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I answer to either Beowulf (my IRL nickname) or Vhyx (pronounced Vicks like that weird menthol-y stuff) and will often mix between calling myself either. I'm a college student and I have a painfully weird attention span, so I may appear and disappear from time to time. I'm a casual, self-taught artist who can draw dragons and reptiles and dinosaurs that all face to the right and that's about all for now.



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Get to Know Vhyx

Stolen from Skinkbutt

What's your real name?
For all intents and purposes it's Beowulf--an IRL nickname I earned in fencing and everyone calls me that on campus. Real name ain't important

How tall are you?
5'5 3/4" and you better not forget the 3/4 inches.

What's your natural hair color?
Rapidly darkening drab-ish shade of blonde.

What's your eye color?
Sort of a weird light brown that could either be described as amber colored or poop colored if you're feeling rude.

What's your orientation?
Pretty darn straight. Not a fan of girls (my gender) in the slightest, but occasionally I feel a bit more dick envy than most, and am so tomboyish and chill around other guys..I dunno. I feel like a girl who isn't feminine at all, and I've grown okay with that.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
I'm in the bestest and weirdest friend/boyfriend situation. Over the last year and a half, I've grown extrememly close to one of my best guy friends. We started off as casual friends in our friendgroup, then we hooked up a few times, kinda were unofficially together for a bit, and then it sort of changed into a really close friendship where there are no boundaries or secrets and we still hook up now and then but there's no weird feelings and no obligatory relationship dynamics and we both feel really happy and healthy with it. Doing this has allowed him to become my spiritual and personal growth coach, and has let me get back into the thick of our friendgroup after some weird issues with an ex pushed me away

/end ramble. It's the internet, who really cares about IRL drama, right?

What do you do in your spare time?
Internet, bearded dragon taming, wishing I owned more reptiles, gaming, M:tG, college stuff, arting somewhat, fencing still kind of, archaeology, looking for jobs.

What's your job or occupation?
Archaeology/lazybutt student, sadly unemployed at the moment because no one is hiring a damn archaeologist

What do you like about yourself?
I feel like I'm pretty damn attractive given how little work I put into myself (toots own horn noisily) although I know I've got like 10 years left of that nonsense. I'm pretty curious and adventurous and am generally good at making first impressions. I'm really good at talking to real-world adults and looking mature and stuff (which is funny cause inside I'm not in the slightest. hahah butt.) I have a good eye for details, really good color perception, and I'm good with my hands.

What do you dislike about yourself?
Somehow still a recovering pessimist. I have a serious self-deprecation problem. I'm shy and not very assertive, yet I have a short temper. I get distracted crazy easily. I probably have untreated attention span problems. I definitely have being-treated depression. I get incredibly self-conscious about the things I love, and judge myself way too much.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Well, when I met a lot of my recent friends, I was either "that freshman who hangs around with our dumb adventures and hasn't been scared away yet" or "that girl who's a massive nerd and talks about reptiles too much but hey she's cool so whatever man." I don't know, I don't feel like I know much about what people think of me. I've started to care less and less. Cause I am who I am. I have people who like me, and that's pretty alright by me.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
The aforementioned bestest friend has been starting to nudge me into spirituality and general faith as a way to help cope with some of my problems on my own. I do believe in a greater spiritual presence/God, and while most of my official learning has been through Catholicism, I still don't really identify with any denomination. Right now it's just me and my weird vision of Him, and we've gotten close and it's helped. I was raised a lifelong agnostic, as both my parents abandoned their faiths at a young age for various reasons. I think some people need it more than others. I respect people's right to think or believe in whatever they want (since really, I'm not one to throw stones about having strange beliefs, as some of mine are a little unconventional) as long as they keep it to themselves. Proselytizing in a forceful way is frankly just rude. I do think a lot of people could do well with having faith in something, anything. I was a skeptic and just having that has done wonders for my emotional and mental health.


Do you drink?
I'm in college. Duh. I prefer hard cider to anything else, although I'm quite partial to rum or a good German beer.

Do you smoke?
Hell nope.

What are your major fears?
Jellyfish, maggots, parasites, biological warfare, having to be a responsible adult

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Being a famous paleontologist or something. Find a job that can pay all the bills and then some, and that I also enjoy. Move to the American Southwest. Have a species named after me. Visit Australia and find a way to access Steve Irwin's actual gravesite to leave flowers. Own a house with an entire bedroom dedicated to the keeping of all my reptiles. Blue-eyes-leucistic ball python. Pull myself permanently out of the depression rut.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yeah, but I've rambled enough, and don't feel like talking about them. I'm happy with my personal relationship situation and that's all that matters.

Who's your best buddy?
Paaaaat. The aforementioned best friend I talk about to much. I do have other friends, I promise. Skink is probably my best internet friend, cause herpderp buddies fo lyfe.

What's your favorite dish?
Good barbecue. Rare steak. Lightly seared ahi tuna. Anything with meat and potatoes and gravy. I embrace my inner German.

What's your favorite drink?
Sweet tea. Or hard cider <3

What's your favorite color?
Greeeeenn. Also silvers and grays and stuff. And blues and generally bright warm colors.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Becoming a dragon without all the painful physical shapeshifting involved?

What's your favorite movie?
Jurassic Park, the Lion King, Pacific Rim, Contagion, lots of others...

What's your least favorite food?
Anything with small fish bones that I have to pick out. I have an irrational complex about tomato seeds--they are not allowed in my food ever. Still not a huge fan of mushrooms.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I don't have a caaar. In a perfect world I'd probably have something like one of those dumb-as-shit Subaru mini-truck things that I could haul all my archaeology and/or reptile gear in and call it the Herpmobile.

What is your most disliked bug?
Maggots fuck no nope sorry just nope. Also mosquitoes and fire ants, because I grew up in southern Texas and absolutely fuck that shit.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
That feeling when a joint needs to be cracked but you literally just cracked it, necklace clasps that slide around to the front, laggy internet, misplacing things you just had in your hand.

What do you dislike in life?
That dragons aren't real. That Steve Irwin is dead. That non-avian dinosaurs aren't alive anymore. That archaeologists and paleontologists don't get paid enough ever. That I don't have unlimited money for UNLIMITED REPTILES. I share this sentiment with Skink because it is the truths.

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