for Weasyl where you can post your ideas and critiques, who knows they might implement them.

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      No, but FA has a classification system where people can self-identify as artists, musicians, or "art whores" as the site calls people who commission a lot. Though I'm not suggesting this site use that term.

  • Link

    These are all excellent suggestions. =o

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    To the first point: I would argue this is more a matter of artistic education more than anything. Your art style clearly demonstrates a strong understanding of composition, and your content-- while controversial-- also shows insight into how one can inspire a variety of emotions through storytelling via multiple or singular pages. (Apparently you keep Eros in a four-point harness and a collar, so to speak.) So of course you'd be skilled at commanding small squares-- you've already got an idea as to how to grab the user's curiosity to draw them into the full picture. While I understand talk of the future is a cheap commodity, nonetheless one of the things we have planned comes from an educational standpoint. We'd like to actively try and use Weasyl as a platform not only for art submission and organization but equally as a means of sharing technique and style. So if you'd like to get the jump on us and start teaching other artists here on Weasyl how to properly thumbnail their pictures as to truly capture the more curious aspects of their artwork and draw the consumer in to the full picture, feel free to do so! :)

    To the second point: those are currently on the roadmap and should show up when completed!

    To the third: this is one of the intended bifurcations between "friend" and "watch." For example, your friends will receive things such as gift art, commissions or other such submissions that would typically show up re-submitted into their own gallery. This is the intention of collections, to separate what's content *made* by the user and what's content *received* by the user. Expect to see this be made more clear as the site evolves!

    Thank you for the criticisms! We're always looking for input from artists to find out how to improve their experience. n..n

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      Yeah, I don't expect the first point to be addressed by any kind of coding or site policy changes. It was more addressed to the site users.


  • Link

    These are all great points I agree with as well. Good post!

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    God of love the admins here. You post suggestions on FA they get deleted or banned, and ignored completely. Heres to Weasyl and the great years ahead! I really have high hopes for this site that it can become as fruitful if not better than FA

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    As a response to your third point, I'm an original creator and all the stuff on my page is from my own works.

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      And it's quite skilled. :3

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    Agreed on most points there. When weasyl went public-beta last year a bunch of improvements were made in quick time. But user interest waned, folk wandered back to FA and things seemed to slow down (my impression at least).

    People seem to be digging in a lot more strongly in this wave of renewed interest, so I'd hope it also spurs another wave of quick developments.

    Excluding from the thumbnail bar, being able to pick your featured image, definitely both nessesary to better control your own image to the public.

    I'd raise you a small tweak of being able to arrange the order of your folders. An more in-depth "artist bio" pane or page might be nice as well. You know, display one if you want it.

    Being able to sort or filter submissions by artist would be really nice too, since it's harder to at-a-glance see who's uploaded with a mouseover system.

    There's already a coloured rating-borders around mature and adult works. I wonder if another border or overlay would work for indicating comissioned or gift-art? A little gift-bow or money sign in one corner or such. :P

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    I agree on the thumbnail part. I really dislike how they're used. It's a great idea on paper, but in practice it means that I can never tell at a glance if I've already seen an image nor not, or if it's one I'm searching for, as it basically blocks image recognition. That means any time you want to find something, or even just browse, you have to click through every image in your feed to find out if it's what you're looking for.

  • Link

    My issue with the thumbnails here is that they're too small for my liking. They're too small on FA also -- but there I always hit command-+ twice (Mac Safari) to bump up the size enough. If I try that here, for some reason the thumbnails get *smaller*. Best solution would be to offer the user a variety of sizes in their settings.

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    On h-Artists back in the day there was a classification system of "Artist" and "Art Appreciator". Similarly as most of us know FA has "Artist" "Writer" and "Watcher". Though often those classifications had grey areas that users would personally make greyer.

    I believe the best system would be to have both a user classification feature and a specific folder feature where a user could post their collections/commissioned artwork, which based on classification of user, would only be seen by their followers, and not the actual site's front page, somewhat similar to the scraps feature on FA.

    This way the site would cut back on cluttered submissions by non-artists, and artists would be the only one's with work on display.