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Avatar for Lyndane


Lyndane / 40 / Female / Wedged into the crawlspace

Catchphrases are for action heroes. I don't have one. But you can pretend there's something awesome here, if you want~
Lyndane’s avatar


34 years ago today my mom managed to push me out of her vagina. I should send her a thank you note or something. How do you send a thank you note for that though? Like, "Dear Mom, thanks for letting Dad PLOW YOUR PUSSY and then evicting me nine months later." ...yeah, I'll send that one, that sound…

Lyndane’s avatar

Dear Girl Genius,

Enough with the "Agatha Gets Kidnapped Through A Fairly Ordinary Misdirection" bullshit. Between an elite Smoke Knight who literally swapped out a hostage for a dummy on someone dosed up with enough stimulants to let them see -time itself-, a warrior princess who has only ever been seriously wounde…