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How are you guys? by Happysorry

How are you guys doing? ahah i've always kind of think of weasyl as the quiet farm town of the art world. Where everything kind of goes at a gentle slow easy pace. .//w. its very nice.

Hows the village of the weasyl doing? anything new? anything you're proud of?

How are you guys?


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    I'm happy that my sister and I have managed to deal with everything so efficiently, given the suddenness of the circumstances. :)

    I'm going to look forward to living and keeping up with my friends. And going to Chicago ComiCon! ;)

    What are you up to? :D

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      oh tell me how the chicago comic con goes <3, i've been up to just painting away on some stuff. On deviantart i managed to set up a squad of taum makers so thats helped lower the load of work while i work on the taum book .//w.

      other then that work has been busy! and nuts

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        I will! My sister likes to go and meet the celebrities, but I honestly enjoy browsing Artist's Alley and looking at comics. Though last year I went to a Dungeons & Dragons panel and they had one of the original founders of TSR at it...the panel was a blast! :D

        Yeah, JadeMericiful/NobleSir told me that DA had become Taum Central (so to speak), because they posted a Taum they adopted and I'd never seen before over at their chara-hub on That's really cool that a species you created has become so loved and embraced!!! <3

        I understand being kept busy--try to relax a little bit sometime! :D

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    Pretty miserable personally.

    But anyway, yeah, I really like Weasyl, too, I wish it was more popular. Nearly all the artists that came here over FA's last scandal have already moved back there and I'm just like welp. Sad.

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      ahaha soemtimes thats just what happens i've moved over more onto deviantart but i forget how .. different they are they are more inexperienced.

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    I started my new job monday, so have been training all week. It's my first like, job job, like full time, health insurance, paid time off and paid holidays, sick days, ohhhh muh goodness o3o SO I'M EXCITED and very nervous to go live on the phones :o

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      oh niceee!! living on phones? are you part of a call center? thats a rough one, i was more of a back office type myself X//d its nice ot have all that stuff though

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        Apologies for the pokey response D: but yes! Call center handling cyber security :3 things get interesting, that's for certain

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    Things are good. Just reading, and writing, when I'm not working or cooking. Life is a good kind of simple for me right now.

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      ahh that sounds like a nice bliss for sure, i hope it keeps steady for you

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    I think Weasyl's slow pace is kind of nice as well. :>

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      it's just .. ahaha farm town simpe X/d/

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        True! I wish it was busier, but not as busy as dA

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    It is quite peaceful here, though I wish so many hadn't gone inactive again ;u; But ah well it's always nice to see people around here. I actually just finished a comm that I'm quite proud of and even more so because they loved it so much they even threw in an extra tip for it.

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      oh nice thats always nice when it all works out with a bonus! .//w. i'm a little pooped from the bigger sites so i might sit and hobo here for a bit

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    I'm bored and tired, I've been having a lot of trouble lately getting my friends to talk with me for extended periods of time. I was completely ignored yesterday by my main dig too.
    POSITIVE THOUGH ! I have a new client dog-wise, she's amazing and so's her owner! so I'm excited for our next visit, she's also my first one paying me directly so I'm gonna have a really nice payday uwu 380 bucks

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      glad works been doing well. sorry about the friends stuffs

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    I'm doing pretty good actually, sort of in a happy-panic stage right now since I'm scrambling to get stuff done for BLFC's art show in May and of course commission stuff but I'm always at my absolute best when I'm working, busy and productive. There's more negative undercurrents in the back of my mind but they're unrelated and it's overshadowed by an art high I'm having right now so I'm definitely not complaining.

    I've been proud of being able to consistently stick to a workout and drawing schedule and even though the work is still pretty sporadic in bad months (working by commission, it goes without saying) I can say I'm self-employed and hopeful. Also being pleased with my art these days, always a triumph.

    I'm a bit sad that Weasyl couldn't at least be a little more active but I'm definitely still enjoying it here and it hasn't gone under entirely anyway. I'll still favor this place for posting first and commenting. I do quite like your description of it being a "quiet farm town" though and I'm inclined to agree. What about you? How have things been on your end?

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      Oh geez you have to tell me how that goes!! You're art is pretty amazing I have faith you'll probably do pretty amazing!

      Man workouts and scheduling is always a bit tough too, but being able to stick to it heck i admire the heck out of ya!

      and yess ahahah its always a bit quiet here never the less it gets a bit busier when there is soemthing happeneing in the other sites. On my end is good! i've gotten the time to start working on a creature book for my taums, and working with my partner to finish up her story and get some art to go with it. I've been able to get a whole little crew on deviantart to do some amazing things for taums while i'm busy with the book in the meantime that way people can enjoy without having to wait for me to create or make more stuff.

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        Aha, sorry for the delayed response but it's basically for those exact reasons in being so busy. The end is in sight though! After this weekend maybe things can slow down a bit with the usual schedule of juggling personal art with commissions again.

        I've certainly been noticing, especially you mentioning that taum book. It's always such a liberating feeling when you have time to dedicate to your own creative pursuits, it's the drive that keeps artists going and the reason we creators get up in the morning. Love your creature designs so I'm definitely going to keep tabs on future stuff of yours regarding them.

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    v tired, but hiking more, which is super nice -u-

    I wish I could see more activity in Weasyl in general, but it's generally got a very kind mood around here, if sleepy.

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    I'm doing okay, just... okay. Working my butt off as much as I can, should probably try and save up more than I do...
    But my brain and body seem to be working against me, my depression keeps flaring up in random spurts and that always makes things hard.
    I'm trying to give myself things to look forward to consistently, so that my vacation doesn't seem so far off.
    I accidentally said something horrible to one of my favorite coworkers today because I haven't slept well for more than a week and stress, lack of sleep, and depression make me not a happy person.
    Long story short, I slightly inconvenienced her, and she was going on about how I was "on her list" etc.
    And because she was seeming very angry with me my brain decided I should kill myself for being a horrible person...
    One of our other co-workers made a comment about how he was sensing some animosity and wished me luck dealing with her...
    So my brain decided to say "It's alright, I'll just walk into traffic after I get off work, that'll solve it."
    Now I'm afraid that she will think I'm crazy. She gave me a really tight hug and made sure to say "I'm just fooling with you, we're cool. I love yah girl."

    I'm very proud of myself for not self harming, making it through the day, and starting some new sketches of my Taum babies ^w^
    And now I have a few days to (hopefully) rest, write, and do more ART (now if only I'd get my shit together and post some art lol)

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    It's been good! Nice and pleasant, watching the days roll by and the crops (AKA commissions) come in.

    I dig this quiet farm town analogy. :D

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    I'd be a lot better if the American Republican Party dissolved for the progress of this nation. To let progressives handle it from now on. However, that's a pipe dream that's constantly blocked by bigots, racists, xenophobes, and misogynists.

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    Just tendin' to my doodlecrops!

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    Lots of work. My boss suddenly got called to help his sister, so I've been picking up soooo many hours...but along with that, the customers have discovered I can draw, and that's become this huge thing now. It's quite crazy. To top it all off, one of my commissioners was chatting with me and actually lived in the same apartments I live in now as well as knows exactly where I am currently working. Everything is so weird right now.

    But how're you, Haps? It's been a while!

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    Been a while. :O And yeah, I do enjoy the quaint environment that this site has.

    I've been spending a fair bit of my time juggling between meditating and working on some therapeutic art to grieving a bit for the past 2 weeks. It's a bit tough, but I think I'm progressing! Hope you've been doing well.

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    There has been a lot going on on Weasyl judging by the number of submissions backed up in my message center aaaa! I've been checking weasyl almost daily but being really bad about commenting/faving stuff. I need to catch up but I accidentally gave myself too much to do the past couple months so I've been doing that instead.

    It's been mostly comic pages for me the past few months and idk if that's a cool thing to post on weasyl or not! I'd be afraid to spam people. I don't have a lot of regular art to break it up with.

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    OvO/ going well !

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    Tired and sore from carpal tunnel, but other than that good. Excited since for my tattoo appointment in two weeks! :D

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    It's going ok, I've been applying to a lot of jobs for part-time work for over the summer
    I recently made a bunch of cool art over the spring semester, but I've been really lazy posting new art over here OTL

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    I wish I saw this when you posted on April 23rd since that was my birthday haha! I had a lot of eventful stuff happening then! Right now I'm struggling through my last few weeks of this college semester x___x It's been very stressful so I'm gonna be SO HAPPY AND RELAXED as soon as it's all over!!!