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High Orbit Saves The Pandora by avianinvasion

It's hard to believe that it was two months ago I asked for help from the Robot Army to storm the gates of Pandora Radio. I was stunned that, after adding seven of my albums to their library, they would pass on the newest release (especially when it's probably the best-sounding record I've released so far). So I asked for your help, and a ton of people sent them emails.

Apparently, some of the Pandora support staff got a little annoyed… but they did, in fact, ask for it. As they said:

suggestions from listeners and ongoing external research help guide our purchases.

Well, a week or two ago, I got this email:
Congrats! High Orbit Saves The Pandas by Matthew Ebel is now playing on Pandora.

I waited until I could actually see the album in my discography before I made this announcement, but it's finally in there. THE ROBOT ARMY IS VICTORIOUS! We may be small and weird, but we are mighty. And, strangely enough, just in the last couple of weeks, The Opening Band has become one of my top 5 tracks. Hopefully this ongoing exposure to new listeners will help us take over the galaxy, one set of earbuds at a time.

You can always start your own Matthew Ebel Station, or just keep listening to whatever stations have played my music previously. Now that the new album's been accepted, the Great Robot DJ (the Music Genome Project) will be spreading the panda-saving time-traveling plot-hole-punching love across the internet.

High Orbit Saves The Pandora


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    Yeah! Nice to see we apparently had an impact and that they followed though and put the album up there!! Congrats!