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I miss you.... by BlueNire

I miss you....


I miss my mule-hybrid 'sona a lot........

a lot, a lot...

I still have her sculpture that I'd made sitting on my desk....
I never had the heart to get rid of it and I never had the heart to resell the design..

I don't know how some people can just pick one representative of themselves and be good for years..

I miss her a lot..

I think because...even though I have a horse as my 'sona (and have for a good long while now), in the back of my mind I'll always feel unworthy of being a "horse".


Miss you, mule-sona <3...

I think I just adore dem ears...

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  • Link

    It has a pretty cute look to it fer sure!

    And, well.. I think it differs for some people! Slug has gone through more than a few representations of himself over time.. and even mine, although the 'same', has kinda changed over time, even in relatively small ways. Stuff changes over time, but just go with whatever feels most 'right' to you. :)

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      AAw thank you!! :D Oh I know Slug! :D They're awesome! You're too kind, thank you for the advice and the comfort. I think you're right and I need to stop worrying about how other people would feel about the changes I make... :)

      • Link

        I understand. It's a tough place to get, at times, to say the least. But really what's most important is what it means to you and what fits best for you. Just roll with it! Your work and characters are both quite delightful.

  • Link

    There's nothing wrong with having multiple sonas! That's also a nice benefit to having a shapeshifter sona lol

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      (Also shush you are totally worthy of being a horse you're beautiful and strong and affectionate so none of that >:|)

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        oooh my gosh -rolls around and wheezes not sure what to do with the compliments- goooosh thank you dear, you're soooo super kind and awesome to me andsaysuchnicethingsomg

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      haha true!! (shapeshifter-sona) cough*copout*cough lol jk

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        Also yeah what Sid and Tucker and Cey said below. I only have two main sonas, but I also have characters that represent different parts of me (for example I have a monster that represents my fears). I used to have another but I kind of downgraded her to a character

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    Why do you have to have just one? While Sidian (feral, fuzzy) will always be ME, I have a handful of different characters that I use to represent myself in different situations (or with different people), and over a dozen characters that are just for fun. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having multiple personas to represent different sides/aspects of yourself. Do what you want, be what you want, when you want, and be happy. :)

    • Link

      <3 Sidian is an internet celebrity! I can spot her anywhere and she's just wonderful! <3 <3

      Gosh I don't know why it worries me so much using different characters-.
      I guess it's because I worry so much about how people perceive me that I'm constantly tweaking my representations....
      Although, that's not to say that I"m not changing as a person too...because I do...

      I just feel like there's this weird stigma to altering your "sona's" constantly. I'm not even sure if that's a real thing, or if the stigma is something I've fabricated for myself!

      Either way thank you so much for the vote of confidence! I mean that!

      • Link

        I dunno about bein a celebrity, but thanks. :3
        If there IS a stigma about it I'd say it's more about frequently changing one's single representation than it is about having more than one of them, but I'm not involved enough in the social aspects of 'what's okay vs. not okay' in the fandom to really know. I did know an artist who was constantly changing her persona species for a while there and I teased her about it, but that's about it for me. I have been known to encourage people to change their species to one that fits them better.
        If you sometimes feel mule-hybridy, then keep it around for when you feel like drawing/being mule-hybridy. Same for your other previous or future self-representations.

  • Link

    Never have to have just one sona. I have four that all represent different aspects of my personality- you could always try doing something like that. also, very cute painting- love the eyes.

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      <3 You do?! oh wow!! :D That makes me feel so much better! I'll have to think about how to go about doing that hmm....

      Also, thank you thank you ::bows:: :D horsey-faces woooo!

  • Link

    You don't need to stick to just one!

    I have at least three or four that, like Twisted above, represent different parts of me that I've managed to scrape into a somewhat coherent, uniqueish bundle of shapes.

    So long as you don't feel pressured into having a particular front, there should be no problem at all!

    Also yay MULES

    • Link

      <3 !

      That really does sound like a great idea! I just...wonder how hard it would be to juggle them! gosh...I also worry about how other people would percieve a person who's got multiple 'sonas but...hmm...

      I do feel pressured to stick to one, but I'm honestly not sure why.. o.o


      • Link

        For me they just end up getting drawn as and when I feel like using them! Sometimes they lend themselves to a situation that another wouldn't. For instance, Weeburd is sort of my "main" persona, but she's a genderless tiny bird thing who does not do certain things because, well, genderless tiny bird thing. So I have another persona who steps in for smutty things or naked things or bigger birdy things. They all sort of flow around and get along and compliment and contrast each other.

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          I just want to take the time to tell you how much I adore your little bird-raptors?) I LOVE THEM so very VERY VERY MUCH! I find them absolutely delightful!

          Also, I can totally understand how one 'sona would be more appropriate for one scenario for another! I can see that being very useful too....

  • Link

    You definitely don't have to stick with just one! For instance, my original representation of Jas is a feral white wolf with green eyes. Now, in the "purest" sense of the term, that's still what I will always feel is my core (maybe it's because I identify more with the therian "definition," but I don't try to fit myself into one specific label). However, a few years ago I wanted to alter her a bit to reflect a few aspects of my human self as I finally started to get my self esteem up to snuff, and Autumn Sunrise helped me design Jas' red-furred blue-eyed version. I also have a couple other characters who represent different aspects of myself; Ravyn is my dark side, Femke is my adventurous and wild side, Rain is my endless hope and the music in my soul.

    You should never feel pressured to stick with just one, and should always just go with what you FEEL.

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      Thank you for the reply and the vote of confidence! Thank youuuuu Jasanni!! :D

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    Big ears are the best :Dc

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      Yes.! YES THEY ARE!! >D

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    some folks need 2-3 or more! I thought i only needed 1 and ditched my dobie ( tried too anyways ) sona and took on Rabid, I love Rabid but i soooo badly missed Twitch, it was just last year i brought her back and it feels amazing <3 sometimes though i feel like i may need to bring back Rila ( she was a feline sona. i love cats lol ) and I miss the more monster ish twitch too, so i'll probably have 2 twitch versions and bring Rila back lol

    • Link

      lol! I love all of your incarnations they're totally awesome hahaha!

  • Link

    seconds what everyone else said :D <33333

  • Link

    your way way worthy... as for changeing sonas... it took me years to settle, and through those years I changed and changed and changed more, until I hit mouse, and even then about once a year I feel the need and the urge to change him... for 90% of the time he was albino on one of those changes on a whim I made him how he is now and it stuck... but I still miss the albino self, and my older sona's and I always will, but... I have an alternate sona as well [or will shortly] beacuse mouse represents alot of me, but... I kinda think its a good idea to have an oc to show those moments when your darker and hurting, broken and needy, that self that is abused and doesnt feel the same as the rest of you..everyone has that inside of them, maybe not as strongly as others but anouther self who could use some love to, at least thats how I feel

    • Link

      Oh god this!!---" I kinda think its a good idea to have an oc to show those moments when your darker and hurting, broken and needy, that self that is abused and doesnt feel the same as the rest of you..everyone has that inside of them, maybe not as strongly as others but anouther self who could use some love to, at least thats how I feel"

      This SOOO MUCH!!! Thank you for your reply and your vote of confidence! It means a lot to hear your story!

  • Link

    You are totally a majestic and sweet horse! And an adorable, tuff little mule, and all other kinds of critters! That's what makes you special.

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    Give yourself mule ears then! You can always change your character, people change so why not our sonas?

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      YOU"RE RIGHT!! HA! That's a good idea!! ( Even though I've already posted the mule by itself but) yaaaaaay earz!

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        Lol I just get picky cause I commission a lot of art, wants consistency! But I did change mine a year or two ago.

        Glad you did so :)

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    I've been making new characters for myself... and I came up with a scottish cow-boar or Boviboar~ She looks bovin but has more a piggy nose and small tusks, and she has baby boar markings >w<

    I was thinking of making her mate a draft mule. Have you ever seen draft mules?! they're SOOOOOO cute!!!!

    • Link

      OH MY GOD I love your bovi-boar ALREADY!! THEY SOUND ADORABLE ohmygosh! Also YES!! I learned how to ride (not very well mind you) on a draft mule (her name was Klassy) and she was WONDERFUL and patient and one time I fell off and she SHOULD have stepped on me but my teacher laughed because apparently Klassy did this crazy jumping-shimmy to avoid stepping on me!

      So that's kinda why I have a soft spot for mules!

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        I was thinking of making them a species.. cause I have a male Boviboar version in mind too! I wouldn't mind if you made one ^^

        And yeah, draft mules are so sweet and lovely~ <3

  • Link

    Why is being a mule less than a horse? They are hard working, loving, great personality, strong willed, can be beautiful, and cute, and I LOVE donkeys which I would say my 'sona is although my main character I draw is a donkey, but not "me" just my mascot, but I loved your mule 'sona. If you ever decided to go back to that, it doesnt mean you are unworthy of a horse, it just means you feel more spiritually, and mentally connected to the mule.

    • Link

      Nothing wrong with mules!! <3 or donkeys!! I love them both... I guess I just said that thing about horses because.... Well you get used to seeing them running along with their flowing manes and looking all magestic and magnificent and I'm like " Noooooooo I'm...not like that at all" hahaha :D

      • Link

        haha true I like to draw the flowy horses lol, but I think the way you designed your mule was majestic and pretty. Plus there are lots of non majestic horses like fjords etc that are just cool looking but not flowy. I've been watching you since you were a mule 'sona lol it would be cool to see that version again.

  • Link

    I'm constantly tweaking my character design around. I think it's healthy to occasionally switch things up, honestly. :) That and you've always been fantastic at character design, so I don't blame you for wanting to re-visit some of your older ones. If it makes you happy, just draw them! Use them to experiment with poses, or different kinds of coloring. Explore the various sides of your personality, the different facets that make up you.

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      DAW What a wonderful and lovely and uplifting comment!! Thank you so much, Loki!! :D

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        Well, I've suffered from depression for...nearly as long as I can remember. So I've learned some good tips and tricks for reminding myself that it's okay to do stuff sometimes. :)

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    Mules are adorable! She's a definite cutie.

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      hehe thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D It's gonna be fun putting the kinds of clothes that I like on 'em!

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    My sona morphs over time. I think I am a shapeshifter.

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      Like, there is a main one at a given time it seems, right now I am my robot character more than any other. But I keep all of them and revisit them once in a while, or shift between them as is appropriate.

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        Sounds like the way to go for me! I just can't find anything that sticks. I have....moods? No-that's got connotations...Sways?