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GuNMouTH / Male / Atlanta

Never Stop Rockin'
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GuNMouTH’s avatar

Thoughts on Weasyl

OK so all of the stuff I am about to write is heavily OPINIONATED, so bear with me... I notice that not many people have been leaving comments, and many wonder WHY. Weasyl has an AWESOME LAYOUT, so WHY are things so slow? The following are a couple theories of mine, concerning this matter: MOSTLY A…

GuNMouTH’s avatar

A Final Attempt to Clarify Drama

Friends... I'm going to try to be as neutral as I can be here. It would appear that recent issues have torn some of us asunder. If you would care to read any further (many won't, and will settle for their own assumptions, making complete fools of themselves as they comment below), I might be able t…

GuNMouTH’s avatar

Weasyl is cool

I really like how Weasyl handles itself. Seems very quick and professional. Some of the features take a while to get used to, but once you get used to it, it's all good. Keep it up!

GuNMouTH’s avatar

Wait... it's been OVER A YEAR?!?

What the hell?? It's been OVER A YEAR since I joined this place, and I haven't submitted a single thing...? Damn... Well, went ahead and changed that. Gonna be a bit more active here, if I can help it. 2013 fucking blew for me. Looking forward to a beautiful and bright 2014! Hope everyone else here…

GuNMouTH’s avatar

IT's weird, but I am HERE!

Finally got an account here! Due to the fact that I am pretty busy, I don't have anything to show yet, but rest assured that problem will be remedied! Until then, enjoy the EMPTINESS of this gallery!