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SURPRISE, looks like you found my page. I'm sorry, it's kind of boring here. :c

My name is Starfrit, but I also go by Yami, Avienne, Fiaen, Fie, Moose or "HEY ASSHOLE" depending on who's addressing me. I've got many names, all of them ridiculous.

On The Internets: A fluffy, feathery Peryton named Fiaen. Perky, musical, energetic and an endless tease, she's easily won over by confident people and shiny, sparkly objects. She knows what she wants and will put her foot (hoof?) down when she needs to.

Behind The Monitor: A 26-year-old SeaDweeb with a lot of ambitions, a lot of anxiety, and not a single scrap of an attention span to be found (most of the time). Usually found in an obnoxiously fluffy housecoat hugging her unreasonably large binder full of Pokémon cards, crying over Netflix and despite all of her swearing and excessive competitive shit-talking, is incredibly, stereotypically Canadian. Can occasionally be found as a mermaid, because that's a thing.

Favorite Pastimes: Fishkeeping, Pokémon card collecting, casual gaming, Netflix, napping, swimming

Favorite foods: Sushi, Tropical Skittles, mac'n'cheese (the saucier the better!), moose in most forms, General Tao chicken, Indian butter chicken, African Peanut Soup, that pasta shit my boyfriend makes that has the Italian sausage and spirally noodles in it

Food aversions: Anything with onions, mushrooms, peppers, or are overly spicy.

Favorite animals: EVERYTHING. Except pugs. Fuck pugs.

Animal aversions: Bugs. :c

Latest Journal

SecondLife Stuff (And Other Uploads)

Just wanted to post some quick apologies in advance for the influx of SecondLife-related pics that'll be going up over the next week or so. I figured doing one a day or so would be better than just dumping them all at once. :P

Most of them are going to be of my main fursona, Fiaen the Peryton, but I've got two little shots of a custom-modded avatar made by a friend of mine for me of my really old Atlantic Puffin fursona, who... as of yet doesn't have a name. :U Could use some help with that!

I found some of my older artwork, so I'll likely be uploading some of that here too to help spread out the SL nonsense. I know a lot of people kind of roll their eyes at SL pics because like 99% of it isn't very good quality, so hopefully breaking up the SL stuff with some "real" art will make my page a more bearable for the two people who follow my page. c:

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    Beautiful tail, beautiful you!