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Hi there, my name is Lazer and I am an artist who specializes in traditional media, especially conbadges.

I've been in the fandom for a number of years and like to ride under the radar, so I don't expect you to have heard of me. My home is wherever my love is located, but I currently reside in Georgia and attend the convention called Furry Weekend Atlanta (FWA) every year.

I am too old to be caught up in stupid drama and I hate people who surround themselves with that sort of stuff.

I love to make new friends though, so if you are an easy going, open minded, sort of person then feel free to get in touch!

Latest Journal

Winter Package Swap!

Hello friends and watchers! I am going to be running a winter package exchange this year (I have done this on a small scale before), so read below for the details and be sure to spread the word, post journals, tell your friends, share on facebook, or do anything you can to make this event a blast!

The winter package exchange is a Secret Santa style package swap where you will mail a randomly chosen partner a package full of goodies to brighten up their winter! The goal is to spend between $15-20 on a gift or gifts for your partner, then pack it up in a box and mail it to them!

Of course there are rules and regulations for this sort of thing and I will be working hard to make sure that each person gets their package.

Sign up deadline : November 30th 2014
Shipping deadline : December 25th 2014


1) Your package must be shipped by December 25th 2014

2) You must have items that value at $15-$20

3) Hand made arts and crafts are acceptable but must show some effort and craftsmanship (gluing a cut out picture of a dog on toilette paper roll and calling it a pencil holder is not acceptable.)

4) You may not send perishables, home made food/drinks, PORNOGRAPHY, illegal substances or bio-hazardous material.

5) Respect your chosen. If they are vegan do not send animal products including leather, or if they have peanut allergies make sure that nothing you send has peanuts etc.

6) You must provide me with a tracking number or a clear scan/picture of a shipping receipt to show that you delivered your package.

7) You may not use your chosen partner's mailing information for ANY other purpose than this exchange.

8) DO NOT POST ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ON THIS JOURNAL!!!! I will delete any comments with addresses! All submission forms must be emailed to :


Do NOT post the sign up form to this journal! All sign up forms must be emailed to :[at]

Name: (the name you want on your package)
Shipping Address: (the address where you get mail, be it home or P.O Box)
Willing to ship internationally? : (yes/no)

Interests: (give a few interests that others can use to build your package. EX: My Little Pony, hot tea, conbadges, Dr.Who, dragons, silly hats, the color green, love fruit scents)

Do NOT send: (give some ideas of things you absolutely do not want! EX: I'm vegan, arachnophobia, dislike the color yellow, allergic to garlic, dislike feminine things, can't stand Hunger Games, allergic to eucalyptus, hate flower scents)

Shirt size: (If you are okay with getting a t-shirt or something then add your shirt size, be specific! EX: Men's 2XL US size t-shirts)

Holiday of choice: (If you celebrate a certain holiday like Christmas (religious or commercial), Yule, Kwanza, Hanukkah, none, etc)

Character/Fursona: Feel free to provide a SAFE FOR WORK (Ken/Barbie doll nudity is acceptable, no privates, bare breasts with nipples, etc) reference and some information about a character that you would love to receive art of. (remember, art/crafts are not required.)

REMEMBER: Do NOT post the sign up form to this journal! All sign up forms must be emailed to :[at]


Here are tips to help you ship cheaply and effectively or to spice up your package!

1) Get shipping quotes before you seal your package, some times, if you can fit your items into a flat rate priority mail box (US or international), it can be cheaper than shipping in your own box.

2) Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap at least two times. We have all heard post office horror stories, and I've been the victim of broken items before, so take care when shipping fragile items.

3) Try wrapping individual items, it can be a lot of fun for your partner to put their items under a Christmas tree or just to tear into those individual packages!

4) Spread the word! Post journals, tell your friends, share this on facebook, lets make this a great swap, and maybe even a tradition!

Please post here if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments.

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