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Avatar for avianinvasion


Avian Invasion / Male / Seatlle, WA

Progressive (Bird) House
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
avianinvasion’s avatar

Livin' La Vida Lockdown

Here we are, still debating whether or not the plague is a politically-motivated hoax and whether or not people of color are… yaknow, people. This was not the 2020 Gene Roddenberry promised us. I suppose as long as we don’t get the future Galactica 1980 promised us, we’ll call it even. Since I refu…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Working with Remote Musicians

Everyone knows the internet has been a mixed blessing for musicians. Whatever; it’s the reality we must accept, piracy and all. But one thing I’m thrilled about is the ability to work with musicians from… ANYWHERE. This new album, #CognitiveDissonance, brings in local talent like Matt on Bass and R…

avianinvasion’s avatar


This is a general call for artists, artists who know other artists, and non-artists who know artists. I need album art! Something abstract, thought-provoking, and edgy. My current idea is to take a monochromatic photo of my face, dramatically side-lit, and have the shadowed side disintegrating into…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Check out this soundtrack…

So Buck just released a video game soundtrack for the "Bedfellows" video game. The game itself looks pretty baller, if you remember dumping quarters into "Rampage" in the eighties. Like the game, the soundtrack is a non-stop destruction fest. It's the perfect accompaniment for all your kaiju-based…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Before Commissioning Artists, Make A Creative Brief

One of the challenges that comes with every new album is wrapping a complete creative package around the music. You need photos, you need album art, you need posters and shirts and little promo graphics for emails and websites and GODDAMMIT CAN'T I JUST MAKE MUSIC?!? Making a creative brief isn't m…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Announcing a New Piano Rock Album

I've mentioned the term cognitive dissonance in my weekly streaming concerts. It's been my focus for the last year or so, ever since a friend mentioned it in a political context. We all suffer from it, no matter what kind of Zen master you think you are. Cognitive Dissonance: Mental stress experien…

avianinvasion’s avatar

A Letter to the People of Earth

So… that just happened. I am sorry, Earthlings, but we have failed you. We tried to warn you; we seeded every conceivable villain into the heads of your best writers. Not to make your entertainment better, mind you, but to prepare you for what evil looks like. There weren't many templates to rememb…

avianinvasion’s avatar

So Long, FA

I'm sure everyone's got their reasons for leaving or sticking with FA, but I'm done with the site. I'm keeping my profile there and will continue to respond to messages, of course, but nothing further will be posted for the foreseeable future. Instead I'll be focusing my Furry efforts here. Want th…

avianinvasion’s avatar

On, On to Patreon

And with that, you (the fans) overwhelmingly shouted "just go to Patreon already." Alright, let's do this. A lot of shit is gonna change, though. I've been running a subscription-based system for seven years and Patreon is unlike anything I've encountered or concocted thus far. It's also got the po…

avianinvasion’s avatar

High Orbit Saves The Pandora

It's hard to believe that it was two months ago I asked for help from the Robot Army to storm the gates of Pandora Radio. I was stunned that, after adding seven of my albums to their library, they would pass on the newest release (especially when it's probably the best-sounding record I've released…

avianinvasion’s avatar

The Treasure Trove of Memories I've Tried to Forget

While on vacation in Seattle, my mother uncovered an enormous box of old tapes, mostly mine. Some of them date back to my first days as a sentient human being, but most of them are early recordings of stuff I wrote or performed in my teenage years. She seemed only too happy to cue them up and liste…

avianinvasion’s avatar

I need YOU to help me attack Pandora!

I need YOU to help me attack Pandora. No, this isn't a call to play Borderlands with me... though we can certainly talk about that later. I'm talking about Pandora Radio. Apparently, they rejected the new album, High Orbit Saves The Pandas, for no reason! Why Did Pandora Reject The New Album? I jus…

avianinvasion’s avatar

So… Do you want a BIG adventure or a LITTLE one?

So we actually managed to fully-fund the new album, High Orbit Saves The Pandas, a month ago. It's been such a blessing to have the Robot Army drive us so far beyond my initial goal, but now stuff's getting really complicated really quickly. Wheeee, logistics! There's one big hurdle left to get ove…

avianinvasion’s avatar

The Economics of Pooping On Your Friends

We all do it. Something pisses us off and we need to tell the world- or at least our Twitter followers. The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions is called catharsis and it's a necessary mental function. Just like pooping is a necessary biological fun…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Mixing It Like The Foo Fighters

So like anyone with taste, I've become a huge fan of the Foo Fighters. On top of the fact that Dave Grohl's a geek and a mind-blowing performer, the dude's also got an amazing voice, their music is interesting without being overproduced, and it runs the gamut from hardcore to soft and passionate. Y…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Crashing into Minneapolis this July

Greetings! A lot of Robot Army members have been asking if we're coming back to Anthrocon this year. The answer is no, but only 'cause we've been invited to play at ConVergence ( in Minnesota that weekend instead. If you're not headed to the Furry capital of Pennsylvania…

avianinvasion’s avatar

The Three-Con Report

Runtt and I played three conventions in three consecutive weeks, each one with a different theme. Normally people write a post-con wrap-up after each weekend getaway, but chances are good most people don't hit one every week! I've got photos from some of them, so click the links to get to the galle…

avianinvasion’s avatar

I Need To Commission Some Character Art!

ARTISTS! I NEED YOUR HELP! I need character art for each of my subscriber classes, but I don't know what kind of money I need to raise to make that happen. Can you (or your favorite artist friend) tell me what it would cost me to get these done? (Message me privately if you don't want to outright p…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Welcome, FA Refugees!

So am I leaving FA over this whole Zaush thing? No. I don't make decisions based on unsubstantiated accusations. Did you know Dragoneer has bought TWO Porsches with FA donation money? Yeah, me either. That being said, I've had a profile on Weasyl since it was still a closed beta. Why? Because it's…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Ask A Robot!

Got any questions for me, Runtt, or the robots? Ask away! We'll answer the best question or two tonight on the show. Extra points if you ask via video… just upload a YouTube video and point us to it via Twitter @matthewebel with #AskARobot - We'll see you at 7pm EST at…

avianinvasion’s avatar

The Best Days of our Lives?

There are those for whom the best days of their lives were their teenage years- sigh school, summer break, all the romantic crap that John Mellencamp and Brian Adams sang about in the 80′s. Then there are the rest of us whose high school years were made a living hell, mostly by that first group who…

avianinvasion’s avatar

I Can't Solder (In Bed)

You know you do it, I do too. You end every fortune cookie with a given phrase: …in bed. …except in bed. …with animals. (My old church youth leader taught us that one, actually.) Here’s a new one for you: Yet. There’s a huge difference between “I can’t do that” and “I can’t do that yet.” One is a c…

avianinvasion’s avatar

My Six Must-Haves for Biking Season

I know, ski season isn't dead yet! But it certainly is fading and it's time for this piano rocker to change his choice of personal speed enhancement. I'm obviously ruling out rocket boots and motorcycles, opting instead for my favorite terrestrial conveyance on this planet: the mountain bike. We're…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Top Ten Ways to Get and Keep Twitter Followers

* Any time you need to promote something, send an @ to everyone you’re following. It’s best if you send it to three or more names at a time so they know it’s a personal message. * Bitch at people who unfollow you. That’ll guilt-trip them into following you again, and this time they’ll think twice a…

avianinvasion’s avatar

Telling Stories Through Song

I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous about this Saturday’s show at FWA. I’ve never used an entire concert to tell one story before. Usually I just sort of shoot the shit between songs, making corny jokes and employing every attention getting device in my arsenal. Usually I leave the storytelling to the…

avianinvasion’s avatar

FWA Is This Weekend

I'll be flying down on Thursday, enjoying myself on Friday, and rocking the main stage on Saturday night. I'm also leading a panel on making a living from your art (which I do!) on Sunday. Between all that... I don't know, parties? Debauchery? Enjoying a land with no frickin' snow? PLEASE POKE YOUR…

avianinvasion’s avatar

>>> Streaming Tonight at 7pm (Midnight GMT) <<<

Since this site actually has something resembling streaming support, help me test it out? We'll be streaming some live piano rock tonight at 7pm at Hope to see you there!

avianinvasion’s avatar

Contact Info?

So Weasyl asked for all kinds of contact info… YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace (really, people still go there?). I can't for the life of me figure out where this info is visible to anyone, nor can I figure out whether I'm supposed to enter full URL's or just user names. Can anyone help a birdie…