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Commission: Do Your Bidding by technicolorpie

Commission: Do Your Bidding


Commission for MaxCoyote.

Note: I personally don't care how high auctions go because frankly if I had the kind of skill to get that kind of money you bet your ass I'd do it.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I absolutely love the expressions. XD And I really don't blame artists for doing YCHs, they get to draw what they want with whatever character wins. Seems pretty win-win to me in most situations. If people wanna pay that much for a slot in art, why not. :3 Can't really fault the people with disposable income!

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    The most sound tactic would be to find the most insane, obscure fetish possible and just draw the shit out of it. THEN if you're lucky, you'll get paid all the money by an eccentric millionaire because nobody actually draws his kink.

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    At Anthrocon one year I donated these large dragon statues a friend of mine had received as a gag gift. They were not what one would call "pretty" but he wanted me to get rid of them for him and the charity auction seemed to be the best way to get the job done.

    The first one went for $537.

    The second one went for $784.

    You could buy either one of them from Spencer's Gifts for under $200, or from a charity shop (which is how he ended up getting them as gag gifts) for under $50.

    Why can't these financially irresponsible asshats fall so irrationally in love with my crap? I have no idea.

    • Link

      To be fair, if you donated it would have been the charity auction, and the buyers might have been extra-generous because they wanted to donate to a good cause (and get some dragon statues in the bargain).

      • Link

        This. I only ever attended one con charity auction - for an anime con - and things went a little crazy in the name of generosity and fun.

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        Your comment brings up an interesting aspect I had not considered and must now ponder.

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    I bet you anything if Barnum were still alive today, he'd be a trillionaire off of just YCHes, Kickstarter scams cough*Potato Salad*cough, and virtual items in games like Team Fortress 2 and DotA 2.

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    If I could, I'd do a YCH. Except it would be X consoling a saddened character of mine. And see who bids the most to be that character's friend. And if no one bids I can call everyone horrible people.

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    It's... kinda hard to feel sympathy for the people that actually pay exorbitant sums of money.

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    The only thing that saddens me is how commonplace this sort of thing has become. It wouldn't be terrible if it was an occasional thing that people only did sometimes, but now-a-days it's all auctions and shit. Blech.

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      Normally it's the artists who get robbed for what they could be making in the professional scene. (Though tbf professional artists are asked to provide a higher level of finish - never a sketch.)

      YCHes literally turn the tables, without the artists demanding it. :P

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    I think PierreZaius had the right idea.
    For the record I definitely do not have a folder of ripped YCH images I've been inserting myself into, stashed in some basement directory.

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      "It puts the Zinn in the frame, or else it gets the eraser again~"

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    Same. To hell with shame.

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    I'm amused by the thought that it's $700 for the exclusive right to put her head through that painting. No-one else is legally allowed.

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    lol i've had that happen on a ych i wanted.
    no sour grapes though. the artist got well paid

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      The way I see it, it's a luxury item. It's worth whatever someone will pay for it, and nobody's dying from lack of commissions so whatever.

      • Link

        exactly. i st myself a budget limit on these when i do try. i rarely do win XD

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    Silly beavs.

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  • Link

    I never quite understood YCHs.
    I mean, yeah, the artist gets paid well for the work and it's probably the closest they'll ever get to earning the amount of money they should be earning for their work (market prices for commissions are way under what they should be because everyone needs to be competitive with the 15 year olds who only do commissions to supplement their allowance or whatever) but when you're the buyer...

    Sure you get to see the pose and everything before putting any money down on the piece but you're paying more in order to be forced into having one static pose in a piece you didn't have any input on. Compare that to any old commission, where you pay less and get to have 100% say in what pose you get and what the background is, etc. Not to mention if it's a multi-character YCH, you don't get to choose who's in there with you.

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    At least it's not "adoptables"