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Do you think you'll ever leave FA? by jonas

I made a little poll because I'm curious where people stand right now.

You can also leave a comment, as long as you guys keep it civil.

Do you think you'll ever leave FA?


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    I don't feel there is a reason to leave, however there is no reason to not use other art sites. Loyalty to any single website or distributer hurts more than it helps. Spread your art around and get noticed everywhere. You never know where the clientele is going to come from or what clientele you are missing out on.

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    FA is in the process of changing, for good or ill, only time will tell.

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    Already left.

    All of the ads I see people posting are just lol as well

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    The issue with leaving is.. despite the many reasons to leave.. the majority of artists is still there and the majority of new artists will join there.
    I think most people would leave if the artists really did a mass exodus.
    Or lower their activity there as they switch.
    Me for example.. already moved out, but still a lot of artists are either only on FA, or on outside sites(making it harder to watch them outside FA).

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    I don't think people should just up and leave FA if they don't like it.

    I think they should reduce the quality/size of their posted content on FA , and redirect followers to other sites they prefer with the higher quality stuff there.

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    It would be much easier for people to leave if there was a larger community here. Artists have to be where their clients are, and potential clients are likely to be where the artists are...

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    I was permanently suspended so I guess I left for good? I have an account for lurking but I'm not posting my stuff on my new account.

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    Nope. Going nowhere until the site shuts down.

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    I use this site and FA. I use this as my primary.

    I'm surprised that the top result is "It would take things getting a lot worse to make me leave." I'm having a very hard time imagining how it could get worse without going back to the times of weeks' long outages.

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      Agreed. It bodes ominously people say that because it seems to also subconsciously say they don't really have a definition of too much. What's worse, if you do take a stand and draw the line, you're a grand asshole.

      Well, guess no one said doing the right thing was easy. (Right in this case being saying no to the FA changes).

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    Left in 2014, never going back. What's the latest scandal?

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      Non-furry, extremely adult ad banners popping up above adult art submissions. (And possibly even clean ones, if some reports are to be believed.)

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    I wish I could and I wish I could even recommend it, but righteous indignation is a very flimsy force for market change. I was really kind of hoping that one asshole they hired would pitch a fit and nuke the site on his way out, honestly.

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    FA's where a majority of the people I watch are. No reason to leave, it's still better than weasyl for me

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    Well, I concentrate on weasyl and dA now, FA only gets heavily watermarked pics. Still staying there for the community though…

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    The issue with leaving is, almost all the artists are there, almost all the viewers are there, and almost all the people I talk with are already there.

    I tried leaving before, years ago (over policy issues, reliability, and disappearing features), but it didn't really work out, and 20 months later I gave them a second chance. That they proceeded to flub with a month of downtime.

    Even with pointing people to all my other sites, and even with all the issues that keep popping up on FA, I still get almost no interaction on any other site. Even if it's clear FA's gotten well worse than other sites that got a mass exodus...

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    FurAffinity has such a a dedicated (stubborn?) userbase it's almost funny. Yes, a lot of it is due to the dominant position FA has held for so long. And people like the argument that it's better to have everything in one place, usually for sentimental reasons but at other times because they don't have good business sense and let themselves get to the point that this one site is their near-exclusive place to do business. So they might suffer financial harm if they left.

    I have left FA for the most part. I do still have an account and visit from time to time, but it is not my main place to go for furry art and hasn't been in quite some time. I like how other places work much better.

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      One thing I should add is that I don't go to FA unless I am able to block advertising. When it was only artist ads I'd keep the site whitelisted, but now? No way.

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    I'd rather be anywhere but there. Too bad that no one else is leaving, so that's why I still stick around there. But you can bet it's only tentative.

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    I voted for "I haven't decided yet", which is true at the moment. Sure, I've got adblocker, so I personally will not see the ads. What concerns me is whenever someone, who is interested in my art and wanting to see more of it, heads over to FA and doesn't have an ad blocker of some kind, and sees all kinds of mature ads around my clean, g-rated art. Even though they've mentioned that they've fixed it where only mature ads will appear if there's mature content on the page, still makes me uneasy. Esepcially when some people have been posting that they still see mature ads on places that just have G-rated stuff.

    The issue I'm having is that it's the one gallery that, despite not being able to draw much furry art lately, or haven't been posting much there, is that I still have the most viewers/traffic. When I used to do regular commissions, that was the place where I would get commissions from. Heck, I'd write up journals and post them to my DA and Weasyl accounts, linking back to my Commissions Journal on FA.

    Then again, I also haven't been doing much in the way of commissions either. I pretty much feel like I'm a scale that doesn't really know where I lean to, but I keep teeter-toddering back and forth.

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      Similar to what you said above, it occurs to me that the 'inertia' answers aren't there, like:

      • I would/want to leave but don't think doing so is viable
      • I want to leave and have been explicitly told I won't be followed elsewhere
      • I left, found my clientele/friends didn't follow me elsewhere, came back

      I don't know how much these factors do come up, though. Some would be folded into other answers on the poll.

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    Already left since 2013's Dragoneer tantrum, banning people left and right for asking WHY. It hit a couple of friends of mine, which I couldn't stand for, plus... Honestly it was YET another mess we had to forget and move on.

    I was tired of being associated with that site, with the people running them. I do NOT want to be under the wing of a bunch of elitists, special snowflakes with excuses for doing whatever unagreeable thing they could get away with

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    I left when there was all the ruckus about the FIRST controversial hire Dragoneer made
    Especially because of the comments I received from the community. I have never seen such a supposedly loving group of people turn so quickly into the polar opposite.
    At any rate, I'm probably never going back because of that
    I just wish weasyl was more active in terms of comments
    But so far nothing has matched what I used to get on SA

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    Already left FA. That place is a horrific cesspit.

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    It is a matter of the graphically porn ads popping up on non-porn submissions. I did not see these ad by virtue of Ad Blocker. But once I turned that off, I was shocked at how those ads distract and influenced a visitors perception of the submission. The so called ad filter does not work.

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    I post my art everywhere. There isn't a reason not to post to FA since I browse with Adblock, but I AM investing a lot of time into other communities.

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    I like to have more websites to post my art on, I have no reason to leave. Plus, I'm barely invisible here.

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    there is just too many good artist that only post to fa.
    I'm at the point where i just follow people on fa. i won't watch any new people and i don't favourite anything.

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    I won't lie, probably won't leave unless they do something like re-allow Cub art, or something like that. Lots of artists, and a VERY active comment regime. IT's a lot more social than other sites. I post here at FA, and I like the site, but it's not very active. other sites like Inkbunny and SoFurry will allow Cub art, so i won't go there, and I just dislike Deviant Art's organization (though I have an account).