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So… Do you want a BIG adventure or a LITTLE one? by avianinvasion

So we actually managed to fully-fund the new album, High Orbit Saves The Pandas, a month ago. It's been such a blessing to have the Robot Army drive us so far beyond my initial goal, but now stuff's getting really complicated really quickly. Wheeee, logistics!

There's one big hurdle left to get over, though, despite the project being fully funded all the way up to the Vinyl LP phase.

You see, a single Vinyl LP can hold 44 minutes at most… but this album's pushing closer to 70 at this point. That means I've got three options:
1 - Cut out about HALF of the content of the adventure and cram it into 44 minutes.

2 - Cut out ALL of the adventure and just use the space for the songs themselves.

3 - Raise about a thousand dollars more to release a DOUBLE LP.

As much as I hate to keep asking for money, at this point it's a crucial tipping point in how the album will eventually be created. Do you want to hear the full adventure in amazing vinyl fidelity, or do you want a sort of "highlights reel" on a single platter?

If you want to help us make it a full album on vinyl (or if you just want to pre-order your copy now and get the Kickstarter goodies too), hit the big link:

I gotta tell you, the early mixes are sounding AMAZING thus far. It's weird that, for as long as I've been doing this, I've never actually had an album this professionally made. The guitar, bass, and drum parts are mind-blowingly good and each little tweak from Benny (our engineer) makes me sound that much closer to Dave Grohl. Or Ben Folds. Or… some kind of Ben Grohl love-child.

Also as I'm working on finishing this album project, I'm writing the show that we'll be doing at conventions in 2015. I don't know how many people will get the reference, but we're calling it Live at Fortran Prison.

And no, we're not doing any Johnny Cash covers. Or singing in binary.

But I'll let you know when I've got more details for that show. In the mean time, thanks again for all your support. If you haven't already, go pre-order High Orbit Saves The Pandas so we can get the full adventure on vinyl!

So… Do you want a BIG adventure or a LITTLE one?


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